128 research outputs found

    FAIR Principles for data and AI models in high energy physics research and education

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    In recent years, digital object management practices to support findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability (FAIR) have begun to be adopted across a number of data-intensive scientific disciplines. These digital objects include datasets, AI models, software, notebooks, workflows, documentation, etc. With the collective dataset at the Large Hadron Collider scheduled to reach the zettabyte scale by the end of 2032, the experimental particle physics community is looking at unprecedented data management challenges. It is expected that these grand challenges may be addressed by creating end-to-end AI frameworks that combine FAIR and AI-ready datasets, advances in AI, modern computing environments, and scientific data infrastructure. In this work, the FAIR4HEP collaboration explores the interpretation of FAIR principles in the context of data and AI models for experimental high energy physics research. We investigate metrics to quantify the FAIRness of experimental datasets and AI models, and provide open source notebooks to guide new users on the use of FAIR principles in practice.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of 41st International Conference on High Energy Physics - ICHEP2022, Presented on behalf of the FAIR4HEP collaboratio

    Oscillating Shells and Oscillating Balls in AdS

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    It has recently been reported that certain thin timelike shells undergo oscillatory motion in AdS. In this paper, we compute two-point function of a probe field in the geodesic approximation in such an oscillating shell background. We confirm that the two-point function exhibits an oscillatory behaviour following the motion of the shell. We show that similar oscillatory dynamics is possible when the perfect fluid on the shell has a polytropic equation of state. Moreover, we show that certain ball like configurations in AdS also exhibit oscillatory motion and comment on how such a solution can be smoothly matched to an appropriate exterior solution. We also demonstrate that the weak energy condition is satisfied for these oscillatory configurations.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures; v2: refs added; v3: JHEP versio

    A Detailed Study of Interpretability of Deep Neural Network based Top Taggers

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    Recent developments in the methods of explainable AI (xAI) methods allow us to explore the inner workings of deep neural networks (DNNs), revealing crucial information about input-output relationships and realizing how data connects with machine learning models. In this paper we explore interpretability of DNN models designed for identifying jets coming from top quark decay in the high energy proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We review a subset of existing such top tagger models and explore different quantitative methods to identify which features play the most important roles in identifying the top jets. We also investigate how and why feature importance varies across different xAI metrics, how feature correlations impact their explainability, and how latent space representations encode information as well as correlate with physically meaningful quantities. Our studies uncover some major pitfalls of existing xAI methods and illustrate how they can be overcome to obtain consistent and meaningful interpretation of these models. We additionally illustrate the activity of hidden layers as Neural Activation Pattern (NAP) diagrams and demonstrate how they can be used to understand how DNNs relay information across the layers and how this understanding can help us to make such models significantly simpler by allowing effective model reoptimization and hyperparameter tuning. While the primary focus of this work remains a detailed study of interpretability of DNN-based top tagger models, it also features state-of-the art performance obtained from modified implementation of existing networks.Comment: Repository: https://github.com/FAIR4HEP/xAI4toptagge

    Comments on Information Erasure in Black Hole

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    We analyze the Kim, Lee & Lee model of information erasure by black holes and find contradictions with standard physical laws. We demonstrate that the erasure model leads to arbitrarily fast information erasure; the proposed physical interpretation of information freezing at the event horizon as observed by an asymptotic observer is problematic; and information erasure, whatever the process may be, near the black hole horizon leads to contradictions with quantum mechanics if Landauer's principle is assumed. The later part of the work demonstrates the significance of the "erasure entropy." We show that the erasure entropy is the mutual information between two subsystems.Comment: 13 pages, clarified some issues in detai

    Deep Learning for the Matrix Element Method

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    Extracting scientific results from high-energy collider data involves the comparison of data collected from the experiments with synthetic data produced from computationally-intensive simulations. Comparisons of experimental data and predictions from simulations increasingly utilize machine learning (ML) methods to try to overcome these computational challenges and enhance the data analysis. There is increasing awareness about challenges surrounding interpretability of ML models applied to data to explain these models and validate scientific conclusions based upon them. The matrix element (ME) method is a powerful technique for analysis of particle collider data that utilizes an \textit{ab initio} calculation of the approximate probability density function for a collision event to be due to a physics process of interest. The ME method has several unique and desirable features, including (1) not requiring training data since it is an \textit{ab initio} calculation of event probabilities, (2) incorporating all available kinematic information of a hypothesized process, including correlations, without the need for feature engineering and (3) a clear physical interpretation in terms of transition probabilities within the framework of quantum field theory. These proceedings briefly describe an application of deep learning that dramatically speeds-up ME method calculations and novel cyberinfrastructure developed to execute ME-based analyses on heterogeneous computing platforms.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the ICHEP 2022 Conferenc

    Robust Learning of Physics Informed Neural Networks

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    Physics-informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have been shown to be effective in solving partial differential equations by capturing the physics induced constraints as a part of the training loss function. This paper shows that a PINN can be sensitive to errors in training data and overfit itself in dynamically propagating these errors over the domain of the solution of the PDE. It also shows how physical regularizations based on continuity criteria and conservation laws fail to address this issue and rather introduce problems of their own causing the deep network to converge to a physics-obeying local minimum instead of the global minimum. We introduce Gaussian Process (GP) based smoothing that recovers the performance of a PINN and promises a robust architecture against noise/errors in measurements. Additionally, we illustrate an inexpensive method of quantifying the evolution of uncertainty based on the variance estimation of GPs on boundary data. Robust PINN performance is also shown to be achievable by choice of sparse sets of inducing points based on sparsely induced GPs. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed methods and compare the results from existing benchmark models in literature for time-dependent Schr\"odinger and Burgers' equations
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