51 research outputs found

    Destructive effects of murine arthritogenic antibodies to type II collagen on cartilage explants in vitro

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    Certain monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to type II collagen (CII) induce arthritis in vivo after passive transfer and have adverse effects on chondrocyte cultures and inhibit self assembly of collagen fibrils in vitro. We have examined whether such mAbs have detrimental effects on pre-existing cartilage. Bovine cartilage explants were cultured over 21 days in the presence of two arthritogenic mAbs to CII (CIIC1 or M2139), a non-arthritogenic mAb to CII (CIIF4) or a control mAb (GAD6). Penetration of cartilage by mAb was determined by immunofluorescence on frozen sections and correlated with changes to the extracellular matrix and chondrocytes by morphometric analysis of sections stained with toluidine blue. The effects of mAbs on matrix components were examined by Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIRM). A possible role of Fc-binding was investigated using F(ab)(2 )from CIIC1. All three mAbs to CII penetrated the cartilage explants and CIIC1 and M2139, but not CIIF4, had adverse effects that included proteoglycan loss correlating with mAb penetration, the later development in cultures of an abnormal superficial cellular layer, and an increased proportion of empty chondrons. FTIRM showed depletion and denaturation of CII at the explant surface in the presence of CIIC1 or M2139, which paralleled proteoglycan loss. The effects of F(ab)(2 )were greater than those of intact CIIC1. Our results indicate that mAbs to CII can adversely affect preformed cartilage, and that the specific epitope on CII recognised by the mAb determines both arthritogenicity in vivo and adverse effects in vitro. We conclude that antibodies to CII can have pathogenic effects that are independent of inflammatory mediators or Fc-binding

    Collagen Autoantibodies and Their Relationship to CCP Antibodies and Rheumatoid Factor in the Progression of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Serum autoantibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides (anti-CCP) and rheumatoid factor (RF) are important markers for diagnosis and prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but their autoantigens are not cartilage-specific. Autoantibodies to joint-specific type II collagen (CII) also occur in RA, and monoclonal antibodies of similar specificity induce collagen antibody-induced arthritis in animals, but their role in RA is uncertain. We utilized an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with the CB10 peptide of CII to compare the frequency of autoantibodies with those of anti-CCP and RF in stored sera from a prospective study of 82 patients with early RA to examine the outcome, defined as remission (n = 23), persisting non-erosive arthritis (n = 27), or erosions (n = 32). Initial frequencies of anti-CB10, anti-CCP and RF were 76%, 54%, and 57% in RA, and 4%, 0%, and 9% in 136 controls. The frequency of anti-CB10 was unrelated to outcome, but anti-CCP and RF increased with increasing severity, and the number of autoantibodies mirrored the severity. We suggest RA is an immune complex-mediated arthritis in which the three antibodies interact, with anti-CII inducing localized cartilage damage and inflammation resulting in citrullination of joint proteins, neoepitope formation, and a strong anti-CCP response in genetically-susceptible subjects, all amplified and modified by RF

    The role of collagen antibodies in mediating arthritis

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    This review examines evidence that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) depends on autoimmunity to articular collagen, and mechanisms whereby autoantibodies to type II collagen contribute to disease development. Three major autoantigenic reactants have been identified in RA; the corresponding autoantibodies are rheumatoid factor (RF), antibodies to citrullinated peptide antigens (ACPA), citrullinated peptides (anti-CCP), and anti-type II collagen (anti-CII). Both RF and ACPA are well-validated and predictive markers of severe erosive RA, but cannot be linked to pathogenesis. By contrast, in various animal species immunized with CII there occurs an erosive inflammatory arthritis resembling that seen in human RA, together with antibodies to CII with an epitope specificity similar to that in RA. We discuss the well-known role of immune complexes in the induction of inflammation within the joint, and present recent data showing, additionally, that antibodies to CII cause direct damage to cartilage in vitro. The close resemblances between human RA and collagen-induced arthritis in animals suggest that autoimmunity, and particularly autoantibodies to CII, are important for both the initiation and perpetuation of RA in a dual manner: as contributors to the inflammation associated with immune complex deposition, and as agents with direct degradative effects on cartilage integrity and its repair

    Towards the pathogenesis of autoimmune liver disease

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    There have been recent improvements in the clinical understanding and definition of the major types of autoimmune liver disease. However, still lacking is knowledge of their prevalence and pathogenesis. Three areas of study are in progress in our laboratory. First, in type 1 autoimmune hepatitis, the search continues to identify a liver/disease-specific autoantigenic reactant. Using hepatocyte membrane preparations, immunoblotting has underlined the problem of distinguishing, among multiple reactants, those that may be causally rather than consequentially related to hepatocellular damage. Second, in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), the need for population screening to ascertain prevalence and detect preclinical cases can be met by a rapid automated procedure for detection, by specific enzyme inhibition in microtitre wells, of antibody (anti-M2) to the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E2 subunit (PDC-E2). Third, the structure of the conformational epitope within the inner lipoyl domain of PDC-E2 is being investigated by screening random phage-displayed peptide libraries using PBC sera. This has yielded phage clones in which the sequence of the peptide insert portrays the structure of this epitope, as judged by clustering of PBC-derived sequences to particular branches of a guide-tree that shows relatedness of peptides, and by reactivity of selected phage clones with anti-PDC-E2. Thus phage display identifies a peptide ‘mimotope’ of the antibody epitope in the inner lipoyl domain of PDC-E2

    Multiple alignment and sorting of peptides derived from phage-displayed random peptide libraries with polyclonal sera allows discrimination of relevant phagotopes

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    Biopanning of phage-displayed random peptide libraries is a powerful technique for identifying peptides that mimic epitopes (mimotopes) for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). However, peptides derived using polyclonal antisera may represent epitopes for a diverse range of antibodies. Hence following screening of phage libraries with polyclonal antisera, including autoimmune disease sera, a procedure is required to distinguish relevant from irrelevant phagotopes. We therefore applied the multiple sequence alignment algorithm PILEUP together with a matrix for scoring amino acid substitutions based on physicochemical properties to generate guide trees depicting relatedness of selected peptides. A random heptapeptide library was biopanned nine times using no selecting antibodies, immunoglobulin G (IgG) from sera of subjects with autoimmune diseases (primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and type 1 diabetes) and three murine ascites fluids that contained mAbs to overlapping epitope(s) on the Ross River Virus envelope protein 2. Peptides randomly sampled from the library were distributed throughout the guide tree of the total set of peptides whilst many of the peptides derived in the absence of selecting antibody aligned to a single cluster. Moreover peptides selected by different sources of IgG aligned to separate clusters, each with a different amino acid motif. These alignments were validated by testing all of the 53 phagotopes derived using IgG from PBC sera for reactivity by capture ELISA with antibodies affinity purified on the E2 subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC-E2), the major autoantigen in PBC: only those phagotopes that aligned to PBC-associated clusters were reactive. Hence the multiple sequence alignment procedure discriminates relevant from irrelevant phagotopes and thus a major difficulty with biopanning phage-displayed random peptide libraries with polyclonal antibodies is surmounted
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