18 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Morfologi Dinoflagelata dari Fenomena Ledakan Populasi Alga di Pantai Lido, Johor Bahru Malaysia

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    Studi ini dilakukan untuk memastikan identitas dinoflagelata yang menyebabkan ledakan algae di perairan Pantai Lido, Johor Bahru pada Juli tahun 2002. Kultur klon berhasil ditumbuhkan dalam medium ES-DK pada suhu 26_C dengan siklus pencayaan 14:10 jam terang gelap. Pengamatan spesies dilakukan melalui mikroskop cahaya dan mikroskop elektron (SEM). Sel-sel yang dikultur berbentuk bulat bujur dengan ukuran panjang 13-22 m dan lebar 12- 19 μm. Keseluruhan permukaan valva diliputi oleh duri-duri yang pendek dan berpangkal lebar. Duri-duri tersebut tersebar secara merata pada permukaan sel. Satu duri apikal yang pendek juga ditemukan pada sel. Kolar periflagelanya bercabang. Gelang interkaleri berjalur melintang dan sebagian sel terdapat pedunkel. Ciri-ciri morfologi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa spesies ini adalah Prorocentrum minimum atau Prorocentrum balticum. Namun hasil pengamatan tersebut lebih cenderung sebagai sel P. minimum karena bentuk sel yang tidak simetri

    Teknik Kultur Klon Spesies Dinoflagelata yang Menyebabkan Red Tide di Perairan Pantai Lido, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

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    Studi ini dilakukan untuk menentukan kultur spesies dinoflagelata yang menyebabkan red tide di perairan Pantai Lido, Johor Bahru pada Juli tahun 2002. Kultur klon dibuat dalam medium ES-DK pada suhu 26_C dan siklus 14:10 jam terang gelap. Sel-sel yang dikultur berbentuk bulat bujur dengan panjang 13-22 μm dan lebar 12-19 μm. Isolat yang dikultur dapat hidup pada salinitas 10-35 PSU, sekalipun pertumbuhan optimumnya adalah 20-25 PSU. Isolat menggunakan amonia dan nitrat sebagai sumber nitrogennya dengan kepadatan tertinggi dalam kultur adalah sekitar 5.264 sel mL−

    Studi Ketoksikan Dinoflagelata Spesies Prorocentrum Minimum (Dinophyceae) Schiller (Pavillard)

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    This study was carried out to determine the toxicity of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum species that formed massive blooms in Lido Beach, Johor Bahru in July 2002. Clone cultures were established in ES-DK medium at 26o C under a 14:10 hour light dark cycle. Species toxicity was determined by intra peritoneal (i.p) injection of culture extract into mice. Cultured cell extracts were toxic to mice. The major symptoms were muscular paralysis and diarrhea. However no mouse mortality was observed even after 13 hours. Extracts of cultured cells were also hemolytic on rabbit red blood cells. Keywords: Dinoflagellate, HAB, Prorocentrum minimum, Red Tide dan Toxicity Kajian dilakukan untuk menentukan ketoksikan dinoflagelata spesies Prorocentrum minimum yang menyebabkan kejadian pasang merah besar-besaran di perairan Pantai Lido, Johor Bahru pada Juli tahun 2002. Kultur klon telah dibuat dalam medium ES-DK pada suhu 26o C dan siklus pencahayaan 14:10 jam terang gelap. Ketoksikan spesies diuji dengan penyuntikan ekstrak kultur secara intra peritoneal (i

    Antibacterial Activity as Inhibitors Pathogen Bacterial on Pond Shrimp of Extract Marine Biota Collected From Maspari Island, South Sumatera, Indonesia

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    Marine biota has variety of bioactive compound that is potential to be an antibacterial for shrimp ponds diseases. Some of marine biota has potential as antibacterial i.e. soft coral Sarcophyton sp., Sponge Aaptos sp., seaweeds Sargassum sp. and Halimeda sp. and mangroves Avicennia sp. and Rhizophora sp. species. This study is purposed to find the most potential marine biota as antibacterial. The research method was as follows; sampling, sample identification, extraction and antibacterial activity test. The results is soft coral and sponge extract Sarcophyton sp. has bioactivity against of shrimp bacteria pathogen such as Vibrio spp2. bacteria for around 6.3±0.1 mm, while Aaptos sp. has bioactivity against Vibrio spp1. bacteria for around 7.9+0.1 mm, Vibrio spp2. bacteria for around 7.2± 0.1 to 7.9±0.1 mm, Vibrio spp6. bacteria for around 7.5±0.2 mm, Escherichia coli for around 7.2±0.1 mm and Staphylococcus aureus for around 15.9±0.2 mm. Seaweed extract activity found only of Sargassum sp. which has antibacterial activity against for around 7.1±0.0 mm for Vibrio spp6. and mangrove species activity has Rhizophora sp. extract which has bioactivity against Vibrio spp4. were 7.3±0.1 mm and E. coli bacteria were 6.7±0.1 mm. The most potential marine biota as antibacterial is showed on sponge Aaptos sp.. with an inhibitory zone for around 15.9±0.2 mm (for S. aureus bacteria)

    Bacterial Symbiont Bioactive Compound of Soft Coral Sinularia Flexibilis and S. Polydactyla

