4,663 research outputs found

    The Global Star Formation Rate from the 1.4 GHz Luminosity Function

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    The decimetric luminosity of many galaxies appears to be dominated by synchrotron emission excited by supernova explosions. Simple models suggest that the luminosity is directly proportional to the rate of supernova explosions of massive stars averaged over the past 30 Myr. The proportionality may be used together with models of the evolving 1.4 GHz luminosity function to estimate the global star formation rate density in the era z < 1. The local value is estimated to be 0.026 solar masses per year per cubic megaparsec, some 50% larger than the value inferred from the Halpha luminosity density. The value at z ~ 1 is found to be 0.30 solar masses per year per cubic megaparsec. The 10-fold increase in star formation rate density is consistent with the increase inferred from mm-wave, far-infrared, ultra-violet and Halpha observations.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Astrophysical Journal Letters (in press); new PS version has improved figure placemen

    The star-formation history of the universe - an infrared perspective

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    A simple and versatile parameterized approach to the star formation history allows a quantitative investigation of the constraints from far infrared and submillimetre counts and background intensity measurements. The models include four spectral components: infrared cirrus (emission from interstellar dust), an M82-like starburst, an Arp220-like starburst and an AGN dust torus. The 60 ÎŒ\mum luminosity function is determined for each chosen rate of evolution using the PSCz redshift data for 15000 galaxies. The proportions of each spectral type as a function of 60 ÎŒ\mum luminosity are chosen for consistency with IRAS and SCUBA colour-luminosity relations, and with the fraction of AGN as a function of luminosity found in 12 ÎŒ\mum samples. The luminosity function for each component at any wavelength can then be calculated from the assumed spectral energy distributions. With assumptions about the optical seds corresponding to each component and, for the AGN component, the optical and near infrared counts can be accurately modelled. A good fit to the observed counts at 0.44, 2.2, 15, 60, 90, 175 and 850 ÎŒ\mum can be found with pure luminosity evolution in all 3 cosmological models investigated: Ωo\Omega_o = 1, Ωo\Omega_o = 0.3 (Λ\Lambda = 0), and Ωo\Omega_o = 0.3, Λ\Lambda = 0.7. All 3 models also give an acceptable fit to the integrated background spectrum. Selected predictions of the models, for example redshift distributions for each component at selected wavelengths and fluxes, are shown. The total mass-density of stars generated is consistent with that observed, in all 3 cosmological models.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Full details of models can be found at http://astro.ic.ac.uk/~mrr/countmodel

    Thermal Emission from HII Galaxies: Discovering the Youngest Systems

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    We studied the radio properties of very young massive regions of star formation in HII galaxies, with the aim of detecting episodes of recent star formation in an early phase of evolution where the first supernovae start to appear. Our sample consists of 31 HII galaxies, characterized by strong Hydrogen emission lines, for which low resolution VLA 3.5cm and 6cm observations were obtained. The radio spectral energy distribution has a range of behaviours; 1) there are galaxies where the SED is characterized by a synchrotron-type slope, 2) galaxies with a thermal slope, and, 3) galaxies with possible free-free absorption at long wavelengths. The latter SEDs were found in a few galaxies and represent a signature of heavily embedded massive star clusters closely related to the early stages of massive star formation. Based on the comparison of the star formation rates determined from the recombination lines and those determined from the radio emission we find that SFR(Ha) is on average five times higher than SFR(1.4GHz). We confirm this tendency by comparing the ratio between the observed flux at 20 cm and the expected one, calculated based on the Ha star formation rates, both for the galaxies in our sample and for normal ones. This analysis shows that this ratio is a factor of 2 smaller in our galaxies than in normal ones, indicating that they fall below the FIR/radio correlation. These results suggest that the emission of these galaxies is dominated by a recent and massive star formation event in which the first supernovae (SN) just started to explode. We conclude that the systematic lack of synchrotron emission in those systems with the largest equivalent width of Hb can only be explained if those are young starbursts of less than 3.5Myr of age.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Local authority responses to economic uncertainty in Scotland

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    The Evolution of Dust Opacity in Galaxies

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    (Abridged) We investigate the evolution of the opacity of galaxies as a function of redshift, using simple assumptions about the metal and dust enrichment of the gas and the distribution of dust in galaxies. We use an iterative procedure to reconstruct the intrinsic Star Formation Rate (SFR) density of galaxies with redshift, by applying dust obscuration corrections to the observed UV emission. The iterative procedure converges to multiple solutions for the intrinsic SFR density, divided into two basic classes. The first class of solutions predicts relatively large UV attenuation at high redshift, with A(1500 A)=1.9 mag at z~3, and smaller attenuations at z<1, with A(2800 A)=1.25 mag. The SFR density of this set of solutions is constant for z>~1.2 and declines for z<1.2; it resembles in shape the ``monolithic collapse'' scenario for star formation. The second class of solutions predicts relatively low UV attenuations at high redshift, with A(1500 A)=0.75 mag at z~3, and larger attenuations at z<1, with A(2800 A)=1.50 mag. The SFR density in this case has a peak at z~1.2. The advantages and shortcomings of both classes are analyzed in the light of available observational constraints, including the opacity of galaxies at 0<z<1 and the intensity and spectral energy distribution of the cosmic infrared background from the COBE DIRBE and FIRAS data. We conclude that both classes of models are acceptable within the current uncertainties, but the ``monolithic collapse'' class matches the available observations better than the other one. We also investigate the dependence of our solutions on the different model assumptions.Comment: 54 pages, includes 1 embedded postscript Table and 22 embedded postscript Figures, Latex, uses AAS Latex macro. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On the nature of the ISO-selected sources in the ELAIS S2 region

