184 research outputs found

    The role of local structure in dynamical arrest

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    Amorphous solids, or glasses, are distinguished from crystalline solids by their lack of long-range structural order. At the level of two-body structural correlations, glassformers show no qualitative change upon vitrifying from a supercooled liquid. Nonetheless the dynamical properties of a glass are so much slower that it appears to take on the properties of a solid. While many theories of the glass transition focus on dynamical quantities, a solid's resistance to flow is often viewed as a consequence of its structure. Here we address the viewpoint that this remains the case for a glass. Recent developments using higher-order measures show a clear emergence of structure upon dynamical arrest in a variety of glass formers and offer the tantalising hope of a structural mechanism for arrest. However a rigorous fundamental identification of such a causal link between structure and arrest remains elusive. We undertake a critical survey of this work in experiments, computer simulation and theory and discuss what might strengthen the link between structure and dynamical arrest. We move on to highlight the relationship between crystallisation and glass-forming ability made possible by this deeper understanding of the structure of the liquid state, and emphasize the potential to design materials with optimal glassforming and crystallisation ability, for applications such as phase-change memory. We then consider aspects of the phenomenology of glassy systems where structural measures have yet to make a large impact, such as polyamorphism (the existence of multiple liquid states), aging (the time-evolution of non-equilibrium materials below their glass transition) and the response of glassy materials to external fields such as shear.Comment: 70 page

    From glass formation to icosahedral ordering by curving three-dimensional space

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    Geometric frustration describes the inability of a local molecular arrangement, such as icosahedra found in metallic glasses and in model atomic glass-formers, to tile space. Local icosahedral order however is strongly frustrated in Euclidean space, which obscures any causal relationship with the observed dynamical slowdown. Here we relieve frustration in a model glass-forming liquid by curving 3-dimensional space onto the surface of a 4-dimensional hypersphere. For sufficient curvature, frustration vanishes and the liquid freezes in a fully icosahedral structure via a sharp `transition'. Frustration increases upon reducing the curvature, and the transition to the icosahedral state smoothens while glassy dynamics emerges. Decreasing the curvature leads to decoupling between dynamical and structural length scales and the decrease of kinetic fragility. This sheds light on the observed glass-forming behavior in the Euclidean space.Comment: 5 pages + supplementary materia

    Hunting Mermaids in Real Space: Known Knowns, Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns

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    We review efforts to realise so-called mermaid (or short-ranged attraction/long ranged repulsion) interactions in 3d real space. The repulsive and attractive contributions to these interactions in charged colloids and colloid-polymer mixtures, may be accurately realised, by comparing particle-resolved studies with colloids to computer simulation. However, when we review work where these interactions have been combined, despite early indications of behaviour consistent with predictions, closer analysis reveals that in the non-aqueous systems used for particle-resolved studies, the idea of summing the attractive and repulsive components leads to wild deviations with experiment. We suggest that the origin lies in the weak ion dissociation in these systems with low dielectric constant solvents. Ultimately this leads even to non-centro-symmetric interactions and a new level of complexity in these systems.Comment: 10 pages, accepted in Soft Matte

    Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition in an Atomistic Glassformer: the Connection to Thermodynamics

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    Tackling the low-temperature fate of supercooled liquids is challenging due to the immense timescales involved, which prevent equilibration and lead to the operational glass transition. Relating glassy behaviour to an underlying, thermodynamic phase transition is a long-standing open question in condensed matter physics. Like experiments, computer simulations are limited by the small time window over which a liquid can be equilibrated. Here we address the challenge of low temperature equilibration using trajectory sampling in a system undergoing a nonequilibrium phase transition. This transition occurs in trajectory space between the normal supercooled liquid and a glassy state rich in low-energy geometric motifs. Our results indicate that this transition might become accessible in equilibrium configurational space at a temperature close to the so-called Kauzmann temperature, and provide a possible route to unify dynamical and thermodynamical theories of the glass transition.Comment: accepted in Physical. Rev.

    Correlation between crystalline order and vitrification in colloidal monolayers

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    We investigate experimentally the relationship between local structure and dynamical arrest in a quasi-2d colloidal model system which approximates hard discs. We introduce polydispersity to the system to suppress crystallisation. Upon compression, the increase in structural relaxation time is accompanied by the emergence of local hexagonal symmetry. Examining the dynamical heterogeneity of the system, we identify three types of motion : "zero-dimensional" corresponding to beta-relaxation, "one-dimensional" or stringlike motion and "two-dimensional" motion. The dynamic heterogeneity is correlated with the local order, that is to say locally hexagonal regions are more likely to be dynamically slow. However we find that lengthscales corresponding to dynamic heterogeneity and local structure do not appear to scale together approaching the glass transition.Comment: 13 papes, to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Devitrification of the Kob-Andersen glass former: Competition with the locally favored structure

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    Supercooled liquids are kinetically trapped materials in which the transition to a thermodynamically more stable state with long-range order is strongly suppressed. To assess the glass-forming abilities of a liquid empirical rules exist, but a comprehensive microscopic picture of devitrification is still missing. Here we study the crystallization of a popular model glass former, the binary Kob-Andersen mixture, in small systems. We perform trajectory sampling employing the population of the locally favored structure as order parameter. While for large population a dynamical phase transition has been reported, here we show that biasing towards a small population of locally favored structures induces crystallization, and we estimate the free energy difference. This result sheds new light on the competition between local and global structure in glass-forming liquids and its implications for crystallization

    Kinetic Crystallisation Instability in Liquids with Short-Ranged Attractions

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    Liquids in systems with spherically symmetric interactions are not thermodynamically stable when the range of the attraction is reduced sufficiently. However, these metastable liquids have lifetimes long enough that they are readily observable prior to crystallisation. Here we investigate the fate of liquids when the interaction range is reduced dramatically. Under these conditions, we propose that the liquid becomes kinetically unstable, i.e. its properties are non-stationary on the timescale of structural relaxation. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we find that in the square well model with range 6% of the diameter, the liquid crystallises within the timescale of structural relaxation for state points except those so close to criticality that the lengthscale of density fluctuations couples to the length of the simulation box size for typical system sizes. Even very close to criticality, the liquid exhibits significant structural change on the timescale of relaxation.Comment: 8 pages, accepted in special issue of Molecular Physics in honour of Daan Frenke

    Structural and dynamical features of multiple metastable glassy states in a colloidal system with competing interactions

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    Systems in which a short-ranged attraction and long-ranged repulsion compete are intrinsically frustrated, leading their structure and dynamics to be dominated either by mesoscopic order or by metastable disorder. Here we report the latter case in a colloidal system with long-ranged electrostatic repulsions and short-ranged depletion attractions. We find a variety of states exhibiting slow non-diffusive dynamics: a gel, a glassy state of clusters, and a state reminiscent of a Wigner glass. Varying the interactions, we find a continuous crossover between the Wigner and cluster glassy states, and a sharp discontinuous transition between the Wigner glassy state and gel. This difference reflects the fact that dynamic arrest is driven by repulsion for the two glassy states and attraction in the case of the gel