45 research outputs found

    Modelling swimming hydrodynamics to enhance performance

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    Swimming assessment is one of the most complex but outstanding and fascinating topics in biomechanics. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology is one of the different methods that have been applied in swimming research to observe and understand water movements around the human body and its application to improve swimming performance. CFD has been applied attempting to understand deeply the biomechanical basis of swimming. Several studies have been conducted willing to analyze the propulsive forces produced by the propelling segments and the drag force resisting forward motion. CFD technique can be considered as an interesting new approach for evaluation of swimming hydrodynamic forces, according to recent evidences. In the near future, as in the present, CFD will provide valorous arguments for defining new swimming techniques or equipments

    The hydrodynamic study of the swimming gliding: a two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis

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    Nowadays the underwater gliding after the starts and the turns plays a major role in the overall swimming performance. Hence, minimizing hydrodynamic drag during the underwater phases should be a main aim during swimming. Indeed, there are several postures that swimmers can assume during the underwater gliding, although experimental results were not conclusive concerning the best body position to accomplish this aim. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyse the effect in hydrodynamic drag forces of using different body positions during gliding through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology. For this purpose, two-dimensional models of the human body in steady flow conditions were studied. Two-dimensional virtual models had been created: (i) a prone position with the arms extended at the front of the body; (ii) a prone position with the arms placed alongside the trunk; (iii) a lateral position with the arms extended at the front and; (iv) a dorsal position with the arms extended at the front. The drag forces were computed between speeds of 1.6 m/s and 2 m/s in a two-dimensional Fluent® analysis. The positions with the arms extended at the front presented lower drag values than the position with the arms aside the trunk. The lateral position was the one in which the drag was lower and seems to be the one that should be adopted during the gliding after starts and turns

    Pulsating Flow Effects on Hydrodynamics in a Desalination Membrane Filled with Spacers

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    A previously developed and validated two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model to study the hydrodynamics in a desalination membrane filled with spacers in zig-zag arrangements has been further developed to include the effects of a pulsating flow with the profile of a heartbeat. Numerical solutions were obtained with Fluent for pulsating laminar flows in channels filled with four different spacers and four lengths of cells. Hydrodynamics was investigated for unsteady state, using a characteristic function of a heartbeat, in order to study the influence of temporal variation in the hydrodynamic behavior. The results show the velocities distribution, streamlines, pressure drop and the wall shear stress on the impermeable wall of the membrane, for Reynolds numbers up to 100. The reduction in the distance between the filaments of the spacers, leads to the appearance of more active recirculation zones that can promote mass transfer and decreasing concentrations layers. On the other hand, this reduction increases the pressure drop and consequently the energy expended in the process. Further, the characteristic function of heartbeat demonstrates promising results, with regard to the energy consumption in the process and optimization of the recirculation zones


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    The hydrodynamic drag forces produced by the swimmer during the sub aquatic gliding have been analyzed appealing to experimental investigation methods (e.g., Lyttle et al., 2000). However, the obtained results varied, which can translate some of the main inherent difficulties involved in the experimental studies. Thus, through application of a numerical method of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), we intended to study the hydrodynamic drag forces, created during the displacement of the swimmer in different gliding positions, attempting to address some practical concerns to swimmers and coaches

    Modelling Propelling Force in Swimming Using Numerical Simulations

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    In the sports field, numerical simulation techniques have been shown to provide useful information about performance and to play an important role as a complementary tool to physical experiments. Indeed, this methodology has produced significant improvements in equipment design and technique prescription in different sports (Kellar et al., 1999; Pallis et al., 2000; Dabnichki & Avital, 2006). In swimming, this methodology has been applied in order to better understand swimming performance. Thus, the numerical techniques have been addressed to study the propulsive forces generated by the propelling segments (Rouboa et al., 2006; Marinho et al., 2009a) and the hydrodynamic drag forces resisting forward motion (Silva et al., 2008; Marinho et al., 2009b). Although the swimmer’s performance is dependent on both drag and propulsive forces, within this chapter the focus is only on the analysis of the propulsive forces. Hence, this chapter covers topics in swimming propelling force analysis from a numerical simulation technique perspective. This perspective means emphasis on the fluid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics methodology applied in swimming investigations. One of the main aims for performance (velocity) enhancement of swimming is to maximize propelling forces whilst not increasing drag forces resisting forward motion, for a given trust. This chapter will concentrate on numerical simulation results, considering the scientific simulation point-of-view, for this practical application in swimming

