39 research outputs found

    RĂ©-explorer les influences sociales dans la consommation excessive d’alcool chez les jeunes

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    International audienceThe massive alcoholization of young people does not seem to weaken in spite of an important number of actions organized to curb this phenomenon. Setting out from this premise, this research aims at identifying better the real-life experience of young people during student nights and their perception of alcohol risk factors. The main result concerns the highlighting of a group effect with its social hierarchy which contributes to strengthen a falsified perception of the incurred risks

    Les apports du <i>brand content</i> Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de l’image d’une marque : le cas SNCF

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    International audienceBrands are confronted today with the increasing power of consumers who appropriate their speech and propagate it in their way. In front of these new practices, in particular of the development of the social networks, they must reconsider their communications strategy and cannot content themselves any more with the "transmitter/receiver" traditional diagram. The production of contents can consequently become an interesting option, especially for public companies whose deficit of image is often considerable.Les marques sont aujourd’hui confrontĂ©es au pouvoir grandissant des consommateurs qui s’approprient leur discours et le propagent Ă  leur façon. Face Ă  ces nouvelles pratiques, et notamment Ă  l’essor des rĂ©seaux sociaux, elles doivent repenser leur stratĂ©gie de communication et ne peuvent plus se contenter du schĂ©ma classique «émetteur/rĂ©cepteur». La production de contenu peut dĂšs lors s’avĂ©rer une option intĂ©ressante, surtout pour les entreprises publiques qui connaissent un dĂ©ficit d’image. Le cas SNCF prĂ©sentĂ© ici permet de comprendre les modalitĂ©s et les enjeux du brand content pour s’attacher la sympathie et l’intĂ©rĂȘt des consommateurs

    Les blogs adolescents : quels usages pour les marques?

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    National audienceSupport of social interactions, the blogosphere constitutes an identity support of construction for tee- nagers. From there, this qualitative study proposes a typology of the blogs highlighting the different moda- lities of these interactions between peers. This study also underlines the potentialities offered by the blo- gosphere for brands wishing to understand the practices of the consumption of teenagers and to build with them a durable relationship on the InternetSupport d’interactions sociales, la blogosphère constitue un vecteur de construction identitaire pour les adolescents. À partir de ce constat, cette étude qualitative propose une typologie des blogs adolescents rendant compte des jeux identitaires et relationnels sur les réseaux sociaux. Dans le prolongement, est pro- posé un ensemble de postures que les marques peuvent adopter sur la blogosphère adolescente afin d’ap- prendre à mieux connaître cette population et interagir efficacement avec elle