1,067 research outputs found

    Spectra of Open-Shell Nuclei with Pad\'e-Resummed Degenerate Perturbation Theory

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    We apply degenerate many-body perturbation theory at high orders for the ab-initio description of ground states and excitation spectra of open-shell nuclei using soft realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions. We derive a recursive formulation of standard degenerate many-body perturbation theory that enables us to evaluate order-by-order perturbative energy and state corrections up to the 30th order. We study 6,7-Li as test cases using a similarity renormalization group (SRG) evolved nucleon-nucleon interaction from chiral effective field theory. The simple perturbation series exhibits a strong, often oscillatory divergence, as was observed previously for ground states of closed-shell nuclei. Even for very soft interactions resulting from SRG evolutions up to large flow parameter, i.e. low momentum scales, the perturbation series still diverges. However, a resummation of the perturbation series via Pad\'e approximants yields very stable and converged ground and excited-state energies in very good agreement with exact no-core shell-model calculations for the same model space.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; minor changes to match published versio

    Hartree-Fock Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Nuclear Ground-States

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    We investigate the order-by-order convergence behavior of many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) as a simple and efficient tool to approximate the ground-state energy of closed-shell nuclei. To address the convergence properties directly, we explore perturbative corrections up to 30th order and highlight the role of the partitioning for convergence. The use of a simple Hartree-Fock solution to construct the unperturbed basis leads to a convergent MBPT series for soft interactions, in contrast to, e.g., a harmonic oscillator basis. For larger model spaces and heavier nuclei, where a direct high-order MBPT calculation in not feasible, we perform third-order calculation and compare to advanced ab initio coupled-cluster calculations for the same interactions and model spaces. We demonstrate that third-order MBPT provides ground-state energies for nuclei up into tin isotopic chain that are in excellent agreement with the best available coupled-cluster results at a fraction of the computational cost.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Ab Initio Path to Heavy Nuclei

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    We present the first ab initio calculations of nuclear ground states up into the domain of heavy nuclei, spanning the range from 16-O to 132-Sn based on two- plus three-nucleon interactions derived within chiral effective field theory. We employ the similarity renormalization group for preparing the Hamiltonian and use coupled-cluster theory to solve the many-body problem for nuclei with closed sub-shells. Through an analysis of theoretical uncertainties resulting from various truncations in this framework, we identify and eliminate the technical hurdles that previously inhibited the step beyond medium-mass nuclei, allowing for reliable validations of nuclear Hamiltonians in the heavy regime. Following this path we show that chiral Hamiltonians qualitatively reproduce the systematics of nuclear ground-state energies up to the neutron-rich Sn isotopes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Pade-resummed high-order perturbation theory for nuclear structure calculations

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    We apply high-order many-body perturbation theory for the calculation of ground-state energies of closed-shell nuclei using realistic nuclear interactions. Using a simple recursive formulation, we compute the perturbative energy contributions up to 30th order and compare to exact no-core shell model calculations for the same model space and Hamiltonian. Generally, finite partial sums of this perturbation series do not show convergence with increasing order, but tend to diverge exponentially. Nevertheless, through a simple resummation via Pade approximants it is possible to extract rapidly converging and highly accurate results for the ground state energy.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Ab Initio Calculations of Medium-Mass Nuclei with Explicit Chiral 3N Interactions

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    We present the first ab initio coupled-cluster calculations of medium-mass nuclei with explicit chiral three-nucleon (3N) interactions. Using a spherical formulation of coupled cluster with singles and doubles excitations including explicit 3N contributions, we study ground states of 16,24-O, 40,48-Ca and 56-Ni. We employ chiral NN plus 3N interactions softened through a similarity renormalization group (SRG) transformation at the three-body level. We investigate the impact of all truncations and quantify the resulting uncertainties---this includes the contributions from triples excitations, the truncation of the set of three-body matrix elements, and the omission of SRG-induced four-body interactions. Furthermore, we assess the quality of a normal-ordering approximation of the 3N interaction beyond light nuclei. Our study points towards the predictive power of chiral Hamiltonians in the medium-mass regime.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Immigració i escola: experiències d’integració a Hamburg

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    L’article tracta, en primer lloc, el sistema escolar a l’Estat Federal d’Hamburg (República Federal d’Alemanya) i les mesures adoptades per a la integració de l’alumnat immigrant. Tot seguit, s’explica fil per randa l’experiència de l’escola Wielandstraße i la seva organització de classes de transició al sistema escolar regular. Es detallen els procediments per aconseguir el màxim èxit en els processos d’integració i es fa una valoració crítica de l’experiència. Finalment es fa una anàlisi i es presenten propostes de la didàctica de la d’educació física des d’una perspectiva intercultural

    Ab initio many-body calculations of nucleon-4He scattering with three-nucleon forces

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    We extend the ab initio no-core shell model/resonating-group method to include three-nucleon (3N) interactions for the description of nucleon-nucleus collisions. We outline the formalism, give algebraic expressions for the 3N-force integration kernels, and discuss computational aspects of two alternative implementations. The extended theoretical framework is then applied to nucleon-4He scattering using similarity-renormalization-group (SRG) evolved nucleon-nucleon plus three-nucleon potentials derived from chiral effective field theory. We analyze the convergence properties of the calculated phase shifts and explore their dependence upon the SRG evolution parameter. We include up to six excited states of the 4He target and find significant effects from the inclusion of the chiral 3N force, e.g., it enhances the spin-orbit splitting between the 3/2- and 1/2- resonances and leads to an improved agreement with the phase shifts obtained from an accurate R-matrix analysis of the five-nucleon experimental data. We find remarkably good agreement with measured differential cross sections at various energies, while analyzing powers manifest larger deviations from experiment for certain energies and angles.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure
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