3,095 research outputs found

    Phase transitions and critical behavior of black branes in canonical ensemble

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    We study the thermodynamics and phase structure of asymptotically flat non-dilatonic as well as dilatonic black branes in a cavity in arbitrary dimensions (DD). We consider the canonical ensemble and so the charge inside the cavity and the temperature at the wall are fixed. We analyze the stability of the black brane equilibrium states and derive the phase structures. For the zero charge case we find an analog of Hawking-Page phase transition for these black branes in arbitrary dimensions. When the charge is non-zero, we find that below a critical value of the charge, the phase diagram has a line of first-order phase transition in a certain range of temperatures which ends up at a second order phase transition point (critical point) as the charge attains the critical value. We calculate the critical exponents at that critical point. Although our discussion is mainly concerned with the non-dilatonic branes, we show how it easily carries over to the dilatonic branes as well.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figures, the validity of using the effective action discussed, references adde

    Design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a 22-channel direct reading atomic emission spectrometer using inductively coupled plasma as a source of excitation

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    The indigenous design, fabrication and performance evaluation of a polychromator, using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) as a source of excitation, are described. A concave holographic grating is used as the dispersing element and a Paschen-Runge mount is chosen to focus the spectra over a wide range along the Rowland circle. Twenty-two exit slits, mounted along the circle, precisely correspond to the wavelengths used for determination of up to twenty elements present in the plasma. Radiations emerging from the exit slits are detected by photomultiplier tubes placed behind them. The photomultiplier signal is recorded by an electronic system consisting of an integrator and a PC-based data acquisition system. The performance of the spectrometer has been evaluated with an ICP excitation source. Synthetic standards in deionized water containing a mixture of twenty impurities have been analysed. Typical determination limits observed for elements range from sub-ppm to ppm levels. All the elements present as impurities can be detected simultaneously. It is also observed that each element has a different emitting region in the ICP flame for which the maximum signal to the background is obtained. The determination limits obtained corresponding to these zones are the lowest. A study of the sensitive emitting zones for several elements has been carried out and the results are demonstrated by photographs of the ICP flame. The study will help in achieving the minimum value of determination limit for an impurity element

    Majorana Zero-modes and Topological Phases of Multi-flavored Jackiw-Rebbi model

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    Motivated by the recent Kitaev's K-theory analysis of topological insulators and superconductors, we adopt the same framework to study the topological phase structure of Jackiw-Rebbi model in 3+1 dimensions. According to the K-theory analysis based on the properties of the charge conjugation and time reversal symmetries, we classify the topological phases of the model. In particular, we find that there exist Z\mathbf{Z} Majorana zero-modes hosted by the hedgehogs/t'Hooft-Polyakov monopoles, if the model has a T2=1T^2=1 time reversal symmetry. Guided by the K-theory results, we then explicitly show that a single Majorana zero mode solution exists for the SU(2) doublet fermions in some co-dimensional one planes of the mass parameter space. It turns out we can see the existence of none or a single zero mode when the fermion doublet is only two. We then take a step further to consider four-fermion case and find there can be zero, one or two normalizable zero mode in some particular choices of mass matrices. Our results also indicate that a single normalizable Majorana zero mode can be compatible with the cancellation of SU(2) Witten anomaly.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures; v2, typos correcte

    Topological semimetal in a fermionic optical lattice

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    Optical lattices play a versatile role in advancing our understanding of correlated quantum matter. The recent implementation of orbital degrees of freedom in chequerboard and hexagonal optical lattices opens up a new thrust towards discovering novel quantum states of matter, which have no prior analogs in solid state electronic materials. Here, we demonstrate that an exotic topological semimetal emerges as a parity-protected gapless state in the orbital bands of a two-dimensional fermionic optical lattice. The new quantum state is characterized by a parabolic band-degeneracy point with Berry flux 2π2\pi, in sharp contrast to the π\pi flux of Dirac points as in graphene. We prove that the appearance of this topological liquid is universal for all lattices with D4_4 point group symmetry as long as orbitals with opposite parities hybridize strongly with each other and the band degeneracy is protected by odd parity. Turning on inter-particle repulsive interactions, the system undergoes a phase transition to a topological insulator whose experimental signature includes chiral gapless domain-wall modes, reminiscent of quantum Hall edge states.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures and Supplementary Informatio

    Efficacy of exercise therapy in workers with rotator cuff tendinopathy: A systematic review

