8 research outputs found


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    The article is devoted to the research of the judicial precedents of the United States in the part concerning the reasons and conditions of divorce. In the article summarizes the found and researched judicial practice on several positions of comparison. It is shown that marriage, as a public institution of creating, maintaining and protecting of the family in its integrity, as the basis of life of society, is the sphere of its own vital interests of the state, and imperatively for the state itself. Therefore, in each divorce process the state acts as a third party, the interests of whose are positioned as more priority. Unsuccessful marriages are very difficult social problem, and the legal regime in the sphere of divorce just can’t be simplified.Статья посвящена исследованию судебных прецедентов США в части, касающейся оснований и условий расторжения брака. В статье произведено обобщение найденной и исследованной судебной практики по нескольким позициям сравнения. Показано, что брак, как общественный институт создания, поддержания и защиты семьи в ее целостности, как основа жизни общества является сферой собственных жизненно важных интересов государства, причем императивно для самого государства. В силу этого в каждом бракоразводном процессе государство выступает третьей стороной, интересы которой позиционируются как более приоритетные. Неудавшиеся браки - это сложнейшая социальная проблема, и правовой режим в сфере расторжения брака просто не может быть упрощенным


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    The article is devoted to the research of the judicial precedents of the United States in the part concerning the reasons and conditions of divorce. In the article summarizes the found and researched judicial practice on several positions of comparison. It is shown that marriage, as a public institution of creating, maintaining and protecting of the family in its integrity, as the basis of life of society, is the sphere of its own vital interests of the state, and imperatively for the state itself. Therefore, in each divorce process the state acts as a third party, the interests of whose are positioned as more priority. Unsuccessful marriages are very difficult social problem, and the legal regime in the sphere of divorce just can’t be simplified.Статья посвящена исследованию судебных прецедентов США в части, касающейся оснований и условий расторжения брака. В статье произведено обобщение найденной и исследованной судебной практики по нескольким позициям сравнения. Показано, что брак, как общественный институт создания, поддержания и защиты семьи в ее целостности, как основа жизни общества является сферой собственных жизненно важных интересов государства, причем императивно для самого государства. В силу этого в каждом бракоразводном процессе государство выступает третьей стороной, интересы которой позиционируются как более приоритетные. Неудавшиеся браки - это сложнейшая социальная проблема, и правовой режим в сфере расторжения брака просто не может быть упрощенным

    Предупреждение расторжения брака: опыт США

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    The article is devoted to the study of law and jurisprudence in the United States relates to ensure dissolution of marriage. The article was a synthesis of the investigated measures aimed at preventing divorces, United States legislation.Статья посвящена исследованию законодательства и судебной практики США в части, касающейся обеспечения предупреждения расторжения брака. В статье произведено обобщение исследованных мер, направленных на предотвращение разводов, которые предусматриваются законодательством США

    History of civil and political rights in France

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    The article discusses the evolution of civil and political rights in the French Republic in historical retrospective and the key events, that influenced their formation in a modern way. The problems of freedom and equality in France in the late 18th - early 19th centuries. The article studied the views of representatives of pre-revolutionary science of law on the understanding of freedom and equality in France. The authors pay special attention to the French Revolution of 1789, the fall of absolutism, the process of establishing the constitutional order and new democratic principles of the organization of state power. © 2020, Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, Institut Istorii (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of General Hist. All rights reserved

    Problems of legal support of the safety of healthcare workers in performing their official and professional duties

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    Encroachment on the life and health of healthcare workers in performing their official and professional duties has been one of the most serious medical and social problems in the past decade. There are regular attacks on ambulance workers and health care facility physicians in almost every region of the Russian Federation. Being a healthcare worker is no less dangerous than being law enforcement officer, an official of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, or other emergency-related professionals. At the same time, there are no special, relevant legislative acts establishing the rights, duties, and responsibility of citizens for such crimes. The effective mechanism for legal regulation of the protection of healthcare workers in performing their official duties has not been worked out. The government’s increased responsibility for the life of a person performing professional duties should be established by special provisions that will be embodied in different branches of procedural law, creating a consistent chain of legislative regulations of the protection of legal relations, rather than by the common law rule that declaratively proclaims that the person must be protected from any encroachments. The authors of the paper substantiate the need to revise the current criminal legislation in terms of establishing additional guarantees that ensure the protection of the life and health of healthcare workers in performing their duties, and make proposals for its improvement. © 2018, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved


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    The present paper is devoted to the application of mediation as an alternative dispute resolution procedure. It defines features of the legal regulation of mediation procedures in different countries and legal systems, such as United States, European Union, China, and Russian Federation. In addition, the main principles of mediation and their implementation in different legal systems are analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the reasons for the emergence of this institution in these countries are determined and the circumstances hindering development of mediation have been identified. Moreover, conclusions concerning the degree of development of alternative dispute resolution have been formulated

    The current state of telemedicine development in Russia: Legal and legislative regulation

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    The paper considers the current state, development and introduction of telemedicine in the Russian Federation in accordance with the current national/federal regulatory and legal acts and scientific publications. It also presents the actual problems of obtaining and providing medical services through telemedicine technologies. Main emphasis is laid on the legal status of a healthcare worker in providing medical care through telemedicine technologies; possible problems that a doctor or another healthcare worker associated with telemedicine may face are identified. © 2019, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    Fundamentals of legal regulation of administrative and judicial procedures related to compulsory medical intervention: The experience of foreign countries

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    The paper analyzes the legal regulation of administrative and judicial procedures related to compulsory medical intervention. Relying on foreign experience in this field, the authors compare the legal guidelines of countries in this area, focusing on different legal practices in this area. Since compulsory medical intervention is associated with the restriction of human rights, the article draws attention to international legal standards in the studied direction. © 2019, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved