219 research outputs found

    Molecular diffusion between walls with adsorption and desorption

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    The time dependency of the diffusion coefficient of particles in porous media is an efficient probe of their geometry. The analysis of this quantity, measured e.g. by nuclear magnetic resonance (PGSE-NMR), can provide rich information pertaining to porosity, pore size distribution, permeability and surface-to-volume ratio of porous materials. Nevertheless, in numerous if not all practical situations, transport is confined by walls where adsorption and desorption processes may occur. In this article, we derive explicitly the expression of the time-dependent diffusion coefficient between two confining walls in the presence of adsorption and desorption. We show that they strongly modify the time-dependency of the diffusion coefficient, even in this simple geometry. We finally propose several applications, from sorption rates measurements to the use as a reference for numerical implementations for more complex geometries.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 supplementary material of 3 page

    Molecular hydrodynamics from memory kernels

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    The memory kernel for a tagged particle in a fluid, computed from molecular dynamics simulations, decays algebraically as t3/2t^{-3/2}. We show how the hydrodynamic Basset-Boussinesq force naturally emerges from this long-time tail and generalize the concept of hydrodynamic added mass. This mass term is negative in the present case of a molecular solute, at odds with incompressible hydrodynamics predictions. We finally discuss the various contributions to the friction, the associated time scales and the cross-over between the molecular and hydrodynamic regimes upon increasing the solute radius.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Taylor Dispersion with Adsorption and Desorption

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    We use a stochastic approach to show how Taylor dispersion is affected by kinetic processes of adsorption and desorption onto surfaces. A general theory is developed, from which we derive explicitly the dispersion coefficients of canonical examples like Poiseuille flows in planar and cylindrical geometries, both in constant and sinusoidal velocity fields. These results open the way for the measurement of adsorption and desorption rate constants using stationary flows and molecular sorting using the stochastic resonance of the adsorption and desorption processes with the oscillatory velocity field.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Computer simulations of ionic liquids at electrochemical interfaces

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    Ionic liquids are widely used as electrolytes in electrochemical devices. In this context, many experimental and theoretical approaches have been recently developed for characterizing their interface with electrodes. In this perspective article, we review the most recent advances in the field of computer simulations (mainly molecular dynamics). A methodology for simulating electrodes at constant electrical potential is presented. Several types of electrode geometries have been investigated by many groups in order to model planar, corrugated and porous materials and we summarize the results obtained in terms of the structure of the liquids. This structure governs the quantity of charge which can be stored at the surface of the electrode for a given applied potential, which is the relevant quantity for the highly topical use of ionic liquids in supercapacitors (also known as electrochemical double-layer capacitors). A key feature, which was also shown by atomic force microscopy and surface force apparatus experiments, is the formation of a layered structure for all ionic liquids at the surface of planar electrodes. This organization cannot take place inside nanoporous electrodes, which results in a much better performance for the latter in supercapacitors. The agreement between simulations and electrochemical experiments remains qualitative only though, and we outline future directions which should enhance the predictive power of computer simulations. In the longer term, atomistic simulations will also be applied to the case of electron transfer reactions at the interface, enabling the application to a broader area of problems in electrochemistry, and the few recent works in this field are also commented upon.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, perspective articl

    Frequency-dependent impedance of nanocapacitors from electrode charge fluctuations as a probe of electrolyte dynamics

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    The frequency-dependent impedance is a fundamental property of electrical components. We show that it can be determined from the equilibrium dynamical fluctuations of the electrode charge in constant-potential molecular simulations, extending in particular a fluctuation-dissipation for the capacitance recovered in the low-frequency limit and provide an illustration on water/gold nanocapacitors. This work opens the way to the interpretation of electrochemical impedance measurements in terms of microscopic mechanisms, directly from the dynamics of the electrolyte, or indirectly via equivalent circuit models as in experiments

    Hydration of Clays at the Molecular Scale: The Promising Perspective of Classical Density Functional Theory

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    We report here how the hydration of complex surfaces can be efficiently studied thanks to recent advances in classical molecular density functional theory. This is illustrated on the example of the pyrophylite clay. After presenting the most recent advances, we show that the strength of this implicit method is that (i) it is in quantitative or semi-quantitative agreement with reference all-atoms simulations (molecular dynamics here) for both the solvation structure and energetics, and that (ii) the computational cost is two to three orders of magnitude less than in explicit methods. The method remains imperfect, in that it locally overestimates the polarization of water close to hydrophylic sites of the clay. The high numerical efficiency of the method is illustrated and exploited to carry a systematic study of the electrostatic and van der Waals components of the surface-solvant interactions within the most popular force field for clays, CLAYFF. Hydration structure and energetics are found to weakly depend upon the electrostatics. We conclude on the consequences of such findings in future force-field development.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Molecular Physics (2014

    Diffusion under confinement: hydrodynamic finite-size effects in simulation

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    We investigate finite-size effects on diffusion in confined fluids using molecular dynamics simulations and hydrodynamic calculations. Specifically, we consider a Lennard-Jones fluid in slit pores without slip at the interface and show that the use of periodic boundary conditions in the directions along the surfaces results in dramatic finite-size effects, in addition to that of the physically relevant confining length. As in the simulation of bulk fluids, these effects arise from spurious hydrodynamic interactions between periodic images and from the constraint of total momentum conservation. We derive analytical expressions for the correction to the diffusion coefficient in the limits of both elongated and flat systems, which are in excellent agreement with the molecular simulation results except for the narrowest pores, where the discreteness of the fluid particles starts to play a role. The present work implies that the diffusion coefficients for wide nanopores computed using elongated boxes suffer from finite-size artifacts which had not been previously appreciated. In addition, our analytical expression provides the correction to be applied to the simulation results for finite (possibly small) systems. It applies not only to molecular but also to all mesoscopic hydrodynamic simulations, including Lattice-Boltzmann, Multi-Particle Collision Dynamics or Dissipative Particle Dynamics, which are often used to investigate confined soft matter involving colloidal particles and polymers.Comment: 3 figures and 1 in the supplemental sectio