44 research outputs found

    Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kota Bandung Periode Tahun 2002-2006

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    Abstract. Kota Bandung is a big city located on an altitude between 675 meters above sea level in the south to 1050 meters above sea level in the north. These characteristics make this region is influenced by the humid and cool mountains climate with average temperature 23.1 °C. Based on data 2002 up to 2006, the case of DHF in this city is the highest in West Java Province. This paper describes the characteristics of intended DHF in Kota Bandung. Data are collected since 2002 to 2006 are processed to be presented in descriptive. From those periods of time, found that case’s weekly pattern are not always similar in every years, but there is a year that have case’s weekly pattern that relatively different from the other years

    DHF Cases Dominated by Den-3 Serotype in the West Java Province

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    Background: Although West Java is one of the endemic provinces for DHF in Indonesia, data on the distribution of serotypes in the province is still very limited to specifi c areas within different time periods. In 2000 – 2002, the serotype Den-2 dominated the Bandung city area. The purpose of this study was to identify the distribution of dengue virus serotype in the West Java province and the dominant serotypes in DHF cases.Methods: Data was collected in October-December 2008 from 27 hospitals in the West Java province. The population for this study was all patients diagnosed with dengue virus hospitalized in the 27 hospitals. Sample was purposively chosen from these patients who were willing to participate in further immunologic examinations. Serum from patients who were immunologically positive was further examined to determine thedengue virus serotype. This examination was done in the Biomedical and Basic Health Technology Center of the Health Research and Development Unit Republic of Indonesia using the nested RT-PCR method.Results: Out 513 samples examined, 180 samples could be identifi ed. Dengue virus was not found in the rest of the samples. Four samples showed multiple infections of 2 dengue virus serotypes. All four serotypes were found in the West Java province. In all positive samples, Den-3 was found to be the dominant serotype with 47.8%, followed by Den-2 (26.0%), Den-1 (18.6%), Den-4 (5.4%), and mixed (2.2%). Den-3 was found in all endemic areas of the West Java province.Conclusion: All 4 dengue virus serotypes can be found in the West Java province with Den-3 serotype the most dominant. (Health Science Indones 2012;1:23-6

    Indeks Entomologi dan Sebaran Vektor Demam Berdarah Dengue di Provinsi Maluku Utara Tahun 2015

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    One effort in controlling the Aedes aegypti mosquito is to find out the breeding place. Until now it is known that the breeding sites of Aedes aegypti are found in urban areas, therefore the purpose of this study is to determine the  potential for breeding of Aedes aegypti mosquito and entomology index in urban areas. The study was conducted in 2015 using a cross-sectional method. The results showed that the container with positively Aedes aegypti larvae was found in all three districts, Ternate at 29.6%, Tidore Kepulauan at 28.5% and East Halmahera at 29.0%. The entomology index of Container Index (CI) was (29.5%), House Index (HI) was 35.3% and Breteau Index (BI) was 69.2%, while larva free number was 64.7%. From the results of this study, it was concluded that Aedes aegypti larvae mostly found in bathtub inside the house. Tubs and plastic buckets were the type of container that were found with most positively larvae. The average ldengue vector arvae density based on CI, HI and BI (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus) in the three districts / cities in North Maluku Province scale was 5-8 and included in the medium risk category. This showed that the entomology index in the North Maluku region was still low. Monitoring of the spread of mosquito breeding sites in all parts of Indonesia is still needed to reduce cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Abstrak Salah satu upaya dalam pengendalian nyamuk Aedes aegypti adalah dengan mengetahui tempat perkembangbiakannya. Hingga saat ini diketahui bahwa tempat perkembangbiakan Aedes aegypti banyak ditemukan di daerah perkotaan, oleh sebab itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi perkembangbiakan nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan indeks entomologi di daerah perkotaan. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2015 dengan menggunakan metode potong lintang. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kontainer dengan positif jentik Aedes aegypti ditemukan di ketiga kabupaten yaitu Ternate sebesar 29,6%, Tidore Kepulauan sebesar 28,5%, dan Halmahera Timur sebesar 29,0%. Indeks entomologi Container Index (CI) sebesar (29,5%), House Index (HI) sebesar 35,3% dan Breteau Index (BI) sebesar 69,2%, sedangkan Angka Bebas Jentik sebesar 64,7%. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa bak mandi yang berada di dalam rumah paling banyak ditemukan jentik Aedes aegypti. Jenis kontainer yang paling banyak ditemukan positif jentik yaitu pada bak mandi dan ember plastik. Rata-rata kepadatan jentik vektor dengue (Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus) berbasis CI, HI, dan BI di ketiga kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Maluku Utara skala 5-8 dan termasuk dalam kategori risiko sedang. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa indeks entomologi di wilayah Maluku Utara masih rendah, sehingga masih diperlukan pemantauan sebaran tempat perkembangbiakan nyamuk di seluruh wilayah Indonesia untuk mengurangi kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD)

