2 research outputs found

    The evaluation of interrelation between the state of sportsmens’ health and environmental occupational factors

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    Catedra Igienă, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” Centrul Naţional de Medicină Sportivă „Atletmed” al MS RMIn this paper there are presented the peculiarities of correlation between physiological indexes of funcţional systems of sportsmens’ organism and occupational factors of the environment. On the basis of correlation analysis it was established the fact that the functional state of sportsmen’s organisms correlates with the environmental factors of training, not only directly but also indirectly, from unimportant connections till the manifested ones. Sunt prezentate particularităţile de corelaţie a indicilor fiziologici ai sistemelor funcţionale ale organismului sportivilor cu factorii mediului ocupaţional. S-a stabilit, că starea funcţională a organismului sportivilor corelează cu factorii mediului de antrenament, atât direct cât şi indirect, de la legături neînsemnate pănă la cele exprimate

    О результатах мониторинга безопасности пищевых продуктов в муниципии Кишинэу

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    Centrul de Sănătate Publică, municipiul Chişinău, USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, Conferința științifico-practică cu participare internațională Centrul de Sănătate Publică din municipiul Chișinău – 70 de ani la straja sănătăţii 23 octombrie 2014It was analysed and evaluated the results of sanitary-microbiological investigations of food-stuffs’ samples made in the Centre of Public Health of Chişinau municipality during the 5 years (2009–2013). Obtained data allowed to propose measures directed to the improvement of monitoring of foods’ inoffensiveness.Были проанализированы и оценены результаты санитарно- микробиологических исследований проб пищевых продуктов, проведенных в Центре Обшественного Здоровья муниципия Кишинэу за 5 лет (2009–2013). Полученные результаты позволили предложить меры, направленные на улучшение мониторинга безопасности продуктов питания