1,007 research outputs found

    La Bolivie des confins orientaux : une cartographie de l'imaginaire

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    The eastern borders Bolivia: a cartography of the imaginary. A critical review of the first national map, that of 1859. — Since its independence in 1825, Bolivia has been the country that has the most suffer from drastic teritorial reductions. In 1859, the first official map shows the Bolivian eastern territories of Amazonia and Chaco as being extremely extended. These territories had been claimed for after the Spanish colonial era and were free from population and development, but the Bolivian sovereignty over these regions was called into question by all its neighbours. The extraction of nitrate and rubber, and afterwards the projects of river and rail links that would have enabled the colonization of the unsettled territories resulted in Bolivia — which is a sparsely-populated and lower-income country — having to give up successively all these wide depopulated and unexploited border territories. The Chaco war of 1932 was the last stage of the process that had led Bolivia to experience a hemmed-in position — a situation that deeply affects its population.La Bolivie est, depuis son indépendance en 1825, le pays qui a le plus souffert d'amputations territoriales. En 1859, la première carte officielle produit une Bolivie aux territoires orientaux de l'Amazonie et du Chaco dilatés à l'extrême. Mais la souveraineté bolivienne de ses régions, revendiquées de l'héritage colonial espagnol, exemptes de peuplement et de mise en valeur, fut remise en cause par tous ses voisins. Les cycles extractifs du caoutchouc et du nitrate, puis les projets de liaisons ferroviaires ou fluviales assurant la colonisation des espaces restés vierges, firent que la Bolivie, pays peu peuplé et de faibles moyens, dut abandonner successivement tous ses vastes confins inexploités et dépeuplés. La guerre du Chaco, en 1932, achève de sanctionner ce processus qui a conduit le pays à un enclavement durement ressenti.Bolivia de los confines orientales: una carto- grafias del imaginario, una revision critica del primer mapa nacional de 1859. — Bolivia es desde su independencia en 1825 el país que ha sufrido más de recortes territoriales drasticos. En 1859 el primer mapa oficial produce una Bolivia con territorios orientales en Amazonia o Chaco, extremamente dilatados. Pero la soberania boliviana sobre estas limites révindicadas como herencia colonial española, exemptos de poblamiento y de desarollo economico, fue contestada por todos sus vecinos. Los ciclos extractivos del caucho o del salitre, y despuès los proyectos de vías férreas o fluviales que aseguran la colonización de los espacios vacios explican que Bolivia, pais de pocos habitantes y de medios escasos tuvo que abandonar sucesivamente, todas sus amplias regiones orientales desconocidas, inexplotadas y despobladas. La guerra del Chaco en 1932 acabo de conducir el país a una situación de Mediterraneidad interna, situaciôn muy mal aprovechada por su pueblo.Roux Jean-Claude. La Bolivie des confins orientaux : une cartographie de l'imaginaire. In: Espace géographique, tome 25, n°4, 1996. pp. 339-352

    La ligne Madeira-Yavari : une impossible frontière amazonienne pour la Bolivie

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    La Bolivie est un pays de démembrements territoriaux successifs qui se prolongèrent jusqu'en 1936 et amputèrent le pays d'environ 1,5 million de Km2. Le cas de la ligne de démarcation Madeira-Yavari, entre la Bolivie et le Brésil, est intéressant car il illustre de manière significative les conséquences de la non-territorialisation spatiale. Il s'agit de l'héritage d'une ancienne délimitation coloniale entre l'Espagne et le Portugal, restée pratiquement théorique jusqu'en 1850. Cette vaste région de 600 000 Km2 sera jusqu'aux années 1860 presque totalement inexplorée donc inexploitée. La Bolivie se résignera en 1867, face aux pressions de Rio, à faire cession au Brésil de 400 000 Km2 de cette zone, pensant ainsi légitimer sa souveraineté en Amazonie en échange d'un accès bien aléatoire sur le fleuve Paraguay. Mais l'echec des tentatives de colonisation, faute de moyens et surtout l'absence jusqu'en 1900 de démarcations indiscutées sur la position des sources du Yavari font que, avec la découverte de riches gisements de caoutchouc et partant l'intérêt porté aux fleuves assurant leur désserte, les Brésiliens déborderont les limites tacitement fixées. Invoquant le droit du premier occupant, il annexeront finalement la région de l'Acre, profitant de la présence de leurs colons dans une région par ailleurs inoccupée, mais aussi d'une absence de réaction. (Résumé d'auteur

    Can forensic science learn from the COVID-19 crisis?

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    This paper draws parallels between the current COVID-19 crisis and the apparent forensic science crisis. It investigates if shared approaches of the problem and solutions could emerge. Some relevant aspects of the medical system as it reacted to the pandemic crisis and the situation in forensic science are presented. Further, three main stages of the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on individuals and society are proposed, highlighting similarities to the effects of forensic science. Finally, some lessons from COVID-19 for forensic science are identified and discussed. It is concluded that forensic science’s best assurance to address current and future challenges, particularly in an increasingly digital environment, remains a sound scientific approach, including critical thinking and inter-disciplinary collaborations

    Práticas pedagógicas para a construção do conceito de número: o que dizem os documentos do arquivo Lucília Bechara Sanchez?

