7 research outputs found

    Motor Evoked Potential Recruitment Curves Indicate Neuroplasticity after Spinal Cord Injury

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    Motor Evoked Potential Recruitment Curves Indicate Neuroplasticity after Spinal Cord Injury Yasmina Zeineddine, Depts. of Biomedical Engineering and Anthropology, with Thibault Roumengous, Graduate Student in Biomedical Engineering, and Dr. Carrie Peterson, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Introduction: Motor evoked potential (MEP) recruitment curves in response to transcranial magnetic stimulation across a range of stimulation intensities can provide insight into the condition of neural pathways to a muscle. Further, corticomotor reorganization associated with recovery of motor function may be reflected in changes in the MEP recruitment curve. At low TMS intensity, the MEP often consists of a single direct wave, whereas at higher stimulus intensities, the MEP amplitude increases due to recruitment of later indirect waves (I-waves). These late I-waves are thought to depend on trans-synaptic activation of corticospinal axons through excitatory interneurons. [1] In impaired patients, MEP recruitment curves can inform the development of individualized rehabilitation treatments, as curve irregularities can reveal specific deficits, and enhance our understanding of the neuroplastic changes that occur after injury. In comparing the biceps brachii recruitment curve of subjects with cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) to nonimpaired individuals, we hypothesized that individuals with SCI would have greater biceps excitability, and therefore greater RC slopes, due to the biceps cortical representation growing in response to triceps paralysis [2]. Materials and Methods: Ten nonimpaired (4 female, 6 male) and 5 impaired (3 female, 2 male) subjects consented to participate in the study. Subjects were seated and had their dominant arm positioned at a 90° elbow angle. EMG surface electrodes were placed on the biceps after being cleaned with alcohol wipes. The biceps cortical hotspot was determined as the area over the motor cortex where TMS evoked the largest MEP response. The resting motor threshold (RMT) was the lowest stimulus intensity required to elicit a 50μVpp MEP response in 3/5 trials. TMS was performed with a 126 mm diameter double cone coil and Magstim BiStim2 . MEPs were recorded from the BB and normalized by dividing by Mmax. Recruitment curves were recorded at stimulus intensities ranging from 80%- 160% of subject RMT in 10% increments. Pulse intensities were randomly administered with interstimulus intervals of 10 s. The data was recorded using Spike software and processed in Matlab. MEPs were excluded if they exceeded ±3 standard deviations of the mean response per intensity. Results and Discussion: The recruitment curve slopes for individuals with SCI, on average, were greater relative to the slopes of nonimpaired individuals. This was based on an analysis of MEPs between intensities of 100% and 140% RMT, wherein the slope was on average 5.13 across individuals with SCI, and 1.49 in the nonimpaired population. The greater slope in individuals with SCI suggests enhanced excitability of the biceps, which is consistent with previous studies showing greater cortical representation of non-paralyzed hand muscles relative to paralyzed muscles [2]. Conclusions: Our results indicate that cervical SCI promotes greater excitability in the muscles controlled by nerves rostral to the location of injury, and demonstrate neural plasticity following injury. The steeper slopes in individuals with SCI indicate greater recruitment of later I-waves. Whether increased recruitment of later I-waves is associated with greater cortical map area is unclear and will require further investigation.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1348/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluating Neuromuscular Function of the Biceps Brachii after Spinal Cord Injury: Assessment of Voluntary Activation and Motor Evoked Potential Input-Output Curves Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

