4,794 research outputs found

    Correlating locus of control with the motive to avoid success

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    Expectancy seems to operate as described in J.B. Rotter\u27 s Social Learning Theory (1954). His work , although seemingly related to that of other notables (Riesman, 1954, in particular), is distinguished through one vital concept-­ perception. According to Rotter, any reinforcement or reward will gain or lose effectiveness in insuring the recurrence of a preceding behavior or event only if it is perceived to have a casual relationship. One must believe the reward to be contingent upon his behavior or independent of it in order for an expectancy to be established (Rotter, 1954, 1960). It follows then that the reward or reinforcement would strengthen the expectancy that a behavior or act should be followed by that same reinforcement in the future and once established, the failure of that reinforcement to appear should reduce or extinguish the expectancy. Over time an individual establishes patterns for reinforcement and these differ in degree of attribution of contingency on his actions (Rotter, 1966)

    Analiza tumorskog markera CA 15-3 i hormonskog statusa u ondosu na metastatsku zahvaćenost interpektoralnih (Rotterovih) limfnih čvorova

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    The study was aimed at analyzing metastatic involvement in interpectoral (Rotter\u27s) lymph nodes related to tumor marker CA 15-3 and hormone receptor status. The study includes 172 female patients undergoing surgery for breast cancer at the University Hospital for Tumors, Zagreb, Croatia from November 2001 to August 2003. In addition to the standard surgical procedure, interpectoral (Rotter\u27s) lymph nodes were removed in all of the patients. Levels of the serum tumor marker CA 15-3 was determined prior to surgery and hormone receptors status were determined after the surgery. Rotter\u27s lymph nodes were identified in 67% of the patients, with metastatic involvement revealed in 20% of the Rotter\u27s nodes. Metastatic involvement of Rotter\u27s nodes in patients with negative and positive axillary lymph nodes was 4% and 35%, respectively. Of 35 Rotter\u27s node-positive patients, 31.4% had elevated serum levels of tumor marker CA 15-3, with the level statistically significantly higher in Rotter\u27s positive patients compared to those with negative (or absent) Rotter\u27s nodes ( 2=8.22, p= 0.0004). Hormone receptor status showed statistically significant difference in the expression of estrogen receptors and no statistically significant difference in progesteron receptors between patients with and those without positive Rotter\u27s nodes (2=3.68; p=0.05 and 2=0.07;p=0.79). The results show that one-fifth of breast cancer patients, or even one-third of them with positive axillary lymph nodes, are discharged with positive interpectoral lymph nodes that remain undiagnosed and non-extirpated. Tumor marker CA 15-3 is more frequently elevated in patients with positive Rotter\u27s lymph nodes. Estrogen receptors are as well more frequently negative in such patients. Progesteron receptors show no difference in patients with positive or negative Rotter\u27s lymph nodes. As the nodes can be surgically removed without additional mutilation, the exploration of Rotter\u27s lymph nodes should be introduced into routine clinical practice and the elevated values of tumor marker CA 15-3 could be warning for possible positive interpectoral nodes.U radu je analizirana zahvaćenost interpektoralnih (Rotterovih) limfnih čvorova metastazama u odnosu na vrijednosti tumorskog markera CA 15-3 i hormonski status. Analizirane su 172 bolesnice s rakom dojke operirane u Klinici za tumore, Zagreb od studenog 2001. do kolovoza 2003. U svih su bolesnica, uz standardnu operaciju, uklonjeni i interpektoralni (Rotterovi) limfni čvorov. Prije operacije su izmjerene vrijednosti tumorskog markera CA15- 3, a nakon operacije vrijednosti hormonskih receptora. Rotterovi limfni čvorovi otkriveni su u 67% bolesnica, od kojih je 20% bilo zahvaćeno metastazama. U bolesnica s negativnim aksilarnim limfnim čvorovima metastatska zahvaćenost Rotterovih limfnih čvorova iznosila je 4%, a u bolesnica s pozitivnim aksilarnim limfnim čvorovima 35 %. Od 35 bolesnica s pozitivnim Rotterovim limfnim čvorovima u njih 31, 4% bio je i povišen tumorski marker CA 15- 3 što je statistički znakovito viša vrijednost u odnosu na žene s rakom dojke s negativnim (ili neprisutnim) Rotterovim limfnim čvorovima (_2=8,22, p= 0,0004). Hormonski status pokazuje statistički znakovitu razliku u ekspresiji estrogenskih receptora, a u ekspresiji progesteronskih receptora takva razlika između bolesnica sa ili bez pozitivnih Rotterovih čvorova nije uočena (_2=3,68; p=0,05 and _2=0.07;p=0,79). Rezultati pokazuju da je jedna petina bolesnica s rakom dojke, ili čak jedna trećina s pozitivnim aksilarnim limfnimčvorovima otpuštena iz bolnice s pozitivnim interpektoralnim limfnim čvorovima koji nisu dijagnosticirani, pa tako ni uklonjeni. Vrijednosti tumorskog markera češće su povišene u bolesnica s pozitivnim Rotterovim čvorovima. Estrogenski su receptori u tih bolesnica tako|er bili češće negativni, a progesteronski receptori ne pokazuju razlike između bolesnica s pozitivnim i onima s negativnim Rotterovim čvorovima. Kako se ti čvorovi mogu ukloniti bez dodatne mutilacije, otkrivanje Rotterovih limfnih čvorova treba postati redovitom kliničkom praksom, a pritom povišene vrijednosti tumorskog markera CA 15-3 mogu upozoravati na eventualno pozitivne interpektoralne limfne čvorove

