2 research outputs found


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    The Serang - Banten coastal community was affected by various environmental, social and economicproblems due to abrasion. The main factor causing abrasion was the degradation of mangroveecosystems in the Serang Coastal region which results from various activities of the Serang coastalcommunity that are not environmentally friendly. Environmental education is the best solution tosolve environmental problems. One method that can be practiced in the environmental education ofthe Coastal Serang community is the ecological citizenship method. This method requires learningresources to facilitate its application in effectively educating the public through learning modules.The aim of this research is to develop an ecological citizenship-based mangrove conservationmodule for coastal communities in Serang - Banten. The research method was the 3D modeldevelopment method (define, design, develop) which was a modification of the 4D model bySugiyono, et.al (2015). The results of the study are in the form of an ecological citizenship mangroveconservation module that can be used by ministries, institutions and the community as a source ofenvironmental education learning for mangrove conservation in the coastal area of Serang - Banten

    Improving Coastal Children Eco-Literacy in Environmental Learning Through Mangroves Storytelling

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    The objective of this research was to determine the level of coastal children eco-literacy by using storytelling about the role of mangroves for coastal communities in Serang Regency - Banten. The research methodology was classroom action research (CAR). The implementation of classroom action research was conducted of two cycles. There was cycle I and cycle II, each cycle consisted of two meetings. This research involved third-grade students which consisted of 30 students in SDN Cerocoh, Serang Regency - Banten. The instrument of the research was data collecting technique, the data were observation, tests (pre-test and post-tests), and documentation. The result of this research showed that there was a significant difference in the students’ eco-literacy in pre-test and post-test after learning environmental education with mangrove storytelling. The average score of pre-test was 48.52%, while, after giving treatment in cycle I, the students average score in post-test I was 68.94%. Then, after giving treatment in cycle II, the students’ average score in post-test II was 87.17%. Based on the data the researcher concluded that: 1) there was the improvement coastal student eco-literacy by using mangrove storytelling in teaching environmental education at our environmental thematic subject 2) the students became interested and motivated in learning about mangroves