6 research outputs found

    First trimester screening and progesterone levels in HIV positive women under HAART therapy

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    Objectives: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) that ultimately determines the development of AIDS evolved in time in a pandemic disease.  Our study evaluated first trimester markers for aneuploidy, serum progesterone levels in first and second trimester in HIV positive pregnant women under HAART therapy. Material and methods: It was a prospective study that took place between January 2017- December 2019 in ʺCuza-Vodăʺ Hospital from Romania. We analysed first trimester PAPP-A, βHCG, first and second trimester progesterone of 25 HIV positive pregnant women under HAART therapy and compared them with seronegative pregnant women. Results: Both βHCG and first and second trimester progesterone were lower in HIV positive women under HAART therapy. Discussion: These alterations of first trimester markers for aneuploidy might lead to an over estimation of the risk for Down syndrome. Conclusions: Obstetricians need to know the alterations of first trimester markers for aneuploidy so they can correctly advise these women accordingly

    Congenital Abnormalities of the Fetal Heart

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    Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are the most frequent congenital malformations, the costliest hospital admissions for structural defects and the leading cause of infant general and malformations related mortality. Fetal echocardiography represents a skilled ultrasound examination, because of the complexity, physiological and structural particularities of the fetal heart. The efficiency of the cardiac scan is reported with great variation, depending on the scanning protocol, examiner experience and equipment quality but CHDs remains among the most frequently missed congenital abnormalities

    Heterogeneous Distribution of Fetal Microchimerism in Local Breast Cancer Environment.

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    Fetal cells enter maternal circulation during pregnancy and persist in the woman's body for decades, achieving a form of physiological microchimerism. These cells were also evidenced in tumors. We investigated the frequency and concentration of fetal microchimerism in the local breast cancer environment. From 19 patients with confirmed breast neoplasia, after breast surgical resection, we collected three fresh specimens from the tumor core, breast tissue at tumor periphery, and adjacent normal breast tissue. The presence of male DNA was analyzed with a quantitative PCR assay for the sex determining region gene (SRY) gene. In the group of women who had given birth to at least one son, we detected fetal microchimerism in 100% of samples from tumors and their periphery and in 64% (9 of 14) of those from normal breast tissue. The tissues from the tumor and its periphery carry a significantly increased number of SRY copies compared to its neighboring common breast tissue (p = 0.005). The median of the normalized SRY-signal was about 77 (range, 3.2-21467) and 14-fold (range, 1.3-2690) greater in the tumor and respectively in the periphery than in the normal breast tissue. In addition, the relative expression of the SRY gene had a median 5.5 times larger in the tumor than in its periphery (range, 1.1-389.4). We found a heterogeneous distribution of fetal microchimerism in breast cancer environment. In women with sons, breast neoplasia harbors male cells at significantly higher levels than in peripheral and normal breast tissue

    The efficiency of sodC gene / N. meningitidis detection in comparison with the classical methods for the diagnosis of meningococcal infection / Evaluarea eficienţei Real Time PCR TaqMan utilizând gena sodC / N. meningitidis în comparaţie cu metodele clasice utilizate în diagnosticul infecţiei meningococice

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    Pentru a iniția corect terapia antibiotică și a institui profilaxia pentru contacți, infecția meningococică necesită un diagnostic cât mai rapid și precis. Scopul studiului nostru a fost evaluarea eficienței Real Time PCR -TaqMan utilizând gena sodC / N. meningitidis în comparație cu metodele clasice de diagnostic utilizate în infecția meningococică: examen direct, cultură, latex aglutinare din LCR (lichid cefalorahidian) și hemocultură. Prin RT-PCR au fost identificați 24/44 (54.54%) pacienți cu infecție meningococică; atât în cazul pacienților trataţi cu antibiotice anterior internării, cât și a celor fără tratament, cele mai înalte valori ale ariei de sub curbă au fost înregistrate în cazul RT-PCR din LCR și sânge. În concluzie, testul sodC RT-PCR este o metodă rapidă, cu sensibilitate și specificitate ridicate pentru detecția Neisseria meningitidis, motiv pentru care ar fi utilă includerea acestei metode ca variantă multiplex, pentru depistarea şi a altor etiologii, în testarea de rutină a pacienților cu suspiciune clinică de infecție meningococică

    Maternal Body Mass Index Trends and Weight Gain in Singleton Pregnancies at the Time of Fetal Anatomic Survey: Changes in the Last Decade and New Trends in the Modern Era

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    (1) Background: the worldwide impact of overweight and obesity is rising, increasingly resembling an epidemic (a price we have to pay for our new way of living). (2) Methods: our study aims to evaluate the temporal trends and patterns of singleton pregnant women’s BMI (body mass index) in our region during a 12-year time frame between 2010 and 2021. (3) Results: We noticed a statistically significant difference between the BMIs of nulliparous and multiparous women and a significantly increased pregestational BMI in women with previous ART (assisted reproductive technology) procedures. Smoking pregnant women had a higher second trimester weight gain, regardless of parity. Women with folic acid supplementation alone had a higher BMI than those with folic acid and multivitamin intake. The weight of both nulliparous and multiparous women with chronic hypertension was statistically significantly higher in all three timeframes. Global weight gain did not reveal any statistically significant changes concerning women with pregestational diabetes, regardless of parity and the pregnancy trimester. (4) Conclusions: our article describes the trends in obesity and overweight in our middle-income country, in which this pathology is continuously growing, negatively influencing our reproductive-aged women and future generations

    The 12th Edition of the Scientific Days of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Prof. Dr. Matei Bals” and the 12th National Infectious Diseases Conference

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