18 research outputs found

    Reserva endocrina ovárica en mujeres con falla ovárica prematura Endocrine ovarian reserve in women with premature ovarian failure

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    Se estudiaron 19 mujeres con falla ovárica prematura que acudieron a consulta por amenorrea secundaria hipergonadotrópica, para determinar en ellas la existencia de algún grado de reserva endocrina ovárica. Se confeccionó historia clínica minuciosa y exámenes complementarios para definir la causa. Se determinaron los niveles basales de hormona folículo estimulante (FSH), luteinizante (LH), estradiol (E2), prolactina (Prl) y tirotropina (TSH). Se determinó también reserva ovárica esteroidea mediante la prueba dinámica de inhibición hipofisaria de gonadotropinas (Gn) con etinilestradiol y, posteriormente, se estimuló con hormona gonadotrópica menopáusica (HMG), y se determinaron los niveles basales de FSH, LH, E2, testosterona (T) y androstenediona (A'd), durante la inhibición y posterior al estímulo con HMG. Se halló que los niveles basales medios de FSH fueron más altos que los LH; los de E2 fueron bajos y la Prl fue normal al analizarlas como grupo. El nivel medio de E2 basal fue bajo y no hubo aumento en los niveles medios del mismo posterior al estímulo con HMG. Los niveles medios basales de T fueron normales a diferencia de la A'd que fue baja, no se obtuvo aumento de los mismos posestímulo al analizarlas como grupo. Se comprobó que el 52,6 % de estas pacientes mantienen reserva ovárica estrogénica, mientras que sólo el 20 %, aproximadamente mantiene reserva androgénica. No hubo diferencias importantes en los resultados de la prueba dinámica al dividir a las pacientes en 2 grupos, según la edad cronológica, tiempo de amenorrea y causa de la FOP, excepto que solamente se halló reserva de T en las de causa idiopática, lo cual no se observó en las de causa inmunológica.19 women with premature ovarian failure that were seen at the physician's office due to secondary hypergonadotropic amenorrhea were studied to determine the existence of some degree of ovarian endocrine reserve. A detailed medical history was taken and complementary examinations were made to define the cause. The basal levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), Prolactin (Prl), and Thyrotropin (TSH) were determined.The steroideal ovarian reserve was also determined by the dynamic test of hypophyseal inhibition of gonadotropins (Gn) with ethynyl estradiol and, later, it was estimulated with gonadotropic menopausic hormone (GMH).The basal levels of FSH, LH, E2, testosterone (T) and androstenedione (A'd) were calculated during inhibition and after the stimulation with GMH. It was found that the mean basal levels of FSH were higher than those of LH, the levels of E2 were low and Prl was normal on analyzing them as a group. The mean basal level of E2 was low and there was no increase of its mean levels after the stimulation with GMH. The mean basal levels of T were normal, unlike A'd that was low. No rise was observed poststimulation on being analyzed as a group. It was proved that 52.6 % of these patients have an ovarian estrogenic reserve, whereas only 20 % have an androgenic reserve. There were no important differences in the results of the dynamic test on dividing patients into 2 groups, according to the chronological age, time of amenorrhea and cause of POF, excepting that the reserve of T that was only found in those of idiopathic cause, which was not observed in those of immunological cause

    Morbilidad en la consulta de endocrinología del Centro de Investigaciones Medicoquirúrgicas de Angola Morbidity at the Endocrinology outpatient department of the Center for Medicosurgical Research in Angola

