51 research outputs found

    Protein and Energy Availability of Processed Sorghum Product

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    Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world. It is the principal source of calories and provides a major source of protein in the diets of the millions of people living in the semi-arid tropics. However, the optimum utilization of this source of nutrients present in sorghum grain is complicated by various s factor s , The objective of this study was to observe the effect of processing on the availability of protein and energy from sorghum grain . Sorghum grain was subjected to primary processing, that is Dehulling by traditional and mechanical method. The common traditional dehulling method practised in Andhra Pradesh was followed. The PRL mini dehuller was used for mechanical dehulling

    I-Min: An Intelligent Fermat Point Based Energy Efficient Geographic Packet Forwarding Technique for Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks

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    Energy consumption and delay incurred in packet delivery are the two important metrics for measuring the performance of geographic routing protocols for Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks (WASN). A protocol capable of ensuring both lesser energy consumption and experiencing lesser delay in packet delivery is thus suitable for networks which are delay sensitive and energy hungry at the same time. Thus a smart packet forwarding technique addressing both the issues is thus the one looked for by any geographic routing protocol. In the present paper we have proposed a Fermat point based forwarding technique which reduces the delay experienced during packet delivery as well as the energy consumed for transmission and reception of data packets.Comment: 11 Page

    Sterodin®, novi imunostimulator: neka toksikološka i farmakološka vrednovanja in vivo i interakcija lijek-lipid in vitro

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    Sterodin is a novel non-specific immunostimulating drug produced by combination of bile lipids and bacterial metabolites. In the present study, we investigated some of its (i) toxicological and (ii) pharmacological properties in vivo, and (iii) drug-lipid interaction (lipid peroxidation) in vitro. We also evaluated the possible (iv) Sterodin-induced lipid peroxidation as well as the effect of ascorbic acid on this peroxidation. We found LD50 of Sterodin to be 31.50 mL kg-1 body mass. In male albino mice, Sterodin increased the total white blood cells and neutrophils count by 59 and 26 %, respectively, on the 6th day compared to day 0 after injection and stimulated phagocytic activity in vivo. We used goat liver as lipid source in drug-lipid interaction studies in vitro. Our experiments show that Sterodin induces lipid peroxidation, which was prevented by ascorbic acidSterodin® je novi nespecifični imunostimulator koji sadrži žučne lipide i bakterijske metabolite. U radu su opisana neka njegova toksikološka i farmakološka svojstva in vivo, te interakcija lijek-lipid in vitro. Nadalje, proučavana je moguća peroksidacija lipida inducirana Sterodinom® te učinak askorbinske kiseline na tu peroksidaciju. LD50 Sterodina bio je 0,63 mL u mužjacima albino miševa mase 20 g (31,50 mL kg-1 tjelesne mase). U istim životinjama Sterodin® je povećao ukupan broj leukocita i neutrofila (59 odnosno 26 % mjereno 6 dana nakon injekcije Sterodina®) i stimulirao aktivnost fagocita in vivo. U ispitivanjima interakcije lijek-lipid in vitro korištena je jetra koze kao izvor lipida. Rezultati ukazuju da Sterodin® inducira peroksidaciju lipida, koja se može spriječiti askorbinskom kiselinom

    iSENSE: Intelligent Sensor Monitoring Services with Integrated WSN Testbed

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    AbstractWireless sensor network (WSN) is drawing interest in various areas as they have great potential for many distributed applications in different scenarios. This paper demonstrates iSENSE, which provides a web-based sensor monitoring service and a sensor network test-bed. iSENSE uses heterogeneous wireless sensors that are capable of measuring temperature, humidity and light. Gateway nodes collect the sensed data from their respective network area and store the data in MySQL database for analysis and visualization through a portal. Through the test-bed user can remotely submit a sensor application (programs written in NesC) for compiling it using required softwares (TinyOS and NesC) and evaluating the performance of the application by downloading and executing them on dedicated sensing devices which form the test-bed


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    English proficiency is considered a door opener almost in any field anywhere in the world, yet all the attempts to improve effectiveness of teaching and learning of English language in Bangladesh seem to fail over decades. Although poor learning motivation is counted as a key aspect why students do not hold their attention to their English classes and make use of their capabilities to understand and learn cognitively, there has been a very limited number of studies in Bangladeshi context to deal with this critical issue. This mixed method study attempted to identify the sources of motivation for attending English classes of the 1st year undergraduate students at a Bangladeshi university. Quantitative data was collected using two close-ended questionnaires from 50 randomly selected Bangladeshi tertiary level English language learners and 10 teachers. The student questionnaire was developed by adding three items with the ten items adapted from Clement et al. (1994) and the teachers’ questionnaire was developed and administered to follow up the findings from the student participants. For a more complete analysis, structured interviews were conducted with 10 purposively selected students. The results indicated lack of intrinsic motivation among the learners, and based on the existing literature, the study recommended the way outs to improve motivation of the non-performing learners. The recommendations included, shifting from exam-oriented assessment system, teachers’ reflection of their own teaching practices, redesigning course curricula based on learning need and learners’ expectations, ensuring easy access to the latest educational facilities, and encouraging the roles of students and their peers to develop learners’ motivation and foster their autonomous learning opportunities. Finally, the limitations are drawn and suggestions for further research are provided

    Utility Of Technology In Higher Education: Recent Contours In Teaching Learning Process

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    Life is the gift of God and technology is the gift of human. Technology in today’s era has a significant role to play, it not only saves time but also makes work easier which can be effectively felt in every stage of our daily life. Besides technology form one of the basis of economic growth as it lessens the burden upon the human and at the same time reduces the instances of mistakes.  The ambit of technology has widened so far that it has touched the educational sector too. This has revolutionized the whole educational sector wherein the teacher student relation has been more enjoyable and at the same time has eased the imparting and acquiring of education. With the inclusion of computer application in the curriculum in the primary level itself, it gives a scope to the students to get accustomed to use of technology in education. And gradually, as they learn more, they get inured how to apply technology in acquiring education by attaining its optimum utility. The use of technology has become very common in higher education now a days as it helps the students in the attainment of maximum knowledge within limited resources and time, thus making them more self-reliant. This article aims to find out the role of technology in higher education and how far it has benefitted the teachers and the students in the process of imparting and acquiring education