26 research outputs found

    Alignment and theory in Corporate Real Estate alignment models

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    This paper deepens the understanding of Corporate Real Estate (CRE) alignment through a meta-study of twenty existing alignment models. A qualitative hermeneutic method interpreted the models and their articles. This holistic analysis found alignment to be more complex and pluralistic than the individual models assumed. Four dimensions operating simultaneously were evident – a multi-valent relationship, multiple alignment forms, multiple cognitive objects to align and alignment in multiple directions. Alignment theorisation had positive and negative aspects. Positive is that good science was evident and had improved over time. Negative is that model theorisation had occurred mostly in isolation and was constrained by simplifications required to make modelling tractable. The research makes a meta-theoretical contribution through a more complete theorisation of CRE alignment as a phenomenon. This addresses a disordered sense to prior theory thereby representing a major conceptual improvement. A new alignment model is not proposed; rather through developed understanding a basis is provided to examine alignment in both theorisation and practice

    A Framework for Assessing Regeneration, Business Strategies and Urban Competitiveness

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    Certain cities have competitive advantage and capture the opportunities for growth and development while others continue to negotiate their position in an increasingly competitive global economy. The less competitive cities are struggling to employ effective urban regeneration strategies and property-led business strategies. This paper is concerned with developing an integrated framework for urban competitiveness with linkages to regeneration and business strategies. The methodology employed examines the literature on various regeneration and property-led business strategies being adopted in urban centres to formulate two parallel frameworks for urban regeneration and business. The key outcome of this paper is an integrated evaluation framework for urban competitiveness linked to the regeneration and business strategies.