    Strategier til giftfri bekæmpelse af rotter og mus

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    I nærværende delprojekt er første fase en kortlægning, der identificerer de faktorer i systemer med udendørs svineproduktion i Danmark, som kan have betydning for forekomst af potentielle skadedyr og problemer i den forbindelse. Kortlægningen er blevet udført i form af en spørgeskemaundersøgelse. På grundlag af kortlægningen gennemføres efterfølgende en detaljeret beskrivelse af rotters (og eventuelle andre gnaveres) økologi i to udvalgte økologiske svinebedrifter, og der skal udarbejdes strategier til bekæmpelse af gnavere med fokus på rotter. I spørgeskemaet blev der spurgt om forekomst af og problemer med evt. skadedyr blandt pattedyr, fugle og insekter/mider. I denne rapport fokuseres på gnaverne og med hovedvægt på rotterne. Baggrunden for dette er, at der ifølge EU-bestemmelser kun må bruges gift, hvis det kan sikres, at den ikke indgår i fødekæden. Grise kan godt æde rotter og mus. Ifølge dansk lovgivning skal rotter bekæmpes overalt, og i øvrigt er bekæmpelsen et kommunalt anliggende (se Miljøbeskyttelsesloven 2001). Rotter og mus kan overføre smitte (f.eks. Salmonella, Leptospira, Yersinia, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (rødsygebakterien) og Brachyspira hyodysenteria) (Feenstra., et al 2000; Gratz, 1994) til svinene, så alene af den grund kan der være en berettiget grund til at foretage bekæmpelse. Rottebekæmpelse skal udføres af autoriserede personer, mens musebekæmpelse kan udføres af landmanden selv. En stigende bestand af rotter (eller mus) vil utvivlsomt medføre betydelige risici for smitte med ovennævnte sygdomme. Traditionel bekæmpelse med gift er uønsket i økologisk husdyrproduktion. Det er derfor vigtigt, at der udvikles effektive, men giftfrie strategier til bekæmpelse af gnavere i økologisk svineproduktion. Viden om de faktorer, der påvirker niveauet af rotter i økologisk svineproduktion, er meget mangelfuld. I økologisk landbrug er brug af antikoagulanter til rottebekæmpelse tilladt under visse forudsætninger. Uanset hvem der udfører rotte- eller musebekæmpelse, er der en skjult konflikt, så snart der anvendes kemisk bekæmpelse

