536 research outputs found

    Stable maps and Quot schemes

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    In this paper we study the relationship between two different compactifications of the space of vector bundle quotients of an arbitrary vector bundle on a curve. One is Grothendieck's Quot scheme, while the other is a moduli space of stable maps to the relative Grassmannian. We establish an essentially optimal upper bound on the dimension of the two compactifications. Based on that, we prove that for an arbitrary vector bundle, the Quot schemes of quotients of large degree are irreducible and generically smooth. We precisely describe all the vector bundles for which the same thing holds in the case of the moduli spaces of stable maps. We show that there are in general no natural morphisms between the two compactifications. Finally, as an application, we obtain new cases of a conjecture on effective base point freeness for pluritheta linear series on moduli spaces of vector bundles.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure; final version with a few expository changes suggested by the refere

    Seshadri constants, Diophantine approximation, and Roth's Theorem for arbitrary varieties

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    In this paper, we associate an invariant αx(L)\alpha_{x}(L) to an algebraic point xx on an algebraic variety XX with an ample line bundle LL. The invariant α\alpha measures how well xx can be approximated by rational points on XX, with respect to the height function associated to LL. We show that this invariant is closely related to the Seshadri constant ϵx(L)\epsilon_{x}(L) measuring local positivity of LL at xx, and in particular that Roth's theorem on P1\mathbf{P}^1 generalizes as an inequality between these two invariants valid for arbitrary projective varieties.Comment: 55 pages, published versio

    Cup products of line bundles on homogeneous varieties and generalized PRV components of multiplicity one

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    Let X=G/B be a complete flag variety, and L' and L" two line bundles on X. Consider the cup product map H^{d'}(X,L') x H^{d"}(X, L") --> H^{d}(X,L), where L=L' x L" and d=d'+d". We answer two natural questions about the map above: When is it a nonzero map of irreducible G-representations? Conversely, given generic irreducible representations V' and V" of G, which irreducible components of V' x V" may appear in the right hand side of the map above? We also give bounds on the multiplicities appearing in a tensor product, and relate these considerations to the boundary of the Littlewood-Richardson cone.Comment: 61 pages, 2 figures, uses PStrick
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