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    Los datos de la morbilidad en consulta externa pueden ser útiles para conocer las causas por las que los pacientes acuden al centro de salud, así como para planificar el ofrecimiento de consultas especiales y de exámenes complementarios. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar y analizar la morbilidad en la consulta externa de endocrinología del Centro de Investigaciones Medicoquirúrgicas de Angola (CIMECA). Se compilaron todos los diagnósticos de cada caso durante 28 meses consecutivos. Los diagnósticos específicos se clasificaron en 7 grandes grupos: 1) alteraciones de la glucemia, 2) obesidad y otros trastornos metabólicos, 3) medicina reproductiva, 4) trastornos del tiroides, 5) endocrinología pediátrica, 6) otras endocrinopatías y 7) sin endocrinopatías. Se atendieron 2 294 pacientes. Los grupos diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron: alteración de la glucemia (60,07) y obesidad y otros trastornos metabólicos (42,07); relativamente frecuentes fueron medicina reproductiva (19,4) y trastornos del tiroides (11,07). Sin embargo, los pacientes de endocrinología pediátrica (1,53) y otras endocrinopatías (0,22) fueron muy poco numerosos. Los diagnósticos específicos más comunes fueron la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) y la obesidad exógena (53,01 y 24,72 respectivamente), seguidos por las hiperlipoproteinemias (11,73). En un rango entre 4,5 y 10 % observamos bocio difuso eutiroideo, glucemia en ayunas alterada, infertilidad femenina e hiperuricemia; el resto se halló en menos del 3 % del total de casos. Lo resultados y conclusiones más importantes del estudio son: a) Los grupos diagnósticos más comunes fueron las alteraciones de la glucemia y la obesidad y otros trastornos metabólicos, entre ellos la DM2 y la obesidad exógena, b) Los diagnósticos de medicina reproductiva y trastornos del tiroides fueron relativamente comunes, c) Los trastornos endocrinos en edades pediátricas y otras endocrinopatías fueron muy poco frecuentes, d) trastornos endocrinometabólicos comunes en otras poblaciones fueron motivo de consulta poco frecuentes o inexistentes, e) los resultados indican que en este medio no se conoce bien todo el perfil de atención de la endocrinología.The data on morbidity at the outpatient department may be useful to know the causes for which the patients visit the health center, as well as to plan and provide special consultations and complementary tests. The objective of this study is to present and analyze morbidity at the Endocrinology outpatient department of the Center for Medicosurgical Research in Angola. All the diagnoses of every case were collected for 28 months in a row. The specific diagnoses were classified into 7 big groups. 1) glycemia alterations, 2) obesity and other metabolic disorders, 3) reproductive medicine, 4) thryoid disorders, 5) pediatric endocrinology, 6) other endocrinopathies and 7) no endocrinopathies. 2 294 patients received medical attention. The most frequent diagnostic groups were type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and exogenous obesity (53.01 and 24.72, respectively), followed by hyperlipoproteinemias (11.73). In a range between 4.5 and 10 %, we observed euthyroid diffuse goiter, altered fasting glycemia, female infertility and hyperuricemia. The rest was found in less than 3 % of the total of cases. The most important results and conclusions were the following: a) the most common diagnostic groups were glycemia alterations, obesity and other metabolic disorders, among them DM2 and exogenous obesity, b) the diagnoses of reproductive medicine and thyroid disorders were relatively frequent, c) the endocrine disorders at pediatric ages and other endocrinopathies were rare, d) the common endocrinometabolic disorders in other populations were unfrequent or non-existent reasons to seek medical attention, e) the results showed that the whole endocrinology care profile is not well known in this setting

    Unexpected halogen exchange with halogenated solvents in the iron(III) promoted oxa-alkyne and aza-alkyne Prins cyclizations

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    An unexpected halide exchange with halogenated solvents using iron(III) halides as promoters in oxa- and aza-alkyne Prins cyclizations have been observed. The process is specific for alkynes, while during the Prins cyclization using both homoallylic alcohols and N-tosyl amines, the halide participation from the halogenated solvent was absent. Calculation at ab initio level provides substantiation of the proposed model.Peer reviewe