    Gambaran puncak kasus demam berdarah dengue di Wilayah utara dan selatan kota sukabumi tahun 2012

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    Incidence of dengue virus infection in Sukabumi city is still as major public health problem because of its case, its distribution, and occurs almost throughout the year. Geographically, Sukabumi city located in mountainous landscape with vary altitude among regions. Based on dengue incidence data reported by Health District of Sukabumi, tracking and plotting patient location and time of the incident was conducted in 2012. Also, the incidence in each village and months was determined. Result shows that there were difference peaks of cases in the northern region where the cases mostly occur in the second half and at the end of the year. Whereas, in Southern region mostly occurred in early first half of the year. North-South division was determined based on altitude differences which Northern-Southern part of Sukabumi city has altitude range that relatively consistent than Western–Eastern part of this city. It concludes that pattern of dengue case was different between the Northern and the Southern part of the city. This condition requires a specific approach to cope dengue case in every region of the cit

    Peta Upaya Pencegahan Dbd Kota Sukabumi Tahun 2012

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    Kota Sukabumi termasuk wilayah dengan besaran masalah Demam Berdarah Dengue yang tergolong paling tinggi di provinsi Jawa Barat. Sampai Bulan November 2012 angka IR mencapai 390/100.000 penduduk. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk memetakan upaya pengendalian penularan DBD di Kota Sukabumi pada tahun 2012. Dalam penelitian dilakukan pengumpulan data upaya pengendalian oleh individu, keluarga, masyarakat dan Pemda kota Sukabumi. Kasus DBD ditentukan secara acak sistematik dari penderita DBD yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Selanjutnya diperoleh data calon responden upaya pengendalian individu, keluarga, dan anggota masyarakat. Upaya pengendalian oleh program dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan pengelola program DBD Dinas Kesehatan Kota Sukabumi. Pemetaan lokasi upaya pengendalian dilakukan dengan menggunakan GPS. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebaran upaya pengendalian relatif merata diseluruh wilayah Kota Sukabumi. Upaya paling banyak dilakukan adalah menguras, menutup, dan mengubur mencapai 35,8%. Selanjutnya penggunaan insektisida mencapai 31,6%. Sebagian besar responden melakukan kombinasi upaya pengendalian, yang mencapai 40 kombinasi


