12 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing the Production of Sensory Active Substances in Brewer’s and Wine Yeast

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    The publication focuses on brewer’s and wine yeast and their role in the production of alcoholic beverages. Individual strains and yeast species differ in the structure of the genome. Numerous hybridizations led to the formation of new yeast lines, for example groups of bottom-fermenting yeasts Saaz and Frohberg. The structure of the genome is linked with the synthesis of proteins. Proteins affect the cell’s metabolic processes and their products. Therefore, yeast have a signifi cant effect on the fl avor and taste of fermented beverages. Alcohols, esters, acetaldehydes, monoterpenoids, organic acids, glycerol, vicinal diketones, or sulfur compounds produced by yeast give rise to the characteristic fl avor and aroma profi les used in the production of various types of beers and wines. The aroma and the taste are also affected by stress factors that act on yeast cells during fermentation processes. The publication also includes a brief overview of yeast metabolism, with emphasis on glucose catabolism and ethanol fermentation

    Beta3 adrenoceptors substitute the role of M 2 muscarinic receptor in coping with cold stress in the heart: Evidence from M 2KO mice

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    We investigated the role of beta3-adrenoceptors (AR) in cold stress (1 or 7 days in cold) in animals lacking main cardioinhibitive receptors - M2 muscarinic receptors (M 2KO). There was no change in receptor number in the right ventricles. In the left ventricles, there was decrease in binding to all cardiostimulative receptors (beta1-, and beta2-AR) and increase in cardiodepressive receptors (beta3-AR) in unstressed KO in comparison to WT. The cold stress in WT animals resulted in decrease in binding to beta1- and beta2-AR (to 37%/35% after 1 day in cold and to 27%/28% after 7 days in cold) while beta3-AR were increased (to 216% of control) when 7 days cold was applied. MR were reduced to 46% and 58%, respectively. Gene expression of M2 MR in WT was not changed due to stress, while M3 was changed. The reaction of beta1- and beta2-AR (binding) to cold was similar in KO and WT animals, and beta3-AR in stressed KO animals did not change. Adenylyl cyclase activity was affected by beta3-agonist CL316243 in cold stressed WT animals but CL316243 had almost no effects on adenylyl cyclase activity in stressed KO. Nitric oxide activity (NOS) was not affected by BRL37344 (beta3-agonist) both in WT and KO animals. Similarly, the stress had no effects on NOS activity in WT animals and in KO animals. We conclude that the function of M2 MR is substituted by beta3-AR and that these effects are mediated via adenylyl cyclase rather than NOS. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

    Preparation of carriers with immobilized enzymes for study and analysis of selected compounds

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    Práce se zabývá přípravou dvou nových nosičů s imobilizovanými enzymy, papainem a lakázou, optimalizací podmínek katalyzovaných reakcí a možností praktického využití připravených nosičů pro biotechnologické účely. Nosič s imobilizovaným papinem byl připraven za účelem fragmentace kyseliny hyaluronové, biopolymeru se širokým uplatněním ve zdravotnictví a dále v oblasti farmaceutického a kosmetického průmyslu. Nosič s kovalentně vázanou lakázou byl vyvíjen pro degradaci azobarviv i další možnosti uplatnění např. k odstranění toxických látek z půdy nebo v oblasti biosenzorů.Katedra biologických a biochemických vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Inorganic Silica Nanofibers in a Role of Bioactive Compound Carrier

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