36 research outputs found

    Médicaments, sexe et genre [Medicines, sex and gender]

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    Sex-related differences affecting pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes result mostly from sex dimorphisms in body composition, and liver and kidney function, in addition to hormonal regulation of enzymes, transporters and drug receptors. Gender biases have long compromised the identification of these differences in clinical trials. They also modulate prescription patterns and therapeutic benefits. Men and women would benefit from different standard dosages of some anti-infectives, anticancer agents and other treatments requiring precise dosage adjustment. This would alleviate the well-documented excess of adverse reactions affecting women. However, the variability of pharmacological responses within each sex exceeds the average male-female difference, highlighting the importance of other criteria for therapeutic individualisation

    Traitements aggravant une infection par le COVID-19 : vraiment ? [Drugs that aggravate the course of COVID-19 : really ?]

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    The safety of NSAIDs, corticosteroids and renin-angiotensin inhibitors in COVID-19 is challenged. NSAIDs may interfere with the defense process against viral infection and are best avoided. Systemic corticosteroids have not shown benefit in viral infection, including other coronavirus; thus they should be avoided, unless prescribed for another indication. The benefit-risk ratio is however clearly in favor of continuing inhaled corticosteroids in patients with asthma or COPD. ACE inhibitors and sartans upregulate the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the pulmonary receptor for SARS-CoV-2. Any possible clinical impact of these treatments on COVID-19 infection remains to be clarified; in the meantime, they should be continued

    Four cases of audio-vestibular disorders related to immunisation with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines.

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    To gain medical insight into the clinical course and safety of otolaryngologic disorders following immunisation with severe acute respiratory coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) mRNA-based vaccines. Case description. We report four cases of transient audio-vestibular symptoms, which occurred shortly after inoculation of two BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech <sup>®</sup> ) and mRNA-1273 (Moderna®) vaccines. Hearing loss was unilateral in all cases and recovered at least partially: it was associated with persistent gait instability in two cases, after 1 and 7 months. Trigger mechanisms underpinning audio-vestibular impairment remain uncertain. Immune tolerance mechanisms with off-target innate activation of T-lymphocytes may be involved in vestibulocochlear nerve disorders, as for other cranial nerves involvement. The occurrence of audio-vestibular manifestations following mRNA-based vaccines needs ENT monitoring to support their causality in such rare vaccine-related adverse events. Audio-vestibular disorders appeared of transitory nature, including hearing loss, and should not deter further efforts in large-scale vaccination campaigns against SARS-CoV-2

    Antiepileptika bei Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter und in der Schwangerschaft: Vergleich der Fachinformationen in Deutschland und der Schweiz mit dem aktuellen Wissensstand

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Viele Heilberufler nutzen Fachinformationen als eine von verschiedenen möglichen Informationsquellen zu Risiken einer Arzneimittelanwendung bei Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter und in der Schwangerschaft. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Übersicht über das teratogene Potenzial verschiedener Antiepileptika zu präsentieren und mit den Angaben ausgewählter Fachinformationen zu vergleichen. Methoden: Es wurde eine Literaturrecherche zum teratogenen Risiko von 19 Antiepileptika durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit den Angaben der Fachinformationen von 38 in der Schweiz und in Deutschland erhältlichen Fertigarzneimitteln verglichen. Ergebnisse: In allen Fachinformationen wird das teratogene Risiko anhand epidemiologischer Daten diskutiert. Eine Quantifizierung des Fehlbildungsrisikos und die Anzahl dokumentierter Schwangerschaften fehlen jedoch meistens. Angaben zur Notwendigkeit der Überwachung von Plasmaspiegeln während der Schwangerschaft mit etwaiger Dosisanpassung fehlen in fünf schweizer und zwei deutschen Fachinformationen. Diskussion: Die Angaben in den Fachinformationen der untersuchten Antiepileptika zur Anwendung bei Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter und in der Schwangerschaft sind heterogen und entsprechen überwiegend nicht dem aktuellen Kenntnisstand. Eine durch die zuständigen Behörden angestoßene Überarbeitung der Fachinformationen scheint notwendig zu sein, damit diese Dokumente für Heilberufler tatsächlich von Nutzen sein können

    Pharmacovigilance - Vaccins à ARNm contre le Covid-19 : le point sur les effets indésirables [Pharmacovigilance - mRNA COVID-19 vaccines : current state of knowledge on their adverse effects]

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has stimulated the rapid development and large-scale use of technologically innovative vaccines, such as the mRNA vaccines Spikevax (Moderna) and Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech). This unprecedented deployment has challenged pharmacovigilance, requiring combined skills in safety monitoring, prompt data analysis and continuous dissemination of knowledge. Main recognised adverse events of these vaccines are moderate and transient, linked to their significant reactogenicity. Active post-marketing surveillance has identified rare adverse events such as myopericarditis and a variety of skin reactions. A number of potential rare adverse events are being evaluated and could be retained at the individual level, but do not question the overall safety of these vaccines

    An innovative ethosuximide granule formulation designed for pediatric use: Comparative pharmacokinetics, safety, tolerability, and palatability profile versus reference syrup.