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    Disponível em: https://www.fe.unicamp.br/revistas/ged/zetetike/article/view/4358Este texto apresenta os resultados de pesquisa que investigou as práticas pedagógicas para o ensino do conceito de número. O trabalho situa-se no que é possível denominar “era cognitivista no ensino de matemática” (1960-1980). Levou-se em conta o Arquivo Lucília Bechara Sanchez – APLBS – como fonte de pesquisa, para dar resposta à seguinte questão: De que modo o Movimento da Matemática Moderna – MMM – concretizou propostas para o ensino do conceito de número nas séries iniciais

    Diversity and knowledge sharing: an analysis of integration processes in Multinational Firms (MNFs)

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    International audienceCorporate R&D internationalization is today perceived as a strategy intended for enhancing the knowledge of large firms within a highly-polarized global cognitive space. Two main questions arise and, as such, are incorporated as the two complementary themes of this paper: What are the risks of wasting resources used by multinational firms (MNFs) when they establish or take over laboratories abroad ? What strategies do they apply to harmonize relations between their various R&D entities and, as such, help reduce these risks ? The analysis is developed from a base comprising international cases, established within the R&D laboratories of multinational firms. R&D internationalization strategies generate a great diversity of knowledge. Consequently, these MNFs should develop inter-entity management skills, for which the paper provides a few of the keys to success. The factors determining the effectiveness of the articulation of knowledge sharing systems were not really part of any systematic analysis. Such an analysis would have been an opportunity to specifically appraise this. The approach could indeed improve social interaction-related issues. The results may greatly add to social interaction theories by attempting, above all, to enhance "sender - receiver" type models, on a MNF network scale

    Les "hommes du quinquina" : comportements démographiques et cycles de l'économie extractive dans une région bolivienne enclavée : Caupolican (1830-1880)

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    Cet article s'efforce, à partir des "Cahiers du tribut indigène", d'évaluer pour une région restée longtemps marginale, celle de Caupolican, soit jadis plus de 100 000 km2, les conséquences de deux booms successifs. Le premier implique, dans la première moitié du siècle passé, un produit extractif rare qui sera, un temps, l'objet d'une fructueuse exportation en Europe, le second, vers la fin du siècle, concerne un autre produit, lui aussi spécifique alors au bassin amazonien, le caoutchouc. Dans les deux cas, il en résulte les mêmes phénomènes : arrivée de migrations-travail, surexploitation qui engendre une crise de mévente, redressement provisoire avec la mise en place d'une structure commerciale axée sur l'extérieur, puis crise à la fin du siècle... C'est après 1880 que démarre dans la périphérie de la région de la quina de Caupolican le second boom extractif d'une ampleur géographique et économique nettement plus importante. A partir de 1890, il s'étend vers Caupolican dont les terres à hévéa comme les ressources en travailleurs sont récupérées au détriment du quinquina, devenu obsolète... Dans les deux cas, il en résulte l'incapacité de l'économie extractive à asseoir la nouvelle population de travailleurs, qui au contraire subit un choc démographique dévastateur par ses conséquences. (Résumé d'auteur

    Production of artificial fingermarks. Part II – The use of a modified inkjet printer for the deposition of synthetic secretions

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    This study is the second part of a larger body of research dedicated to the production of synthetic secretions and the use of an inkjet printer to deposit realistic artificial fingermarks. An artificial emulsion combining eccrine and sebaceous compounds, which was described and tested in the first part of this research, was used as it showed a promising compatibility with common detection techniques. An inkjet printer was modified to print the emulsion on two different substrates: paper (porous) and acetate (non-porous). After optimisation of the printing parameters, multiple fingermarks were printed and processed with a range of standalone detection techniques: 1,2-indanedione-zinc, ninhydrin, Oil Red O, and physical developer on paper, and cyanoacrylate fuming, rhodamine 6G, gold/zinc vacuum metal deposition, and silver black powder on acetate. The detection techniques were also applied in sequence, which is considered one of the biggest advantages of the emulsion over simpler amino acid mixtures that are usable with amino acid reagents only. Natural fingermarks deposited by a single donor were processed with the same techniques for comparison. The effect of water immersion was also investigated, where fingermarks printed on paper were immersed in water for 15 min, before being processed with 1,2-indanedione-zinc and Oil Red O. The results showed that realistic-looking fingermarks could be printed on paper and that printing on acetate was also possible albeit of lower quality due to the nature of the substrate. The artificial fingermarks were successfully enhanced by all the detection techniques tested, at the notable exception of physical developer. The results obtained were very similar to what is generally observed with real fingermarks, and it was observed that the impact of water immersion on the artificial fingermarks was comparable as well. These findings open new perspectives for the development of multi-target quality control test strips or for the standardisation of proficiency testing and interlaboratory collaborative exercises where ground truth is crucial to guarantee comparable results and objective assessment

    Shifting forensic science focus from means to purpose:A path forward for the discipline?

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    Forensic science is facing a persistent crisis that is often addressed by organizational responses, with a strong focus on the improvement and standardisation of means and processes. However, organisations and processes are highly dependent on the political, economical and legal structures in which they operate. This may explain why most proposed solutions had difficulties in addressing the crisis up to now, as they could hardly be applied transversally to all forensic science models. Moreover, new tools and technologies are continuously developed by a quasi-infinite number of different scientific disciplines, thus leading to further diversity and fragmentation of forensic science. In this paper, it is proposed to shift the focus from means to purpose and consider forensic science current challenges in terms of discipline, before addressing organisations’ specific issues. As a distinct discipline, forensic science can refocus research and development on shared principles and purposes, such as reconstructing, monitoring, and preventing crime and security issues. This focus change will facilitate a better understanding of the trace as the object of study of forensic science and eventually lead to a more impactful and long-lasting effect. This approach will also foster the development of a forensic science culture (instead of a primarily technological culture) unified by purpose rather than means through more relevant education and research