8 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of minimum retesting intervals in managing repetitive laboratory testing: experience from a Croatian university hospital

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    Introduction: Inappropriate laboratory retesting can be addressed by implementing minimum retesting intervals (MRI). The aim of our study was to assess the effectiveness of the implemented MRI protocol for inpatients. Materials and methods: Minimum retesting intervals were applied for 53 laboratory tests. The overall reduction of test requests, reduction in charges and reagent cost savings, frequency of MRI alert appearance as well as the rate of MRI acceptance and ignorance were calculated for a one-year period. Reasons for violating the MRI rule, hospital departments that contributed mostly to MRI rule violation, and the frequency of MRI violations between routine and emergency laboratory were evaluated. Results: During the one-year period, 106,780 requests violated the MRI rule, which corresponds to 14.8% of all requests received. 13,843 requests were cancelled, yielding a 1.9% reduction of requested tests. High-volume tests, namely complete blood count, C-reactive protein, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase and total bilirubin, accounted for 65% of all generated alerts and had the highest alert ignorance (>85%). The highest cancellation rate was observed for tumor markers and autoimmunity tests, for most being at least 50%. Annual charge reduction was 62,641 EUR while reagent cost savings were 11,408 EUR. Tests performed in the emergency laboratory had a higher alert appearance than the same routine tests. The most common reason for MRI violation was clinical justification based on the patient’s condition. Most frequently ignored MRI alerts were in the intensive care unit. Conclusion: MRI implementation showed limited effectiveness in reducing testing repetition and achieving financial savings, yet provided the basis for future improvements

    Antioxidative response of poplar tissue culture exposed to peg 6000

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of the water deficit in poplar tissue culture (M-1 genotype) through proline content, level of lipid peroxidation and activities of antioxidative enzymes. Plants were exposed to PEG 6000 (100 and 200 mOsm) in in vitro conditions for 6 days. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content showed an increase only at 200 mOsm stress. Under the 100 mOsm stress, catalase and guaiacol peroxidase activities were induces indicating their important role in elimination of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Under the 200 mOsm stress, superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase activities were induced


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    U radu su izneseni prvi rezultati uzgoja šarana u kavezima u akumulaciji Grabovo. Akumulacija se sastoji od Gornjeg i Donjeg jezera ukupne površine oko 75 ha. Kavezna platforma sa 16 kaveza smještena je u Gornjem jezeru koje je za potrebu uzgoja produbljeno na 5 m. U svaki od 16 kaveza dimenzija 5x5x2,5m nasađeno je po 398 do 440 jedinki dvogodišnjeg šaranskog mlađa prosječne pojedinačne mase 700 do 750 g•kom-1. Od fizikalno-kemijskih parametara tijekom uzgojnog razdoblja svakodnevno je mjerena koncentracija otopljenog kisika, temperatura vode i pH vrijednost, a ostali parametri (nitrati, nitriti, ugljični dioksid, organsko onečišćenje) dva puta mjesečno. Riba je hranjena peletiranom krmnom smjesom s 32 % sirovih bjelančevina i 10 % masti. Promjer peleta iznosio je 8 mm. Dnevna količina hrane određivana je prema hranidbenim tablicama, a na osnovi mase ribe, temperature vode, koncentracije otopljenog kisika i drugih fizikalno-kemijskih parametara. Nakon 109 hranidbenih dana ostvaren je prirast od 141,3 do 162,2 kg. Dnevni prirast varirao je od 3,66 do 3,85 g•kom-1. Vrijednosti specifične brzine rasta (SGR) kretale su se od 0,093 do 0,168 %•dan-1. Hranidbeni koeficijent nakon 109 hranidbenih dana iznosio je 3,67 do 4,13, a uginuća od 2,73 do 7,00 %.This paper presents the first cage fattening results in the storage lake Grabovo. The lake is composed of the Upper and Lower Lake that covers an area of ca. 75 ha. A platform containing 16 cages is located in the Upper lake which was dug to the depth of 5 m for this purpose. Cages dimensions 5x5x2,5m were inoculated with 398 to 440 individuals of 2-year old carp fry of mean weight from 700 to 750 g•individuals-1 . During the experimental season some physico-mechanical properties were measured, like dissolved oxygen concentration, water temperature and pH value. Fish were fed fodder pellets containing 32 % of raw proteins and 10 % of lipids. Pellets were 8 mm in diameter was. On the basis of the individual mean weight of carp fry, water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and other physico-mechanical properties daily food amount was prescribed in accordance with nutrition tables. Weight gain from 141.3 to 162.2 kg was established after 109 feeding days. Daily individual weight gain varied from 3.66 to 3.85 g•individuals-1. Specific growth rate (SGR) values were from 0.093 to 0.168 %•day-1. Nutritive coefficient after a 109 feeding days was 3.67 to 4.13, and mortality was 4 %


