3 research outputs found

    Clostridioides difficile S-layer protein A (SlpA) serves as a general phage receptor

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    Therapeutic bacteriophages (phages) are being considered as alternatives in the fight against Clostridioides difficile infections. To be efficient, phages should have a wide host range, buthe lack of knowledge about the cell receptor used by C. difficile phages hampers the rational design of phage cocktails. Recent reports suggested that the C. difficile surface layer protein A (SlpA) is an important phage receptor, but available data are still limited. Here, using the epidemic R20291 strain and its FM2.5 mutant derivative lacking a functional S-layer, we show that the absence of SlpA renders cells completely resistant to infection by Ï•CD38-2, Ï•CD111, and Ï•CD146, which normally infect the parental strain. Complementation with 12 different S-layer cassette types (SLCTs) expressed from a plasmid revealed that SLCT-6 also allowed infection by Ï•CD111 and SLCT-11 enabled infection by Ï•CD38-2 and Ï•CD146. Of note, the expression of SLCT-1, -6, -8, -9, -10, or -12 conferred susceptibility to infection by 5 myophages that normally do not infect the R20291 strain. Also, deletion of the D2 domain within the low-molecular-weight fragment of SlpA was found to abolish infection by Ï•CD38-2 and Ï•CD146 but not Ï•CD111. Altogether, our data suggest that many phages use SlpA as their receptor and, most importantly, that both siphophages and myophages target SlpA despite major differences in their tail structures. Our study therefore represents an important step in understanding the interactions between C. difficile and its phages