2,668 research outputs found

    Rethinking harm reduction in the digital age

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    Introduction : La démultiplication des substances psychoactives, la transformation des pratiques de consommation, l’inadéquation des services pour les jeunes et le virage technologique pris par les consommateurs, tant pour acheter que s’informer sur les substances, incitent à repenser l’intervention en réduction des méfaits. Objectifs : L’étude vise à explorer l’intérêt et la faisabilité d’utiliser les technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) pour prévenir des consommations plus intensives et réduire les dommages chez les jeunes adultes consommateurs en situation de grande vulnérabilité sociale. Méthodes : Elle utilise une approche de recherche communautaire basée sur des groupes de discussion menés auprès de jeunes consommateurs de 18 à 29 ans et d’intervenants œuvrant auprès des jeunes en difficultés dans la région de Québec. Résultats : Les TIC constituent un outil privilégié d’approvisionnement et d’échange d’informations sur les substances parmi les jeunes. Elles s’insèrent dans un contexte de lacunes dans les ressources existantes. En réponse, les participants suggèrent le développement d’une plateforme interactive spécialisée et actualisée d’échange d’informations sur les substances en circulation et la façon de gérer leurs consommations et les situations d’urgence. Pour les intervenants, les TIC sont peu exploitées pour des échanges en lien avec les substances illicites et jugées délicates à manipuler sur ces questions sensibles. Elles sont néanmoins perçues comme pouvant pallier un déficit de connaissances et de compétences pour aborder ces sujets complexes avec les jeunes. Des enjeux émergents liés aux inégalités d’accès au numérique, de littératie avec les TIC, éthiques et juridiques. Conclusion : Les TIC sont bien implantées dans le travail des intervenants et la vie des jeunes consommateurs. Elles sont des outils complémentaires, probablement incontournables à l’ère du numérique et de la complexification des marchés et des modes de consommation.Introduction : Ever-changing psychoactive substances, changes in consumption habits, services inadequacy and technological advances stresses the need to innovate in regards of harm reduction interventions. Objectives: This study aims to explore the interest and feasibility of using information and communication technologies (ICT) to prevent intensive drug use and reduce harm in socially vulnerable young adults’ drug users. Methods: Using a community research approach based on focus groups with young drug users aged 18 to 29 years old and community workers working with at-risk youths. Results: Young adults widely use ICT to obtain and exchange information regarding drugs. With regard to further technological development in harm reduction, participants perceive ICT as a mean of filling current gaps in services. Participants suggest developing a specialized interactive information exchange platform about current drugs and substance abuse management, especially emergencies and crisis. Community workers did not think young drug users used ICT regarding drugs for other means than acquiring products and found their adequate use regarding harm reduction rather delicate. Nevertheless, they saw a potential in ICT to spread information and facilitate discussion about complicated issues with youths. Conclusion: ICT are well entranched in the lives of young drug users and in community workers’ practices. ICT are complementary and inevitable in the digital age and in an era of complexification of drug market and habits.Introducción : La desmultiplicación de sustancias psicoactivas, la transformación de las prácticas de consumo, la inadecuación de los servicios para los jóvenes y el viraje tecnológico efectuado por los consumidores ya sea para comprar o para informarse sobre las sustancias, incitan a repensar la intervención en materia de reducción de delitos. Objetivos: El estudio apunta a explorar el interés para utilizar las tecnologías de información y de comunicaciones (TIC) y la factibilidad de su uso para prevenir consumos más intensivos y reducir los daños entre los jóvenes adultos consumidores en situación de gran vulnerabilidad social. Métodos: El estudio utiliza un enfoque de investigación comunitaria basada en grupos de discusión organizados entre jóvenes consumidores de entre 18 y 29 años y con la participación de agentes que actúan entre los jóvenes con dificultades en la región de Quebec. Resultados: Las TIC constituyen una herramienta privilegiada de suministro y de intercambio de informaciones sobre las sustancias entre los jóvenes y se integran en un contexto de lagunas en los recursos existentes, En respuesta, los participantes sugieren el desarrollo de una plataforma interactiva especializada y actualizada de intercambio de información sobre las sustancias en circulación y la manera como los jóvenes pueden manejar su consumo y las situaciones de urgencia. Para los agentes participantes, las TIC son poco exploradas en los intercambios relacionados con las sustancias ilícitas y se las juzga delicadas a manipular en materia de estas cuestiones sensibles. Se percibe sin embargo que podrían paliar un déficit de conocimientos y de competencias para abordar estos temas complejos con los jóvenes. Hay cuestiones emergentes relacionadas con las desigualdades de acceso a las tecnologías digitales, de conocimiento para manejar las TIC y de conocimiento de cuestiones éticas y jurídicas. Conclusión: Las TIC están bien implantadas en el trabajo de los agentes participantes y en la vida de los jóvenes consumidores. Son herramientas complementarias, probablemente inevitables en la era digital y de complejización de los mercados y los modos de consumo