    Broadening the Synthetic Scope of the Iron(III)-Catalyzed Aza-Prins Cyclization

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    10 páginas, 4 tablas, 7 esquemas.-- et. alThe nature and influence of the N-sulfonyl group in aza-Prins cyclization and the reactivity of the six-membered aza-cycle generated has been studied. The aza-Prins cyclization of γ,δ-unsaturated amines with a tosyl group at the nitrogen atom produces 2-alkyl-4-halo-1-tosyl-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridines with a halovinyl function, extraordinarily stable to further derivatization and detosylation conditions. To modulate the reactivity of such aza-cycles, a general study of the aza-Prins cyclization reaction was performed with several sulfonamides. Ring formation occurs satisfactorily with both N-nosyl and N-mesylamines providing optimal conditions for further synthetic transformations. To exemplify the scope of this methodology, a short synthesis of the alkaloid coniine was successfully carried out.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) of Spain, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (Project CTQ2008-06806-C02-01/BQU), the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (MSC) (Projects RTICC RD06/ 0020/1046 and RD06/0020/0041), the Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI) of the Canary Islands (Project PI 2007/022), the Fundación Canaria de Investigación y Salud (FUNCIS) (Grant REDESFAC PI 01/06), the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (Project PIE 200880I032) and the Fundación Instituto Canario de Investigación del Cáncer (FICIC) (Grant-G.I. No. 08/2007). R. M. C. thanks the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) for a predoctoral fellowship. G. V. thanks the Agencia Nacional de investigación e Innovación (ANII) of Uruguay for a predoctoral fellowship. M. P. was supported by the Programme Alban, the European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America (scholarship no. E07D402567AR).Peer reviewe

    Gonadotropinas y sexoesteroides en mujeres posmenopáusicas del círculo de abuelos

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    En publicaciones recientes se han evaluado varios factores que pueden influir en las hormonas de la reproducción durante el climaterio. En nuestro medio no existen investigaciones sobre esta problemática, razón por la cual se diseñó este estudio con el objetivo de conocer la relación entre los niveles hormonales posmenopáusicos y la actividad en los círculos de abuelos. Se seleccionó una muestra simple aleatoria de 134 mujeres posmenopáusicas, estratificada según participaran o no en el círculo de abuelos (67 en cada estrato), de un área de salud urbana. Se determinaron por radioinmunoanálisis las siguientes hormonas: FSH, LH, prolactina, testosterona, estradiol 17 beta, androstenediona y 17 hidroxiprogesterona (17 OH-P). La prolactina fue mayor en las mujeres que no participan en las actividades del círculo de abuelos, mientras que la testosterona y la 17 OH-P fueron menores con respecto al grupo que participa en el círculo de abuelos. El resto de las hormonas no mostró diferencias entre los 2 grupos. Según estos resultados, las actividades realizadas por estas mujeres en el círculo de abuelos influyen en los niveles de algunas de las hormonas de la reproducción, lo que pudiera tener efectos favorables para la salud, al disminuir el estrés y en particular sobre la osteoporosis que se desarrolla en esta época de la vida.Some of the factors that may influence the hormones of reporduction during the climaterium have been evaluated in recent publications. No research has been done in our country on this topic and that's why this study eas desingned aimed at knowing the relation existing between the postmenopausal hormonal levels sample of 134 postmenopausal women from an urban health area was taken and divided according to their participation in such a circle (67 in each group). the following hormones were detemined by radioimmunoassay: FSH, LH, porlactin, testosterone, estradiol, androstenedione and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17 OH-P). prolactin was higher in those women who do not take part in the activities of the grandparents' circle; whereas testosterone and 17 OH-P were lower compared with the group participating in the activities. No difference was found in the rest of the hormones. According to these results the activities carried out by these women at the grandparents' circle influence the levels of some of the reproduction hormones, which may have favorable effects for health, on reducciong stress, and particularly on osteoporosis that appears during this period of life

