5 research outputs found

    Crack-Net: Prediction of Crack Propagation in Composites

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    Computational solid mechanics has become an indispensable approach in engineering, and numerical investigation of fracture in composites is essential as composites are widely used in structural applications. Crack evolution in composites is the bridge to elucidate the relationship between the microstructure and fracture performance, but crack-based finite element methods are computationally expensive and time-consuming, limiting their application in computation-intensive scenarios. Here we propose a deep learning framework called Crack-Net, which incorporates the relationship between crack evolution and stress response to predict the fracture process in composites. Trained on a high-precision fracture development dataset generated using the phase field method, Crack-Net demonstrates a remarkable capability to accurately forecast the long-term evolution of crack growth patterns and the stress-strain curve for a given composite design. The Crack-Net captures the essential principle of crack growth, which enables it to handle more complex microstructures such as binary co-continuous structures. Moreover, transfer learning is adopted to further improve the generalization ability of Crack-Net for composite materials with reinforcements of different strengths. The proposed Crack-Net holds great promise for practical applications in engineering and materials science, in which accurate and efficient fracture prediction is crucial for optimizing material performance and microstructural design

    One Neuron Saved Is One Neuron Earned: On Parametric Efficiency of Quadratic Networks

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    Inspired by neuronal diversity in the biological neural system, a plethora of studies proposed to design novel types of artificial neurons and introduce neuronal diversity into artificial neural networks. Recently proposed quadratic neuron, which replaces the inner-product operation in conventional neurons with a quadratic one, have achieved great success in many essential tasks. Despite the promising results of quadratic neurons, there is still an unresolved issue: \textit{Is the superior performance of quadratic networks simply due to the increased parameters or due to the intrinsic expressive capability?} Without clarifying this issue, the performance of quadratic networks is always suspicious. Additionally, resolving this issue is reduced to finding killer applications of quadratic networks. In this paper, with theoretical and empirical studies, we show that quadratic networks enjoy parametric efficiency, thereby confirming that the superior performance of quadratic networks is due to the intrinsic expressive capability. This intrinsic expressive ability comes from that quadratic neurons can easily represent nonlinear interaction, while it is hard for conventional neurons. Theoretically, we derive the approximation efficiency of the quadratic network over conventional ones in terms of real space and manifolds. Moreover, from the perspective of the Barron space, we demonstrate that there exists a functional space whose functions can be approximated by quadratic networks in a dimension-free error, but the approximation error of conventional networks is dependent on dimensions. Empirically, experimental results on synthetic data, classic benchmarks, and real-world applications show that quadratic models broadly enjoy parametric efficiency, and the gain of efficiency depends on the task.Comment: We have shared our code in https://github.com/asdvfghg/quadratic_efficienc

    Modeling and Balance Control of Supernumerary Robotic Limb for Overhead Tasks

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    Deep ReLU Networks Have Surprisingly Simple Polytopes

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    A ReLU network is a piecewise linear function over polytopes. Figuring out the properties of such polytopes is of fundamental importance for the research and development of neural networks. So far, either theoretical or empirical studies on polytopes only stay at the level of counting their number, which is far from a complete characterization of polytopes. To upgrade the characterization to a new level, here we propose to study the shapes of polytopes via the number of simplices obtained by triangulating the polytope. Then, by computing and analyzing the histogram of simplices across polytopes, we find that a ReLU network has relatively simple polytopes under both initialization and gradient descent, although these polytopes theoretically can be rather diverse and complicated. This finding can be appreciated as a novel implicit bias. Next, we use nontrivial combinatorial derivation to theoretically explain why adding depth does not create a more complicated polytope by bounding the average number of faces of polytopes with a function of the dimensionality. Our results concretely reveal what kind of simple functions a network learns and its space partition property. Also, by characterizing the shape of polytopes, the number of simplices be a leverage for other problems, \textit{e.g.}, serving as a generic functional complexity measure to explain the power of popular shortcut networks such as ResNet and analyzing the impact of different regularization strategies on a network's space partition