716 research outputs found


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    Thirty-five bacterial strains were selected on the basis of colony morphology from larvae and pupae of Rhynchophorous (Olivier) ferrugineus collected from infested Phoenix canariensis Chabaud trees growing in different Italian locations. 16S rDNA sequencing showed that bacteria isolated from larvae were mostly Gram positive and belonged to Bacillus, Brevibacillus and Paenibacillus genera. Bacteria isolated from pupae were affiliated to Bacillus and five different Gram negative genera (Alcaligenes, Morganella, Myroides, Providencia and Serratia). Some strains produced lytic enzymes like chitinase, lecithinase, lipase and protease in vitro. The enthomopathogenic strains belonging to Bacillus thuringiensis, Providencia rettgeri and Serratia marcescens species may be considered of interest as potential biocontrol agents of R. ferrugineus

    Antifeedant and insecticidal effects of alfalfa saponins in the management of the Japanese beetle Popillia japonica

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    Popillia japonica is a quarantine pest of priority interest for the EU, given its potentially important economic, social and environmental impacts. Alternative strategies to chemical methods are essential to limit its spread in newly infested areas with favourable climatic and environmental conditions. Saponins are biologically active molecules widely distributed in plants, displaying a well-known repellent activity combined with a mortality effect against insects. In this context, saponins were extracted from alfalfa Medicago sativa, where medicagenic and zanhic acid glycosides and Soyasaponin I were the most abundant compounds and used in the laboratory and semi-field experiments for treating leaves of susceptible host plants for P. japonica. Under laboratory conditions, a food deterrence effect and a significant mortality rate were observed using Corylus avellana leaves treated at increasing saponin concentrations, ranging from 1% to 5% w/v. Semi-field condition experiment supported the food deterrence effect, as a significant food preference was observed for untreated plants of Vitis vinifera compared to treated plants. The promising results obtained suggest that alfalfa saponins could represent a potential eco-friendly approach for Japanese beetle control

    First record in Cyprus of Cinara (Cinara) cedri Mimeur (Aphididae Lachninae) on Cedrus brevifolia (Hooker fil.) Henry.

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    The Authors report on the discovery in South Cyprus of the aphid Cinara (Cinara) cedri Mimeur collected on the endemic cedar, Cedrus brevifolia (Hooker fil.) Henry. This is the first record of the lacnid in Cyprus. The ecological aspects of the cedar and its interaction with the related aphid species are discussed. The Authors suggest the hypothesis that the aphid may be co-endemic with its host conifer since it shows significant morphological differences compared with specimens from other European regions. The question whether the Cyprus cedar aphid can be injurious or not to its host plant is debated as well. The exact taxonomic position of this lacnid is currently under investigation


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    In south Italy, tomato growers commonly face severe root-knot nematode infestations. Alternative methods ofcontrol are required because of the high toxicity of current pesticides. Therefore, the potential of an integrated pestmanagement strategy for the control of root-knot nematodes on tomato in greenhouse was investigated. The nematodesusceptible tomato cv. Ikram, non-grafted or grafted onto the tomato rootstock cv. Armstrong, with intermediate resistanceto the nematode, in combination with soil applications of the nematicides fosthiazate, oxamyl, and abamectin were tested.The resistant rootstock significantly reduced nematode soil population levels and root galling index until one month aftertransplanting, when soil temperature was below 28°C, but not by harvest due to increased soil temperature. Fosthiazate,abamectin and oxamyl increased tomato yield and reduced root galling caused by Meloidogyne incognita. The synergisticeffect of the rootstock resistant to root-knot nematodes and soil treatments of fosthiazate in combination with abamectin oroxamyl could successfully be employed in integrated pest management programs to control M. incognita in tomato

    A new additional record of Phloeosinus armatus Reitter from Italy (Coleoptera Curculionidae Scolytinae)

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    In the early 1990s, outbreaks of the Cypress bark beetle Phloeosinus armatus Reitter were reported on Cupressus sempervirens L. and C. arizonica Sarg. in north-western Italy (Liguria). About 10 years later, this bark beetle, whose distribution range is originally the eastern Mediterranean, was found again in the same region on rows and isolated plants of Mediterranean cypress. In this paper P. armatus is reported for the first time on C. sempervirens in central Italy (Tuscany), where this insect species is widespread both on ornamental trees and on woodland formations. A taxonomic key is presented for the identification of both the male and female adults of P. armatus among species of the genus Phloeosinus Chapuis living on Cupressaceae in south-western Europe. Due to its greater size, compared with the indigenous species P. aubei, and the behavioural similarities in the adult maturation phase among the two species, P. armatus could convey large quantities of inoculum of the fungus Seiridium cardinale (Wagener) Sutton et Gibson, causal agent of cypress canker. The need for extensive monitoring and specific research for the development of attractants and traps to capture the adult bark beetles is emphasized

    First report of Gonipterus scutellatus complex (Coleoptera Curculionidae) in Sicily (Italy).

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    During August 2015, the weevil Gonipterus scutellatus complex (Coleoptera Curculionidae), a pest of Eucalyptus spp., was found for the first time in Sicily. According to our surveys, Eucalyptus globulus was the only infested tree species


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    The Velvet Longhorned Beetle Trichoferus campestris (Faldermann, 1835) was intercepted for the first time in Italy, in the Naples harbour, during monitoring activities at entry points carried out in the context of the national project ASPROPI. T. campestris is widely polyphagous and able to colonize several woody species in both agricultural and forest environments. Moreover timber and solid wood items can be equally attractive to this pest. This additional report, in an area where other alien insect species had been identified in the past, emphasises how the national monitoring network represents a key element of the alert system designed to quickly counter the accidental introduction and spreading of exotic insect pests

    Ultrastructure of the anterior alimentary tract of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus Mamiya et Enda (Nematoda Aphelenchoididae)

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    In view of the phytosanitary importance of nematodes of the genus Bursaphelenchus and the limited information available on their ultrastructure, we carried out a study of the buccal cavity and oesophageal area of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus Mamiya et Enda, 1979. Like the quarantine species Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et BĂĽhrer) Nickle, its development takes place in the resin canals of conifers. The specimens used in our study were taken from a laboratory population collected on Pinus pinaster Aiton in meso-thermophilic mixed forests of central Italy (Tuscany) and grown on Petri dishes in a climatic chamber for 20 generations. The ultrastructural features of the mouth opening, anterior intestine, labial sensilla, amphidial canals, stylet and metacorpus were investigated with a TEM. The oesophageal glands are also described. The observed structures are discussed and compared with those described for other nematodes
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