    Caracterización de la lactancia materna en un área urbana

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-transversal de 872 mujeres que residían en un área urbana que habían parido desde 1 a 12 meses antes, con el objetivo de conocer la duración, patrón de lactancia materna y causas de abandono de la misma. El 1,1 % de las mujeres nunca iniciaron la lactancia y la razón principal fue la agalactia. El tiempo promedio en que las mujeres comenzaron a lactar a sus hijos fue entre 1 y 15 días. En aquellas que ya habían abandonado la práctica de la lactancia materna al momento de realizar el estudio, el tiempo medio de duración de la misma fue de 108,5 días. En el grupo que aún estaban amamantando, se aplicó la técnica de tabla de vida para establecer la tasa de continuidad y riesgo de abandono de la lactancia. En el primer caso sólo existe un 51 % de probabilidad de continuar la lactancia entre 4 y 5 meses, y en igual período el riesgo de destete es de 0,83 %; la razón más frecuente de abandono fue la pérdida total de leche. Sólo el 32,6 % de la población estudiada practicaba la lactancia materna exclusiva. Se concluye que existe una elevada tendencia al abandono temprano de la lactancia materna y principalmente de la lactancia materna exclusivaA descriptive and cross-sectional study of 872 women who lived in an urban area and had given birth from 1 to 12 months before was conducted in order to know the duration, pattern of breast feeding, and the causes to abandon it. 1.1 % of these women never started breast feeding due to agalactia. Women began to breast feed their children in an average time between 1 and 15 days. Among those who had abandoned breast feeding at the time of the study the mean time of duration was 108.5 days. The life table technique was applied to the group that was not breast feeding so as to determine the continuity rate and the risk of leaving breast feeding. In the first case there is only 51 % of probability to continue lactating from 4 to 5 months, and in the same period the weaning risk is 0.83 %. The most frequent reason to leave this practice was the complete loss of milk. Only 32.6 % of the studied population used breast feeding exclusively. It is concluded that there is a high trend to abandon breast feeding early and, mainly, the exclusive on

    Iron(III)-Catalyzed Synthesis of 2-Alkyl Homoallyl Sulfonyl Amides: Antiproliferative Study and Reactivity Scope of Aza-Prins Cyclization

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    A direct, catalytic, and complementary method to obtain 2-substituted homoallyl sulfonyl amides is described, starting from sulfonyl amides, aldehydes, and allyltrimethylsilane using iron(III) chloride as a sustainable catalyst. The scope of the process and the reactivity in aza-Prins cyclization is evaluated and supported by density functional theory (DFT) studies. Finally, an evaluation of the antiproliferative activity for this family of sulfonyl amides is also included.Grants (PGC2018-392094503-B-C22, CTQ2016-78205-P, and PID2019-106184GB-393-I00) funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, by the “European Union” or by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”. V.S.M. thanks the Spanish MCIU for an FPU fellowship. D.A.C. thanks the Cabildo de Tenerife for a postdoctoral transfer contract and a Tenerife 2030 Programme (TF INNOVA 2016-2021) contract supported by the Marco Estratégico de Desarrollo Insular (MEDI) and Fondo de Desarrollo de Canarias (FDCAN). The text was revised by G. Jones, funded by the Cabildo de Tenerife from the same source under the same programme. I.F. is grateful for financial support from the Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Grants PID2019-106184GB-I00 and RED2018-102387-T).Peer reviewe

    Antiproliferative activity of 2-alkyl-4-halopiperidines and 2-alkyl-4-halo-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridines in solid tumor cell lines

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    A series of trans-2-alkyl-4-halopiperidines and 2-alkyl-4-halo-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridines were prepared by means of an iron(III) catalyzed process. The in vitro antiproliferative activities were examined in the human solid tumor cell lines A2780 (ovarian cancer), SW1573 (non-small cell lung cancer), and WiDr (colon cancer). The results on the biological activity revealed that, in general, the 2-alkyl-4-halo-1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine analogs are more potent than the trans-2-alkyl-4-halopiperidine derivatives. A remarkable selectivity of the aza compound 5f for the resistant cell line WiDr was observed. Cell cycle studies revealed a G2/M phase arrest for 5f.Peer reviewe