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    ABSTRACT  Dengue cases are increasingly widespread in all parts of Indonesia, but currently, the priority of control is prevention through fogging focus on endemic DHF areas. The purpose of this study was to determine the entomology indicator of dengue vector mosquitoes about the susceptibility status of the Ae aegypti mosquito. The study design was a cross-sectional study and data analysis using Pearson Correlation statistical tests. This research was conducted in seven provinces in Sumatra, which consisted of three districts with three regions endemic to dengue fever centers in each province. The larvae collection was carried out in 100 houses in each selected Puskesmas. The susceptibility test of adult mosquitoes to six types of insecticide active ingredients was carried out by the WHO Bioassay method while the larval susceptibility test used the Elliot method. The results showed that index of entomology at 7 provinces in Sumatra were; HI and CI the highest in Kota. Pematang Siantar (58,60 % and 64 % ) and the lowest in Kabupaten Prabumulih and Palembang ( 22,70 and 0 % ), the highest of BI in Kabupaten Bangka Barat ( 87,40 % ) and the lowest in the Kota Metro ( 31,10 % ); the highest of ABJ in Kota Palembang ( 77,30 % ) and the lowest in Kota Pematang Siantar ( 41,40 %). Malathion 0.8 % still effective as an mosquito control by the presence of strong and moderate relationship was for CI and HI. Whether there are mosquitoes control using chemical insecticides in several locations in 7 provinces of Sumatra show resistant condition, thus controlling by PSN, 3M plus is still a major strategy to be done to break the chain of transmission of dengue fever. Keywords: DHF, Aedes, Correlation, Suceptibility   ABSTRAK Kasus DBD semakin meluas di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, namun saat ini prioritas pengendaliannya berupa pencegahan melalui fogging focus pada wilayah-wilayah endemis DBD. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui indikator entomologi nyamuk vektor DBD hubungannya dengan status kerentanan nyamuk Ae. aegypti. Desain penelitian adalah studi potong lintang dan analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Pearson Correlation. Penelitian ini dilakukan di tujuh Provinsi yang ada di wilayah Sumatera yang terdiri dari tiga kabupaten dengan masing-masing tiga wilayah Puskesmas endemis DBD di setiap Provinsi. Pengumpulan jentik dilakukan pada 100 rumah di setiap Puskesmas terpilih. Uji kerentanan nyamuk dewasa terhadap enam jenis bahan aktif insektida dilakukan dengan metode Bioassay WHO sedangkan uji kerentanan jentik menggunakan metoda Elliot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks entomologi di 7 Provinsi di wilayah Sumatera yang diperiksa menunjukkan nilai HI dan CI tertinggi di Kota Pematang Siantar (58,60% dan 64%) dan terendah di Kab. Prabumulih dan Kota Palembang (22,70 % dan 0%), BI tertinggi di Kab. Bangka Barat (87,40%) dan terendah di Kota Metro (31,10%), ABJ tertinggi di Kota Palembang (77,30%) dan terendah di Kota Pematang siantar (41,40%). Pestisida Malathion 0,8 % masih efektif sebagai upaya pengendalian nyamuk dengan adanya hubungan yang kuat dan sedang terhadap Container Indeks (CI) dan House Indeks (HI) di 7 Provinsi di Wilayah Sumatera. Pengendalian jentik dengan menggunakan insektisida kimiawi di beberapa lokasi di 7 Provinsi di wilayah Sumatera menunjukkan kondisi resisten nyamuk vektor DBD dengan demikian pengendalian dengan PSN 3M Plus masih merupakan strategi utama yang harus dilakukan untuk memutus rantai penularan DBD. Kata kunci: DBD, Aedes, Korelasi, Suseptibilita


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    Upaya dan kecepatan pencarian pengobatan akan mempengaruhi proses penularan virus Dengue. Individu yang mengalamiviremia akan menjadi sumber virus bagi Aedes spp. Lama waktu ketidaktahuan individu dalam kondisi viremia memperbesarpeluang menjadi sumber infeksi bagi lingkungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi upaya pencarian pengobatan penderita infeksi virus Dengue di Kota Sukabumi. Penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional.Sampel penelitian sebanyak 125 penderita yang didiagnosa Demam Dengue (DD), Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD), danDengue Shock Syndrome (DSS). Wawancara dilakukan kepada penderita di rumah sakit untuk memperoleh data upayapengobatan dan dukungan lingkungan terhadap upaya pengobatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 83,2% penderitalangsung berobat ke RS, 9,7% berobat ke dokter praktek, 1,2% berobat ke puskesmas dan 5,3 % melakukan swamedikasi.Upaya lain yang dilakukan responden untuk mempercepat kesembuhan dengan mengkonsumsi jus (46,74%). Kesimpulandari penelitian ini, sebagian besar (94,1%) upaya pencarian pengobatan pada penderita infeksi virus Dengue di KotaSukabumi sudah tepat. Sementara upaya swamedikasi sebaiknya tetap disertai dengan upaya pengobatan ke fasilitaspengobatan modern milik pemerintah ataupun swasta

    Penentuan Status Resistensi Aedes Aegypti dari Daerah Endemis Dbd di Kota Depok terhadap Malathion