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    Symbiont bacteria on soft coral can produce bioactive compounds that plays an important role in chemical ecology and as a marine natural product. The purpose of this study was to find and characterize the antibacterial activities of active compounds extracted from bacterial symbionts of soft coral S. flexibilis and S. polydactyla. The methods used in this study were culture and isolation of bacterial symbionts, extraction of compounds, antibacterial bioassay, and identification of bioactive compounds using the LC-MS analyses. Four isolates of bacterial symbionts were obtained from two samples of soft corals, 2 isolates of Pseudomonas diminuta (A1) and Edwardsiellla hoshinae (A2) from soft coral S. flexibilis, and 2 isolates of E. hoshinae (B1) and P. acidovorans (B4) from S. polydactila. Antibacterial activity were found only from the extracts of bacterial symbionts P. diminuta (A1) and from S. flexiblis about 10.16 ± 0.3mm (for B. subtilis), 8.66 ± 0.8 mm (E. coli) and 9.86 ± 1.7mm (S. dysentri). No antibacterial activity found from the extracts of S. polydactyla. The results of LC MS analysis showed that the group of diterpenes sinularin produced by soft corals S. flexibilis and bacterial symbionts isolates of P. diminuta (A1)

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Jamur Simbion pada Karang Lunak Sinularia Polydactyla di Perairan Pulau Tegal dengan Menggunakan Media yang Berbeda

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    Soft coral is a marine animal that does not have a spine that lives in shallow water. Soft corals are able to interact with microorganisms such as fungi. Symbiotic fungi from the sea are microbes that are rich in bioactive natural products and secondary metabolites. The purpose of this study was to isolate and identify symbiotic fungi with isolated soft corals from the Sinularia polydactyla type and determine the type of media that produced the most symbiotic fungi in the Sinularia polydactyla soft coral. The research method in isolating fungal symbionts was carried out using the Direct Planting method. This study uses 3 media including PDA (Potato Dexktrose Agart), HDA (Host Dekxtrose Agart), and MEA (Malt Extract Agart). The results of this study showed that symbiotic fungi with Sinularia polydactyla soft coral were isolated in 7 isolates, with 3 isolates identified as Aspergillus flavus, 2 isolates identified as Penicillium sp., and 2 isolates identified as Aspergillus Niger. The media that produced the most symbiotic mushrooms were PDA media, where 7 isolates were found, there were 3 isolates that grew on PDA media, 2 isolates on MEA media, and 2 other isolates on HDA media

    Stabilitas Statis Kapal Bottom Gillnet Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sungailiat Bangka Belitung

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    Penelitian stabilitas statis kapal Bottom gillnet ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2009 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Sungailiat Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Sampel kapal yang diukur adalah sebanyak 8 unit kapal yang diambil 10% dari jumlah keseluruhan kapal bottom gillnet yang ada di pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sungailiat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilitas statis kapal Bottom gillnet yang digunakan oleh nelayan untuk menangkap ikan demersal di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sungailiat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil perhitungan delapan kapal yang diteliti menunjukkan nilai GM yang berbeda. Nilai GM wl1 berkisar antara -0.01-0.33, sedangkan pada wl4 kisaran nilai GM adalah 0.13-0,62. Secara umum kapal yang digunakan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sungailiat telah memenuhi kriteria kapal perikanan menurut The Fishing Vessels (Safety Provision) Rules, 1975 ABSTRAK Penelitian stabilitas statis kapal Bottom gillnet ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2009 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Sungailiat Provinsi Bangka Belitung. Sampel kapal yang diukur adalah sebanyak 8 unit kapal yang diambil 10% dari jumlah keseluruhan kapal bottom gillnet yang ada di pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sungailiat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui stabilitas statis kapal Bottom gillnet yang digunakan oleh nelayan untuk menangkap ikan demersal di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sungailiat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil perhitungan delapan kapal yang diteliti menunjukkan nilai GM yang berbeda. Nilai GM wl1 berkisar antara -0.01-0.33, sedangkan pada wl4 kisaran nilai GM adalah 0.13-0,62. Secara umum kapal yang digunakan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sungailiat telah memenuhi kriteria kapal perikanan menurut The Fishing Vessels (Safety Provision) Rules, 197

    Dinamika Komunitas Fitoplankton pada Siang dan Malam Hari di Perairan Desa Sungsang Muara Sungai Musi, Sumatera Selatan

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    The Sungsang waters are often used by the surrounding community for water transportation, fishing and wash. The correlation of phytoplankton community with the physical-chemical parameters that can be used to determine the condition of the waters. The purpose of this research was to discuss the types of phytoplankton, analyze the community index and correlation between physical - chemical parameters in Sungsang waters. The research was had been done on November 2018, taking of samples and measurements was performed at 3 station points by tides at the day and night in 3 days. Taking of sampels that is phytoplankton and nutrient water samples, measurements of physical - chemical parameters that is DO, temperature, salinity, pH and current velocity, the correlation of phytoplankton community's with physical-chemical parameters are carried out by principal component analysis (PCA). The phytoplankton composition at night was found 39 genera from 4 classes, while during the day there were 41 genera from 5 classes. Percentage of phytoplankton composition class that is Bacillariophyceae (98.77%), Cyanophyceae (0.87%), Dinophyceae (0.29%), Chlorophyceae (0.055%) and Dictyochophyceae (0.014%). The abundance of phytoplankton is range between 298 - 2,533 cells/l with the diversity index of the dominant is medium category, the uniformity index of the dominant is high category and the dominance index of the dominant is low category. Based on the results of PCA for the correlation between phytoplankton communities with physical-chemical parameters during at day with the identifiers is uniformity index, DO, dominance index, phosphate, salinity and current, the identifiers at night is current, pH, nitrate, temperature, phosphate, DO, diversity index and uniformity index, for combined data day and night the identifiers is diversity index, phosphate, uniformity index, abundance, temperature, pH, dominance index and salinity