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    We have studied the optical, near-IR and radio properties of a complete sample of 43 sources detected at 15-micron in one of the deeper ELAIS repeatedly observed region. The extragalactic objects in this sample have 15-micron flux densities in the range 0.4-10 mJy, where the source counts start diverging from no evolution models. About 90% of the sources (39 out of 43) have optical counterparts brighter than I=21 mag. Eight of these 39 sources have been identified with stars on the basis of imaging data, while for another 22 sources we have obtained optical spectroscopy, reaching a high identification percentage (30/43, ~70%). All but one of the 28 sources with flux density > 0.7 mJy are identified. Most of the extragalactic objects are normal spiral or starburst galaxies at moderate redshift (z_med~0.2); four objects are Active Galactic Nuclei. We have used the 15-micron, H_alpha and 1.4-GHz luminosities as indicators of star-formation rate and we have compared the results obtained in these three bands. While 1.4-GHz and 15-micron estimates are in good agreement, showing that our galaxies are forming stars at a median rate of ~40 Mo/yr, the raw H_alpha-based estimates are a factor ~5-10 lower and need a mean correction of ~2 mag to be brought on the same scale as the other two indicators. A correction of ~2 mag is consistent with what suggested by the Balmer decrements H_alpha/H_beta and by the optical colours. Moreover, it is intermediate between the correction found locally for normal spirals and the correction needed for high-luminosity 15-micron objects, suggesting that the average extinction suffered by galaxies increases with infrared luminosity.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures (3 in JPEG format), MNRAS, accepte

    Dust Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Unified schemes of active galactic nuclei (AGN) require an obscuring dusty torus around the central source, giving rise to Seyfert 1 line spectrum for pole-on viewing and Seyfert 2 characteristics in edge-on sources. Although the observed IR is in broad agreement with this scheme, the behavior of the 10 micron silicate feature and the width of the far-IR emission peak remained serious problems in all previous modeling efforts. We show that these problems find a natural explanation if the dust is contained in about 5-10 clouds along radial rays through the torus. The spectral energy distributions (SED) of both type 1 and type 2 sources are properly reproduced from different viewpoints of the same object if the visual optical depth of each cloud is larger than about 60 and the clouds' mean free path increases roughly in proportion to radial distance.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Investigating the relationship between material properties and laser-induced damage threshold of dielectric optical coatings at 1064 nm

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    The Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) and material properties of various multi-layer amorphous dielectric optical coatings, including Nb2O5, Ta2O5, SiO2, TiO2, ZrO2, AlN, SiN, LiF and ZnSe, have been studied. The coatings were produced by ion assisted electron beam and thermal evaporation; and RF and DC magnetron sputtering at Helia Photonics Ltd, Livingston, UK. The coatings were characterized by optical absorption measurements at 1064 nm by Photothermal Common-path Interferometry (PCI). Surface roughness and damage pits were analyzed using atomic force microscopy. LIDT measurements were carried out at 1064 nm, with a pulse duration of 9.6 ns and repetition rate of 100 Hz, in both 1000-on-1 and 1-on-1 regimes. The relationship between optical absorption, LIDT and post-deposition heattreatment is discussed, along with analysis of the surface morphology of the LIDT damage sites showing both coating and substrate failure

    The Power Spectrum of the PSC Redshift Survey

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    We measure the redshift-space power spectrum P(k) for the recently completed IRAS Point Source Catalogue (PSC) redshift survey, which contains 14500 galaxies over 84% of the sky with 60 micron flux >= 0.6 Jansky. Comparison with simulations shows that our estimated errors on P(k) are realistic, and that systematic errors due to the finite survey volume are small for wavenumbers k >~ 0.03 h Mpc^-1. At large scales our power spectrum is intermediate between those of the earlier QDOT and 1.2 Jansky surveys, but with considerably smaller error bars; it falls slightly more steeply to smaller scales. We have fitted families of CDM-like models using the Peacock-Dodds formula for non-linear evolution; the results are somewhat sensitive to the assumed small-scale velocity dispersion \sigma_V. Assuming a realistic \sigma_V \approx 300 km/s yields a shape parameter \Gamma ~ 0.25 and normalisation b \sigma_8 ~ 0.75; if \sigma_V is as high as 600 km/s then \Gamma = 0.5 is only marginally excluded. There is little evidence for any `preferred scale' in the power spectrum or non-Gaussian behaviour in the distribution of large-scale power.Comment: Latex, uses mn.sty, 14 pages including 11 Postscript figures. Accepted by MNRA