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    Ethosuximide, the first-line therapy for childhood absence epilepsy, is currently formulated as a syrup (Zarontin®, Pfizer) with a bitter taste and high sugar content, poorly adapted to children, and a ketogenic diet. The collaborative European FP7 project KIEKIDS aimed at developing an innovative sugar-free, tasteless formulation convenient for pediatric use. This dual Phase-I study evaluated two granule formulations based on lipid multiparticulate (LMP) technology. Two panels of 6 healthy adult volunteers underwent a randomized, placebo-controlled, partly blinded, 3-way cross-over trial, comparing ethosuximide granules A or B with placebo granules and syrup at single 10 mg/kg doses. Corresponding plasma pharmacokinetic profiles of ethosuximide were compared, along with palatability, safety, and tolerability. The LMP granule A proved suboptimal due to bitterness and adherence to beaker walls, while the optimized granule B revealed excellent palatability, similar to placebo granules, and low adherence to glass. The relative bioavailability of granules A versus syrup, based on dose-normalized C <sub>max</sub> and AUC <sub>0-∞</sub> was 93.7% [90% CI: 76.3-115.1] and 96.1% [91.0-101.5], respectively. For granules B it was 87.6% [81.6-94.0] and 92.5% [88.5-96.6], respectively, with slightly delayed t <sub>max</sub> of 0.75 h [0.5-4.05] compared to syrup 0.5 h [0.3-0.8]. Tolerability visual analog scales revealed a trend for statistically non-significant improvement versus syrup at peak (30 min) for transient dizziness (both granules), fatigue (granules A), and anxiety (granules B). The innovative ethosuximide granule formulation B achieves a suitable profile for pediatric use, being sugar-free, tasteless, bioequivalent, and well-tolerated while enabling precise adjustment to body weight

    Attitude de prescription chez la femme enceinte : exemple de prise en charge d'un état dépressif

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    - Comment prescrire à une femme enceinte? L'attitude optimale réalise un compromis entre d'une part l'indication au traitement, et d'autre part l'importance du risque que celui-ci fait courir au foetus et à la mère. Le respect de quelques principes simples peut aider dans cette démarche: - La relative carence en connaissances dans ce domaine impose avant tout une attitude basée sur le principe de précaution. - La période (1er, 2e ou 3e trimestre) pendant laquelle le foetus sera exposé au traitement envisagé est un élément prépondérant dans la réflexion. - Le traitement de choix est celui qui, parmi les alternatives efficaces, présente le meilleur profil de sécurité pendant la grossesse selon les observations humaines disponibles. - Le rapport bénéfice/risque pour la patiente et le foetus peut s'inverser pendant la grossesse. - Toute exposition médicamenteuse problématique pendant la grossesse doit faire l'objet d'une annonce à l'un des centres suisse de pharmacovigilance. Ces données de tératovigilance sont indispensables pour alimenter les connaissances dans ce domaine. - Afin d'illustrer ces principes généraux, un exemple typique de prescription chez la femme enceinte a été choisi, mettant l'accent sur un problème de tératovigilance récemment identifié: les risques liés à certains antidépresseurs durant la grossesse

    Perampanel: a significant liver enzyme inducer in some patients?

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    Perampanel is one of the latest released antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Early studies suggest no significant liver enzyme induction from this compound. We report on two patients with medically resistant epilepsy, who had perampanel added to their usual regimen. Both experienced a worsening of their epilepsy and presented in convulsive status epilepticus; concurrent antiepileptic drug levels (phenytoin, phenobarbital, rufinamide) were significantly decreased (<50%) in comparison with levels prior to perampanel introduction. Intravenous load and significant increase of maintenance dosages were needed to restore therapeutic drug levels. In one patient, further increase of perampanel resulted in a new drop of phenytoin level. This suggests that perampanel could, in some subjects, induce liver enzymes and interact with concomitant AEDs; monitoring levels of concomitant compounds could be useful

    Infections aiguës des voies respiratoires et urinaires au cabinet médical : quelques traitements en médecine complémentaire [Acute respiratory and urinary tract infections in medical practice : a selection of complementary medicines]

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    Respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis or sinusitis and urinary tract infections are common in the family doctor's office. Bronchitis and sinusitis are mostly of viral origin and antibiotics rarely hold a place in their management, while urinary tract infections most often require the prescription of antibiotics. In both situations, patients often seek complementary medicines to relieve symptoms or prevent recurrences. This article aims to synthesize available data on efficacy and safety of some treatments in complementary medicine used in these indications, such as South African geranium, the combination of thyme-primrose or thyme-ivy, Echinacea or cranberry