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    U radu su izneseni prvi rezultati uzgoja šarana u kavezima u akumulaciji Grabovo. Akumulacija se sastoji od Gornjeg i Donjeg jezera ukupne površine oko 75 ha. Kavezna platforma sa 16 kaveza smještena je u Gornjem jezeru koje je za potrebu uzgoja produbljeno na 5 m. U svaki od 16 kaveza dimenzija 5x5x2,5m nasađeno je po 398 do 440 jedinki dvogodišnjeg šaranskog mlađa prosječne pojedinačne mase 700 do 750 g•kom-1. Od fizikalno-kemijskih parametara tijekom uzgojnog razdoblja svakodnevno je mjerena koncentracija otopljenog kisika, temperatura vode i pH vrijednost, a ostali parametri (nitrati, nitriti, ugljični dioksid, organsko onečišćenje) dva puta mjesečno. Riba je hranjena peletiranom krmnom smjesom s 32 % sirovih bjelančevina i 10 % masti. Promjer peleta iznosio je 8 mm. Dnevna količina hrane određivana je prema hranidbenim tablicama, a na osnovi mase ribe, temperature vode, koncentracije otopljenog kisika i drugih fizikalno-kemijskih parametara. Nakon 109 hranidbenih dana ostvaren je prirast od 141,3 do 162,2 kg. Dnevni prirast varirao je od 3,66 do 3,85 g•kom-1. Vrijednosti specifične brzine rasta (SGR) kretale su se od 0,093 do 0,168 %•dan-1. Hranidbeni koeficijent nakon 109 hranidbenih dana iznosio je 3,67 do 4,13, a uginuća od 2,73 do 7,00 %.This paper presents the first cage fattening results in the storage lake Grabovo. The lake is composed of the Upper and Lower Lake that covers an area of ca. 75 ha. A platform containing 16 cages is located in the Upper lake which was dug to the depth of 5 m for this purpose. Cages dimensions 5x5x2,5m were inoculated with 398 to 440 individuals of 2-year old carp fry of mean weight from 700 to 750 g•individuals-1 . During the experimental season some physico-mechanical properties were measured, like dissolved oxygen concentration, water temperature and pH value. Fish were fed fodder pellets containing 32 % of raw proteins and 10 % of lipids. Pellets were 8 mm in diameter was. On the basis of the individual mean weight of carp fry, water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and other physico-mechanical properties daily food amount was prescribed in accordance with nutrition tables. Weight gain from 141.3 to 162.2 kg was established after 109 feeding days. Daily individual weight gain varied from 3.66 to 3.85 g•individuals-1. Specific growth rate (SGR) values were from 0.093 to 0.168 %•day-1. Nutritive coefficient after a 109 feeding days was 3.67 to 4.13, and mortality was 4 %

    Comparison of the parallel and counter flow heat exchanger - thermal analysis

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    Numerička i termografska analiza oštećenosti izolacije toplovoda

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati numeričke simulacije dvodimenzijskog stacionarnog provođenja topline kroz sloj zemlje i sloj izolacije oko ukopanog toplovoda. Zadana je temperatura vode u polaznom vodu koja iznosi 90oC, a u povratnom 70oC, te su poznati rubni uvjeti. U simulaciji je varirana toplinska provodnost sloja izolacije i sloja zemlje i dobiveno temperaturno polje u zemlji oko toplovoda uključujući i temperaturu zemlje na površini. Kontrola izračunate temperature izvršena je mjerenjem temperature na površini zemlje pomoću termografske kamere. Numerička analiza je pokazala, a mjerenje termografskom kamerom potvrdilo, da je za signifikantno povećanje površinske temperature zemlje, bitan utjecaj imala vrijednost toplinske provodnosti izolacijskog sloja. Loše izvedena izolacija, ili vremenom dotrajala izolacija bitno povećava toplinske gubitke toplovoda, što predstavlja i ekonomski (energijski) gubitak. Stoga je iz rada vidljivo da je termografska kamera moćan alat za detektiranje postojećih mjesta loše izolacije na nekoj trasi toplovoda, a u kombinaciji s numeričkim proračunom i za indirektno utvrđivanje toplinske provodnosti izolacijskog sloja