13 research outputs found

    Atlas de terapias urbanas basado en casos reales

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    El “Atlas de terapias urbanas1 ” se propone como una herramienta encaminada a facilitar la identificación y evaluación de mejoras urbanas adaptadas a las vocaciones de los diferentes entornos. El objeto de su creación está encaminado a servir en la toma de decisiones inteligentes a las instituciones y actores involucrados en la revitalización de los barrios andaluces. Proponemos una herramienta de mediación, que no solo se base en deficiencias barriales sino también en potencialidades; no solo en los deseos de la ciudadanía, sino también en las vocaciones de los entornos. El presente artículo trata de compendiar, de forma resumida, los avances y documentos internos desarrollados hasta la fecha por los autores que conforman esta investigación. En él se explican los conceptos y procesos fundamentales sobre los que se asienta el diseño de la herramienta buscada

    El diseño de herramientas analítico-prospectivas para la regeneración integrada de barrios: atlas potencial de terapias urbanas

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    El presente texto es un resumen de la propuesta que el grupo de investigación HUM-958 INGENTES ejecuta dentro del proyecto financiado de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía en el periodo 2014-2016 titulado: «EUObs - Ecobarrios Versus rehabilitación de barriadas. Proyecto de mejora de barriadas obsoletas en términos de sostenibilidad» en el que el grupo In-gentes forma consorcio con las Universidades de Granada, Málaga y la Fundación Habitec. El ‘Atlas de terapias urbanas’ se propone como una herramienta prospectiva, encaminada a facilitar la identificación y evaluación de mejoras urbanas adaptadas a las vocaciones de los diferentes entornos. El objeto de su creación está encaminado a servir en la toma de decisiones inteligentes a las instituciones y actores involucrados en la revitalización de los barrios andaluces. Proponemos una herramienta de mediación, que no solo se base en deficiencias barriales sino también en potencialidades; no solo en los deseos de la ciudadanía, sino también en las vocaciones de los entornos. El presente artículo trata de compendiar, de forma resumida, los avances y documentos internos desarrollados hasta la fecha por los autores que conforman esta investigación. En él se explican los conceptos y procesos fundamentales sobre los que se asienta el diseño de la herramienta buscada.This text is a sumary of the proposal made by HUM-958 INGENTES Research Group in the funded project by the Department of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Gobernment of Andalusia, during the 2014-2016 period. In this researching, which is entitled «EUObs- Eco-neighborhooss versus slum upgrading, Project to improve obsolete neighborhoods in terms of sustainability», INGENTES Group belongs to the Consortium, together with Granada and Malaga University and Habitec Foundation. Atlas of Urban Therapies is proposed as a prospective tool to make it easier to identify and evaluate urban improvement adapted to vocation around them. The aim is intended to help to institutions and other agents involved in revitalization of neighborhoods in Andalusia to take wise decisions. We put forward a tool for mediation which is based not only in shortcomings but on neighborhood potencial; not only in desires of citizenship but also in vocation of its environment. This article aims to summarize, in a small way, progress and internal works developed by the authors of this research. It describes fundamental concepts and process on which design of tool is based

    High Proliferation Predicts Pathological Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Early Breast Cancer.

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    In the neoadjuvant setting, changes in the proliferation marker Ki67 are associated with primary endocrine treatment efficacy, but its value as a predictor of response to chemotherapy is still controversial. We analyzed 262 patients with centralized basal Ki67 immunohistochemical evaluation derived from 4 GEICAM (Spanish Breast Cancer Group) clinical trials of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. The objective was to identify the optimal threshold for Ki67 using the receiver-operating characteristic curve method to maximize its predictive value for chemotherapy benefit. We also evaluated the predictive role of the defined Ki67 cutoffs for molecular subtypes defined by estrogen receptor (ER) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). A basal Ki67 cutpoint of 50% predicted pathological complete response (pCR). Patients with Ki67 >50% achieved a pCR rate of 40% (36 of 91) versus a pCR rate of 19% in patients with Ki67 ≤ 50% (33 of 171) (p = .0004). Ki67 predictive value was especially relevant in ER-HER2- and ER-HER2+ patients (pCR rates of 42% and 64%, respectively, in patients with Ki67 >50% versus 15% and 45%, respectively, in patients with Ki67 ≤ 50%; p = .0337 and .3238, respectively). Both multivariate analyses confirmed the independent predictive value of the Ki67 cutpoint of 50%. Basal Ki67 proliferation index >50% should be considered an independent predictive factor for pCR reached after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, suggesting that cell proliferation is a phenomenon closely related to chemosensitivity. These findings could help to identify a group of patients with a potentially favorable long-term prognosis. The use of basal Ki67 status as a predictive factor of chemotherapy benefit could facilitate the identification of a patient subpopulation with high probability of achieving pathological complete response when treated with primary chemotherapy, and thus with a potentially favorable long-term prognosis

