26 research outputs found

    A4_14 How to score a goal

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    This paper examines the force causing a football to curve when an angular velocity, or spin, is imparted. A relationship between the distance travelled by the football, in the direction it is kicked, and the amount that the path bends is found.Â

    A4_4 An RTG Powered Home

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    This journal ascertains the feasibility of using radioisotope thermoelectric generators to power a household containing a working couple.  It has been found that the amount of plutonium-238 required to supply the needs of the household were 12.05Kg. This amount of plutonium would be unreasonable due to the expensive of this resource.Â

    A4_2 Sand Timers: A Hydrodynamical Approach

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     This paper examines the relationship between the volume of sand and the time measured by a sand timer. The problem was approached by simplifying the shape of a sand timer and assuming the sand can be described by hydrodynamics. The results showed that the total time measured is dependent on the dimensions of the sand timer

    A4_9 Electric Ray Fish

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    This paper examines how a higher resistivity of freshwater, in comparison to saltwater, results in an increased emf output produced by strongly electric ray fish in this habitat. It is discussed how the arrangement of biological electric cells relates to the emf output for both freshwater and saltwater fish

    A4_7 Terraforming Mars – Orbital Mirrors: Construction

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    This report examines the feasibility of building orbital mirrors at Mars to increase the surface temperature by reflecting used solar energy. It was found that while a large solar mirror can be constructed with current technology the infrastructure to carry out the operation over Mars does not exist

    A4_8 Terraforming Mars - Orbital Mirrors: Operation

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    This paper looks at the temperature changes to the Martian surface of using orbital mirrors to heat it. It was found that net changes to the whole system would not be useful while localised temperature gains are enough to sublimate Martian ice to release water vapour and greenhouse gases

    A4_16 How Long will the Milky Way Last?

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    This article investigates how long the Milky Way can sustain the current star formation rate. It is assumed in this journal that no appreciable mass is added, and neglects star death. It is found in this paper that the Milky Way can continue with its current estimated star formation rate of 7.5 stars per year for another 9.1 x 109 years