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    Activation of upper limb muscles is important for independent living after cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) that results in tetraplegia. An emerging, non-invasive approach to address post-SCI muscle weakness is modulation of the nervous system. A long-term goal is to develop neuromodulation techniques to reinnervate (i.e. resupply nerve to) muscle fiber and thereby increase muscle function in individuals with tetraplegia. Towards this goal, developing monitoring techniques to quantify neuromuscular function is needed to better direct neurorehabilitation. Assessment of voluntary activation (VA) is a promising approach because the location of the stimulus can be applied cortically using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or peripherally (VAPNS) to reveal what levels of the nervous system are disrupting the innervation of muscle fibers. Voluntary activation measured with TMS (VATMS) can indicate deficits in voluntary cortical drive to innervate muscle. However, measurement of VATMS is limited by technical challenges, including the difficulty in preferential stimulation of cortical neurons projecting to the target muscle and minimal stimulation of antagonists. Thus, the motor evoked potential (MEP) response to TMS in the target muscle compared to its antagonist (i.e. MEP ratio) may be an important parameter in the assessment of VATMS. Using current methodology, VATMS cannot be reliably assessed in patient populations including individuals with tetraplegia. The overall purpose of this work was to investigate novel TMS-based methods to evaluate neuromuscular function after spinal cord injury. First, we developed and evaluated new methodology to assess VATMS in individuals with tetraplegia. The objective of the first study was to optimize the biceps/triceps MEP ratio using modulation of isometric elbow flexion angle in nonimpaired participants and participants with tetraplegia following cervical SCI (C5-C6). We hypothesized that the more flexed elbow angle would increase the MEP ratio. The MEP ratio was only modulated in the nonimpaired group but not across the entire range of voluntary efforts used to estimate VATMS. However, we established that VATMS and VAPNS in individuals with tetraplegia were repeatable across days. In a second study, we aimed to optimize MEPs during the assessment of VATMS using paired pulse TMS to elicit intracortical facilitation and short-interval intracortical inhibition. We hypothesized that intracortical facilitation would lead to an increased MEP ratio compared to single pulse and that short-interval intracortical inhibition would lead to a lower MEP ratio. The MEP ratio was modulated in both groups but not across the entire range of voluntary efforts, and did not affect VATMS estimation compared to single pulse TMS. Paired pulse TMS outcomes revealed abnormal patterns of intracortical inhibition in individuals with tetraplegia. Further, VATMS was sensitive to the linearity of the voluntary moment and superimposed twitch relationship. Linearity was lower in SCI relative to nonimpaired participants. We discuss the limitations of VATMS in assessing neuromuscular impairments in tetraplegia. In a third study, we aimed to collect MEP input-output curves of the biceps in SCI and nonimpaired and evaluate curve-fitting methodology as well as their repeatability across sessions. We hypothesized that slopes would be greater in the SCI group compared to nonimpaired. Slopes obtained with linear regression were greater in tetraplegia compared to nonimpaired participants, suggesting compensatory reorganization of corticomotor pathways after SCI. Linear regression accurately represented the slope of the modeled data compared to sigmoidal function curve-fitting method. Slopes were also found to be repeatable across days in both groups. In a fourth study, we aimed to implement a low-cost navigated TMS system (\u3c $3000) that uses motion tracking, 3D printed parts and open-source software to monitor coil placement during stimulation. We hypothesized that using this system would improve coil position and orientation consistency and decrease MEP variability compared to the conventional method when targeting the biceps at rest and during voluntary contractions across two sessions in nonimpaired participants. Coil orientation error was reduced but the improvement did not translate to lower MEP variability. This low-cost approach is an alternative to expensive systems in tracking the motor hotspot between sessions and quantifying the error in coil placement when delivering TMS. Finally, we conclude and recommend future research directions to address the challenges that we identified during this work to improve our ability to monitor neuromuscular impairments and contribute to the development of more effective neurorehabilitation strategies

    Paired pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation in the assessment of biceps voluntary activation in individuals with tetraplegia.

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    After spinal cord injury (SCI), motoneuron death occurs at and around the level of injury which induces changes in function and organization throughout the nervous system, including cortical changes. Muscle affected by SCI may consist of both innervated (accessible to voluntary drive) and denervated (inaccessible to voluntary drive) muscle fibers. Voluntary activation measured with transcranial magnetic stimulation (VATMS) can quantify voluntary cortical/subcortical drive to muscle but is limited by technical challenges including suboptimal stimulation of target muscle relative to its antagonist. The motor evoked potential (MEP) in the biceps compared to the triceps (i.e., MEP ratio) may be a key parameter in the measurement of biceps VATMS after SCI. We used paired pulse TMS, which can inhibit or facilitate MEPs, to determine whether the MEP ratio affects VATMS in individuals with tetraplegia. Ten individuals with tetraplegia following cervical SCI and ten non-impaired individuals completed single pulse and paired pulse VATMS protocols. Paired pulse stimulation was delivered at 1.5, 10, and 30 ms inter-stimulus intervals (ISI). In both the SCI and non-impaired groups, the main effect of the stimulation pulse (paired pulse compared to single pulse) on VATMS was not significant in the linear mixed-effects models. In both groups for the stimulation parameters we tested, the MEP ratio was not modulated across all effort levels and did not affect VATMS. Linearity of the voluntary moment and superimposed twitch moment relation was lower in SCI participants compared to non-impaired. Poor linearity in the SCI group limits interpretation of VATMS. Future work is needed to address methodological issues that limit clinical application of VATMS

    Paired pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation in the assessment of biceps voluntary activation in individuals with tetraplegia.