    High Proliferation Predicts Pathological Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Early Breast Cancer

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    BACKGROUND. In the neoadjuvant setting, changes in the proliferation marker Ki67 are associated with primary endocrine treatment efficacy, but its value as a predictor of response to chemotherapy is still controversial. PATIENTS AND METHODS. We analyzed 262 patients with centralized basal Ki67 immunohistochemical evaluation derived from 4 GEICAM (Spanish Breast Cancer Group) clinical trials of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. The objective was to identify the optimal threshold for Ki67 using the receiver-operating characteristic curve method to maximize its predictive value for chemotherapy benefit. We also evaluated the predictive role of the defined Ki67 cutoffs for molecular subtypes defined by estrogen receptor (ER) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). RESULTS. A basal Ki67 cutpoint of 50% predicted pathological complete response (pCR). Patients with Ki67 >50% achieved a pCR rate of 40% (36 of 91) versus a pCR rate of 19% in patients with Ki67 ≤50% (33 of 171) (p = .0004). Ki67 predictive value was especially relevant in ER-HER2− and ER-HER2+ patients (pCR rates of 42% and 64%, respectively, in patients with Ki67 >50% versus 15% and 45%, respectively, in patients with Ki67 ≤50%; p = .0337 and .3238, respectively). Both multivariate analyses confirmed the independent predictive value of the Ki67 cutpoint of 50%. CONCLUSION. Basal Ki67 proliferation index >50% should be considered an independent predictive factor for pCR reached after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, suggesting that cell proliferation is a phenomenon closely related to chemosensitivity. These findings could help to identify a group of patients with a potentially favorable long-term prognosis. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The use of basal Ki67 status as a predictive factor of chemotherapy benefit could facilitate the identification of a patient subpopulation with high probability of achieving pathological complete response when treated with primary chemotherapy, and thus with a potentially favorable long-term prognosis

    Immunofluorescence Analysis as a Diagnostic Tool in a Spanish Cohort of Patients with Suspected Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive rare disease caused by an alteration of ciliary structure. Immunofluorescence, consisting in the detection of the presence and distribution of cilia proteins in human respiratory cells by fluorescence, has been recently proposed as a technique to improve understanding of disease-causing genes and diagnosis rate in PCD. The objective of this study is to determine the accuracy of a panel of four fluorescently labeled antibodies (DNAH5, DNALI1, GAS8 and RSPH4A or RSPH9) as a PCD diagnostic tool in the absence of transmission electron microscopy analysis. The panel was tested in nasal brushing samples of 74 patients with clinical suspicion of PCD. Sixty-eight (91.9%) patients were evaluable for all tested antibodies. Thirty-three cases (44.6%) presented an absence or mislocation of protein in the ciliary axoneme (15 absent and 3 proximal distribution of DNAH5 in the ciliary axoneme, 3 absent DNAH5 and DNALI1, 7 absent DNALI1 and cytoplasmatic localization of GAS8, 1 absent GAS8, 3 absent RSPH9 and 1 absent RSPH4A). Fifteen patients had confirmed or highly likely PCD but normal immunofluorescence results (68.8% sensitivity and 100% specificity). In conclusion, immunofluorescence analysis is a quick, available, low-cost and reliable diagnostic test for PCD, althouh it cannot be used as a standalone tes