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    Objective: To perform a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the efficacy of therapeutic exercises for workers suffering from rotator cuff (RC) tendinopathy. Methods: A literature search in four bibliographical databases (Pubmed, CINAHL, EMBASE, and PEDro) was conducted from inception up to February 2015. RCTs were included if participants were workers suffering from RC tendinopathy, the outcome measures included work-related outcomes, and at least one of the interventions under study included exercises. The methodological quality of the studies was evaluated with the Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment tool. Results: The mean methodological score of the ten included studies was 54.4%±17.2%. Types of workers included were often not defined, and work-related outcome measures were heterogeneous and often not validated. Three RCTs of moderate methodological quality concluded that exercises were superior to a placebo or no intervention in terms of function and return-to-work outcomes. No significant difference was found between surgery and exercises based on the results of two studies of low to moderate methodological quality. One study of low methodological quality, comparing a workplacebased exercise program focusing on the participants\u27 work demands to an exercise program delivered in a clinical setting, concluded that the work-based intervention was superior in terms of function and return-to-work outcomes. Conclusion: There is low to moderate-grade evidence that therapeutic exercises provided in a clinical setting are an effective modality to treat workers suffering from RC tendinopathy and to promote return-to-work. Further high quality studies comparing different rehabilitation programs including exercises in different settings with defined workers populations are needed to draw firm conclusions on the optimal program to treat workers

    Phase structure of black branes in grand canonical ensemble

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    This is a companion paper of our previous work [1] where we studied the thermodynamics and phase structure of asymptotically flat black pp-branes in a cavity in arbitrary dimensions DD in a canonical ensemble. In this work we study the thermodynamics and phase structure of the same in a grand canonical ensemble. Since the boundary data in two cases are different (for the grand canonical ensemble boundary potential is fixed instead of the charge as in canonical ensemble) the stability analysis and the phase structure in the two cases are quite different. In particular, we find that there exists an analog of one-variable analysis as in canonical ensemble, which gives the same stability condition as the rather complicated known (but generalized from black holes to the present case) two-variable analysis. When certain condition for the fixed potential is satisfied, the phase structure of charged black pp-branes is in some sense similar to that of the zero charge black pp-branes in canonical ensemble up to a certain temperature. The new feature in the present case is that above this temperature, unlike the zero-charge case, the stable brane phase no longer exists and `hot flat space' is the stable phase here. In the grand canonical ensemble there is an analog of Hawking-Page transition, even for the charged black pp-brane, as opposed to the canonical ensemble. Our study applies to non-dilatonic as well as dilatonic black pp-branes in DD space-time dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, various points refined, discussion expanded, references updated, typos corrected, published in JHEP 1105:091,201

    Local Differentially Private Matrix Factorization with MoG for Recommendations

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    Unethical data aggregation practices of many recommendation systems have raised privacy concerns among users. Local differential privacy (LDP) based recommendation systems address this problem by perturbing a user’s original data locally in their device before sending it to the data aggregator (DA). The DA performs recommendations over perturbed data which causes substantial prediction error. To tackle privacy and utility issues with untrustworthy DA in recommendation systems, we propose a novel LDP matrix factorization (MF) with mixture of Gaussian (MoG). We use a Bounded Laplace mechanism (BLP) to perturb user’s original ratings locally. BLP restricts the perturbed ratings to a predefined output domain, thus reducing the level of noise aggregated at DA. The MoG method estimates the noise added to the original ratings, which further improves the prediction accuracy without violating the principles of differential privacy (DP). With Movielens and Jester datasets, we demonstrate that our method offers a higher prediction accuracy under strong privacy protection compared to existing LDP recommendation methods

    Osteoarticular Infection in Three Young Thoroughbred Horses Caused by a Novel Gram Negative Cocco-Bacillus

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    © 2020 Bernard J. Hudson et al. We describe three cases of osteoarticular infection (OAI) in young thoroughbred horses in which the causative organism was identified by MALDI-TOF as Kingella species. The pattern of OAI resembled that reported with Kingella infection in humans. Analysis by 16S rRNA PCR enabled construction of a phylogenetic tree that placed the isolates closer to Simonsiella and Alysiella species, rather than Kingella species. Average nucleotide identity (ANI) comparison between the new isolate and Kingella kingae and Alysiella crassa however revealed low probability that the new isolate belonged to either of these species. This preliminary analysis suggests the organism isolated is a previously unrecognised species