    Pyruvate kinase deficiency confers susceptibility to Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice

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    The mouse response to acute Salmonella typhimurium infection is complex, and it is under the influence of several genes, as well as environmental factors. In a previous study, we identified two novel Salmonella susceptibility loci, Ity4 and Ity5, in a (AcB61 × 129S6)F2 cross. The peak logarithm of odds score associated with Ity4 maps to the region of the liver and red blood cell (RBC)–specific pyruvate kinase (Pklr) gene, which was previously shown to be mutated in AcB61. During Plasmodium chabaudi infection, the Pklr mutation protects the mice against this parasite, as indicated by improved survival and lower peak parasitemia. Given that RBC defects have previously been associated with resistance to malaria and susceptibility to Salmonella, we hypothesized that Pklr is the gene underlying Ity4 and that it confers susceptibility to acute S. typhimurium infection in mice. Using a fine mapping approach combined with complementation studies, comparative studies, and functional analysis, we show that Pklr is the gene underlying Ity4 and that it confers susceptibility to acute S. typhimurium infection in mice through its effect on the RBC turnover and iron metabolism

    Authenticated DNA from Ancient Wood Remains

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    • Background The reconstruction of biological processes and human activities during the last glacial cycle relies mainly on data from biological remains. Highly abundant tissues, such as wood, are candidates for a genetic analysis of past populations. While well-authenticated DNA has now been recovered from various fossil remains, the final ‘proof' is still missing for wood, despite some promising studies. • Scope The goal of this study was to determine if ancient wood can be analysed routinely in studies of archaeology and palaeogenetics. An experiment was designed which included blind testing, independent replicates, extensive contamination controls and rigorous statistical tests. Ten samples of ancient wood from major European forest tree genera were analysed with plastid DNA markers. • Conclusions Authentic DNA was retrieved from wood samples up to 1000 years of age. A new tool for real-time vegetation history and archaeology is ready to us

    Detection of quantitative trait loci for reproduction and production traits in Large White and French Landrace pig populations (Open Access publication)

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    A genome-wide scan was performed in Large White and French Landrace pig populations in order to identify QTL affecting reproduction and production traits. The experiment was based on a granddaughter design, including five Large White and three French Landrace half-sib families identified in the French porcine national database. A total of 239 animals (166 sons and 73 daughters of the eight male founders) distributed in eight families were genotyped for 144 microsatellite markers. The design included 51 262 animals recorded for production traits, and 53 205 litter size records were considered. Three production and three reproduction traits were analysed: average backfat thickness (US_M) and live weight (LWGT) at the end of the on-farm test, age of candidates adjusted at 100 kg live weight, total number of piglets born per litter, and numbers of stillborn (STILLp) and born alive (LIVp) piglets per litter. Ten QTL with medium to large effects were detected at a chromosome-wide significance level of 5% affecting traits US_M (on SSC2, SSC3 and SSC17), LWGT (on SSC4), STILLp (on SSC6, SSC11 and SSC14) and LIVp (on SSC7, SSC16 and SSC18). The number of heterozygous male founders varied from 1 to 3 depending on the QTL

    Livret pédagogique : Apprendre à programmer Poppy Ergo Jr en Snap!

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    Un livret composé d'activités pédagogiques pour apprendre les bases de la programmation (programmation séquentielles, boucles, conditions, variables etc.) et des idées de défis et de projets pour appliquer les connaissancesCe livret propose des activités et des petits défis à réaliser pour se familiariser avec le robot Poppy Ergo Jr et le langage de programmation Snap!