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    After spinal cord injury (SCI), motoneuron death occurs at and around the level of injury which induces changes in function and organization throughout the nervous system, including cortical changes. Muscle affected by SCI may consist of both innervated (accessible to voluntary drive) and denervated (inaccessible to voluntary drive) muscle fibers. Voluntary activation measured with transcranial magnetic stimulation (VATMS) can quantify voluntary cortical/subcortical drive to muscle but is limited by technical challenges including suboptimal stimulation of target muscle relative to its antagonist. The motor evoked potential (MEP) in the biceps compared to the triceps (i.e., MEP ratio) may be a key parameter in the measurement of biceps VATMS after SCI. We used paired pulse TMS, which can inhibit or facilitate MEPs, to determine whether the MEP ratio affects VATMS in individuals with tetraplegia. Ten individuals with tetraplegia following cervical SCI and ten non-impaired individuals completed single pulse and paired pulse VATMS protocols. Paired pulse stimulation was delivered at 1.5, 10, and 30 ms inter-stimulus intervals (ISI). In both the SCI and non-impaired groups, the main effect of the stimulation pulse (paired pulse compared to single pulse) on VATMS was not significant in the linear mixed-effects models. In both groups for the stimulation parameters we tested, the MEP ratio was not modulated across all effort levels and did not affect VATMS. Linearity of the voluntary moment and superimposed twitch moment relation was lower in SCI participants compared to non-impaired. Poor linearity in the SCI group limits interpretation of VATMS. Future work is needed to address methodological issues that limit clinical application of VATMS

    Cerebral oxygenation and perfusion kinetics monitoring of military aircrew at high G using novel fNIRS wearable system

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    IntroductionReal-time physiological episode (PE) detection and management in aircrew operating high-performance aircraft (HPA) is crucial for the US Military. This paper addresses the unique challenges posed by high acceleration (G-force) in HPA aircrew and explores the potential of a novel wearable functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) system, named NIRSense Aerie, to continuously monitor cerebral oxygenation during high G-force exposure.MethodsThe NIRSense Aerie system is a flight-optimized, wearable fNIRS device designed to monitor tissue oxygenation 13–20 mm below the skin's surface. The system includes an optical frontend adhered to the forehead, an electronics module behind the earcup of aircrew helmets, and a custom adhesive for secure attachment. The fNIRS optical layout incorporates near-distance, middle-distance, and far-distance infrared emitters, a photodetector, and an accelerometer for motion measurements. Data processing involves the modified Beer-Lambert law for computing relative chromophore concentration changes. A human evaluation of the NIRSense Aerie was conducted on six subjects exposed to G-forces up to +9 Gz in an Aerospace Environmental Protection Laboratory centrifuge. fNIRS data, pulse oximetry, and electrocardiography (HR) were collected to analyze cerebral and superficial tissue oxygenation kinetics during G-loading and recovery.ResultsThe NIRSense Aerie successfully captured cerebral deoxygenation responses during high G-force exposure, demonstrating its potential for continuous monitoring in challenging operational environments. Pulse oximetry was compromised during G-loading, emphasizing the system's advantage in uninterrupted cerebrovascular monitoring. Significant changes in oxygenation metrics were observed across G-loading levels, with distinct responses in Deoxy-Hb and Oxy-Hb concentrations. HR increased during G-loading, reflecting physiological stress and the anti-G straining maneuver.DiscussionThe NIRSense Aerie shows promise for real-time monitoring of aircrew physiological responses during high G-force exposure. Despite challenges, the system provides valuable insights into cerebral oxygenation kinetics. Future developments aim for miniaturization and optimization for enhanced aircrew comfort and wearability. This technology has potential for improving anti-G straining maneuver learning and retention through real-time cerebral oxygenation feedback during centrifuge training