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    ABSTRACT The long-term use of insecticides causes resistance to targeted insects, so that a study of its resistance in Indonesia is needed. A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the resistance status of Aedes aegypti to organophosphates and pyrethroids in 102 districts in 2015 with reference to WHO standard bioassay test. Sampling and testing of Ae. Aegypti  larvae from 100 houses were carried out from three area of each health center. Test results on 0.8% malathion revealed that 84% districts were resistant, 13% districts were tolerant, and 3% districts were vulnerable. The test results for temephos of 0.02% also found that 49% districts were resistant, 29% districts were tolerant and 22% districts were vulnerable. While for 0.05% cypermethrin insecticide test; 98% were resistant, and 1% was tolerant. The test on 0.025% alpha cypermethrin found that 40% were resistant, 51% were tolerant and 9% were vulnerable. Test on 0.025% deltamethrin found that  65% were resistant, 22% districts were tolerant and 14% districts were vulnerable. With the high resistance to organophosphate and pyrethroid groups, it is recommended to rearrange the application  of insecticide types in each region cyclically. Keywords: Insecticides,  resistance, organophosphates, pyrethroid, Aedes aegypti   ABSTRAK Penggunaan insektisida dalam jangka waktu lama menyebabkan resistensi terhadap serangga sasaran, sehingga diperlukan uji status kerentanan Ae.aegypti di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian  adalah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang.  Pengambilan  sampel uji (jentik Ae. aegypti) dilakukan di 102 Kabupaten/kota di Indonesia pada 100  rumah di setiap tiga wilayah kerja puskesmas. Metode uji kerentanan menggunakan bioassay test standar WHO. Hasil uji terhadap  malathion 0,8% mendapatkan  86 (84%) kabupaten telah resisten,  13 kabupaten (13%) toleran dan 3 (3%) kabupaten  rentan. Hasil uji  terhadap  temephos 0,02% menunjukkan 50 (49%) kabupaten resisten, 30 (29%) kabupaten toleran dan 22 (22%) kabupaten rentan. Hasil uji insektisida sipermetrin 0,05%, sebanyak  100 (98%) kabupaten  resisten,  dan 1 (1%) kabupaten toleran. Hasil uji terhadap alfa sipermetrin 0,025%,  sebanyak 18 kabupaten (40%)   resisten,  23 (51%)  kabupaten toleran dan 4 (9%) kabupaten berstatus rentan. Hasil uji terhadap deltametrin 0,025% sebanyak 66 (65%) kabupaten  resisten, 22 (22%) kabupaten toleran dan 14 (14%) kabupaten rentan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi resistensi terhadap insektisida golongan organofosfat dan piretroid. Disarankan untuk  mengganti kedua jenis insektisida tersebut di setiap wilayah yang teridentifikasi resitensi tinggi. Kata kunci: Insektisida, resitensi, organofosfat, piretroid, aedes aegypt

    Chikungunya virus infection in Indonesia: a systematic review and evolutionary analysis

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    Abstract Background Despite the high number of chikungunya cases in Indonesia in recent years, comprehensive epidemiological data are lacking. The systematic review was undertaken to provide data on incidence, the seroprevalence of anti-Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) IgM and IgG antibodies, mortality, the genotypes of circulating CHIKV and travel-related cases of chikungunya in the country. In addition, a phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis of Indonesian CHIKV was conducted. Methods A systematic review was conducted to identify eligible studies from EMBASE, MEDLINE, PubMed and Web of Science as of October 16th 2017. Studies describing the incidence, seroprevalence of IgM and IgG, mortality, genotypes and travel-associated chikungunya were systematically reviewed. The maximum likelihood phylogenetic and evolutionary rate was estimated using Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood (RAxML), and the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method identified the Time to Most Recent Common Ancestors (TMRCA) of Indonesian CHIKV. The systematic review was registered in the PROSPERO database (CRD42017078205). Results Chikungunya incidence ranged between 0.16-36.2 cases per 100,000 person-year. Overall, the median seroprevalence of anti-CHIKV IgM antibodies in both outbreak and non-outbreak scenarios was 13.3% (17.7 and 7.3% for outbreak and non-outbreak events, respectively). The median seroprevalence of IgG antibodies in both outbreak and non-outbreak settings was 18.5% (range 0.0–73.1%). There were 130 Indonesian CHIKV sequences available, of which 120 (92.3%) were of the Asian genotype and 10 (7.7%) belonged to the East/Central/South African (ECSA) genotype. The ECSA genotype was first isolated in Indonesia in 2008 and was continually sampled until 2011. All ECSA viruses sampled in Indonesia appear to be closely related to viruses that caused massive outbreaks in Southeast Asia countries during the same period. Massive nationwide chikungunya outbreaks in Indonesia were reported during 2009–2010 with a total of 137,655 cases. Our spatio-temporal, phylogenetic and evolutionary data suggest that these outbreaks were likely associated with the introduction of the ECSA genotype of CHIKV to Indonesia. Conclusions Although no deaths have been recorded, the seroprevalence of anti-CHIKV IgM and IgG in the Indonesian population have been relatively high in recent years following re-emergence in early 2001. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that the introduction of ECSA into Indonesia was likely associated with massive chikungunya outbreaks during 2009–2010.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148282/1/12879_2019_Article_3857.pd