    Metastatska zahvaćenost interpektoralnih (Rotterovih) limfnih čvorova u bolesnica s rakom dojke

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    The study was aimed at analyzing metastatic involvement in interpectoral (Rotter\u27s) lymph nodes in patients with primary breast cancer. The study includes 172 female patients undergoing surgery for breast cancer at the University Hospital for Tumors, Zagreb, Croatia from November 2001 to August 2003. In addition to the standard surgical procedure, interpectoral (Rotter\u27s) lymph nodes were removed in all of the patients. Rotter\u27s lymph nodes were identified in 67% of the patients, with metastatic involvement revealed in 20% of the Rotter\u27s nodes. Metastatic involvement of Rotter\u27s nodes in patients with negative and positive axillary lymph nodes was 4% and 35%, respectively. The results show that one-fifth of breast cancer patients, or even one-third of them with positive axillary lymph nodes, are discharged with positive interpectoral lymph nodes that remain undiagnozed and non-extirpated. As the nodes can be surgically removed without additional mutilation or resections, the exploration of Rotter\u27s lymph nodes should be introduced into routine clinical practice for diagnostic and therapeutic reasons.U radu je analizirana metastatska zahvaćenost interpektoralnih (Rotterovih) limfnih čvorova u bolesnica s primarnim rakom dojke. Analizirane su 172 bolesnice s rakom dojke operirane u Klinici za tumore u Zagrebu, Hrvatska u razdoblju od studenog 2001. do kolovoza 2003. U svih su bolesnica, uz standardni kirurški zahvat, uklonjeni i interpektoralni (Rotterovi) limfni čvorovi. Rotterovi limfni čvorovi otkriveni su 67% bolesnica, od kojih je 20% bilo zahvaćeno metastazama. Metastatska zahvaćenost Rotterovih limfnih čvorova otkrivena je u 4% bolesnica s negativnim aksilarnim čvorovima, odnosno u 35% bolesnica s pozitivnim limfnim čvorovima aksile. Rezultati pokazuju da je jedna petina bolesnica s rakom dojke, ili čak jedna trećina s pozitivnim aksilarnim limfnim čvorovima otpuštena iz bolnice s pozitivnim interpektoralnim limfnim čvorovima koji nisu dijagnosticirani, pa tako ni uklonjeni. Kako se ti čvorovi mogu ukloniti bez dodatne mutilacije, otkrivanje Rotterovih limfnih čvorova treba postati redovitom kliničkom praksom u dijagnostici i terapiji

    A review of the mallet impact test for small scale explosive formulations

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    Presented at 19th Seminar on New Trends of Energetic Materials (NTREM 2016); 20-22/04/2016, Pardubice Czech RepublicDevelopment of new explosive formulations begins with the generation of only a few milligrams of material which is investigated using a number of small scale tests such as DSC, TGA, response to flame, mallet impact (mallet friction either glancing or direct blow) to determine whether the formulation is safe to scale up to 10 g. The latter of these tests, mallet impact, can be particularly subjective as the result is directly influenced by the operator carrying out the assessment. Not only can there be a change from one operator to another but there can also be a change in the force applied during each strike potentially leading to inconsistent results. This study highlights this encountered variation and assesses the load applied by a variety of operators with varying levels of explosive experience. This paper also proposes the use of a small scale laboratory based impact test which would provide improved confidence in the assessment of impact sensitiveness of explosive formulations and assist in justifying whether a formulation can be taken to the next scale. A small scale version of the BAM impact test (EMTAP Test 43) has been devised that allows the comparison of the sensitiveness of small scale formulations relative to RDX (8.7 J, EMTAP Test 43B) whilst also ensuring a reproducible result