2 research outputs found
Frequencies of MN NCE in the peripheral blood of adult male mice.
<p>The mice were either untreated (controls) or exposed to MCS for 60 min/day and/or receiving 5% EtOH with the drinking water (upper panel) or either untreated (controls) or exposed to MCS for 90 min/day and/or receiving 10% EtOH with the drinking water (bottom panel). Statistical analysis: <sup>a</sup><i>P</i> < 0.05, <sup>b</sup><i>P</i> < 0.01, and <sup>c</sup><i>P</i> < 0.001, as compared with the corresponding controls;: <sup>d</sup><i>P</i> < 0.05, as compared with the corresponding MCS.</p
Cytogenetical damage in the bone marrow and in PAM of adult male BDF<sub>1</sub> mice exposed to MCS and/or receiving 5% EtOH with the drinking water for 3 weeks.
<p>Cytogenetical damage in the bone marrow and in PAM of adult male BDF<sub>1</sub> mice exposed to MCS and/or receiving 5% EtOH with the drinking water for 3 weeks.</p