    Analysis of wind velocity and release angle effects on discus throw using computational fluid dynamics

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    The aim of this paper is to study the aerodynamics of discus throw. A comparison of numerical and experimental performance of discus throw with and without rotation was carried out using the analysis of lift and drag coefficients. Initial velocity corresponding to variation angle of around 35.5° was simulated. Boundary condition, on the top and bottom boundary edges of computational domain, was imposed in order to eliminate external influences on the discus; a wind resistance was calculated for the velocity values of 25 and 27 m/s. The results indicate that the flight distance (D) was strongly affected by the drag coefficient, the initial velocity, the release angle and the direction of wind velocity. It was observed that these variables change as a function of discus rotation. In this study, results indicate a good agreement of D between experimental values and numerical results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The gliding phase in swimming: the effect of water depth

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    Aiming to achieve higher performances, swimmers should maximize each component of swimming races. During starts and turns, the gliding phase represents a determinant part of these race components. Thus, the depth position allowing minimizing the hydrodynamic drag force represents an important concern in swimming research. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of depth on drag during the underwater gliding, using computational fluid dynamic


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    Swimming events are the sum of a gliding part and a swimming part. The gliding is used after the start and turns, and this phase typically corresponds to 10-25% of the total event time (Chatard et al., 1990). Taking this into account, one can notice that gliding is very important in swimming events and, therefore, its biomechanical study in order to make it more efficient is also very relevant. The gliding can be studied experimentally, by using voluntary subjects gliding in a controlled manner in a swimming pool (using video or velocimetry, for instance), or by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Although the experimental method gives “real” values it also presents some drawbacks, like usually imposing a heavy setup and also the fact that it is difficult to control all variables, like depth, attitude or intersegment positions of the swimmer. The CFD method does not have these limitations and its results are comparable to those obtained by the experimental method (Bixler & Riewald, 2002; Silva et al., 2005; Bixler et al., 2007; Vilas Boas et al., 2010). This work aims to study the effects of the depth and velocity on the drag force experienced by a swimmer during gliding using the CFD method

    Computational fluid dynamics applied to competitive swimming: the role of finger position

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    The best fingers’ relative position during the underwater path of the stroke cycle in swimming seems to be an unclear issue. Even in elite level swimmers, different relative positions of thumb and finger spreading can be observed. The aim of the current abstract was to present the hydrodynamic characteristics of a true model of a swimmer’s hand with different fingers’ positions using computational CFD

    Three-dimensional CFD analysis of the hand and forearm in swimming

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the hydrodynamic characteristics of a realistic model of an elite swimmer hand/forearm using three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics techniques. A three-dimensional domain was designed to simulate the fluid flow around a swimmer hand and forearm model in different orientations (0°, 45°, and 90° for the three axes Ox, Oy and Oz). The hand/forearm model was obtained through computerized tomography scans. Steady-state analyses were performed using the commercial code Fluent. The drag coefficient presented higher values than the lift coefficient for all model orientations. The drag coefficient of the hand/forearm model increased with the angle of attack, with the maximum value of the force coefficient corresponding to an angle of attack of 90°. The drag coefficient obtained the highest value at an orientation of the hand plane in which the model was directly perpendicular to the direction of the flow. An important contribution of the lift coefficient was observed at an angle of attack of 45°, which could have an important role in the overall propulsive force production of the hand and forearm in swimming phases, when the angle of attack is near 45°.Lif