16 research outputs found

    Analisis Efisiensi Teknis Bank Pembangunan Daerah di Indonesia Periode Tahun 2008 – 2009 dengan Menggunakan Metode Dea (Data Envelopment Analysis)

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    The purpose of this research is to acknowledge the level of efficiency from Regional Development Bank (Bank Pembangunan Daerah)/BPD) in Indonesia. This research use non - parametric approach which is DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), to measure the efficiency of input and output of the Regional Development Banks. The input variables include are interest expense, administration and public expenses and salary expenses and the output variables are interest net income and other operasional income. The research concluded shows that the performance of the technical efficiency of banks BPD is not all reach the level of 100% and showed a fluctuation grow from 2008 – 2009. Pursuant to the technical efficiency level showed that there are 4 banks from 26 existing banks are showing a maximum efficiency. While the remaining 21 BPD banks fluctuating during 2008 to 2009

    Determinan Komplikasi Kronik Diabetes Melitus pada Lanjut Usia

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    Indonesia menghadapi jumlah penduduk lanjut usia (lansia) yang semakin meningkat dan diikuti oleh peningkatan frekuensi penyakit tidak menular kronis atau multimorbiditas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor yang berhubungan komplikasi kronis pada lansia penderita diabetes melitus. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) Tahun 2007 dengan desain cross sectional representatif Indonesia dan metode cluster 2 tahap untuk pengambilan sampel. Sampel adalah 1.565 lansia penderita diabetes melitus. Metode analisis yang digunakan meliputi analisis deskriptif dan multivariat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi komplikasi kronis pada lansia adalah sekitar 73,1%, dengan hipertensi sebagai komplikasi terbanyak. Berdasarkan analisis multivariat diketahui pula bahwa faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan komplikasi diabetes adalah usia, jenis kelamin, obesitas, merokok, dan aktivitas fisik dan faktor utama yang berhubungan adalah merokok (OR = 2,48). Hasil penelitian menyarankan program untuk mencegah kesakitan dan komplikasi diabetes pada lansia perlu ditingkatkan. Saat ini program Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia yaitu CERDIK meliputi cek kesehatan secara berkala, enyahkan asap rokok, rajin berolahraga, diet sehat kalori seimbang, istirahat yang cukup dan kendalikan stres perlu diperluas. Indonesia faces a growing number of elderly people is increasing, with increasing elderly, not infectious diseases increase chronic or multimorbidity, there by the study has aims to explore the prevalence of Chronic Complications on elderly with diabetes mellitus and related factors. The research used data from National Basic Health Research 2007. National Basic Health Research is a cross-sectional design survey, two stage cluster method for sampling. The result is shown that the prevalence of chronic complication on the elderly with diabetes mellitus is 73.1%. Hypertension disease is the most of chronic complication that has been frequent appeared on elderly with diabetes mellitus. Based on multivariate analysis revealed to diabetes mellitus complication related with age, gender, obesity, smoking, and physical activity. The study purposes to emphasize of prevention and promotion program such as CERDIK program from Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia. The CERDIK program has many intervention programs, for example, reducing smoking, delegating regularly exercise, balancing healthy-diet calorie, resting and taking control of stress

    Implemented PWIM in Developing Students' Communicative Competence of SMK Islam Wijaya Kusuma Jakarta

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    The research aimed at determining the significant effect of implemented Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in developing students' communicative competence in SMK Islam Wijaya Kusuma Jakarta. The students' communicative competence was measured quantitatively by conducting the experiment method. There were 47 of the eleventh-grade students as samples chosen randomly by using purposive sampling technique. The data were performed by using the test instrument with two groups on post-test design; one group became the experiment class and the other group became the control class. The questionnaire was assigned to students at the end of the lesson. The post-poster cycle assessment was given as a basis of measurement in analyzing students' communicative competence. The data were analyzed by using t-test two tailed formula to find out the significant difference of each class of the sample (simple effect). Findings have shown that there is a significant effect of using PWIM to students' communicative competence which is reflected from the enhancement of students' comprehension toward the pronunciation, fluency, grammar, vocabulary as well as the increase of their motivation and creativity experiencing thelearning process more communicatively

    Improving English Pronunciation of Adult ESL Learners Through Reading Aloud Assessments

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    Communication skill nowadays becomes a must that everyone should master. The agreement of such conceptual meaning in communication should meet the same perception among speakers. One of the tools to improve one's communication skill is by learning pronunciation through Reading Aloud for misperception emerged from mispronunciation can be avoided. This research aims at improving English pronunciation through reading aloud in the form of short texts. The research was carried out in Statistics Data Center (BPS) by employing A Classroom Action Research with two cycles of assessments. There were 20 IT engineers of Networking Operation Center with various background of knowledge as an object of the research. The data was collected by observation, note taking, and test. Questionnaire is designed and administered to identify the participants' core and frequency of English tasks and also to investigate participants' previous experiences with English. Findings show that there is an improvement on participants' pronunciation skill through Reading Aloud as it can be seen from the increase of a mean score on the second cycle with 77.75 that is considered as good predicate

    Implementation of Positive Language to Promote Effective Language Teaching Classrooms for State Junior High School

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    The research aimed to determine the influence of positive language to promote the effective language teaching classrooms in state junior high school. The effective language teaching classroom was measured quantitatively by applying a correlational research design. The method conducted several steps as procedures of investigation in analyzing the data, namely: (1) data collection,(2) data analysis, and (3) data interpretation. Engaged by 142 students of eighth-grade and four language teachers, findings have shown that there is a positive correlation between positive language and effective language teaching classrooms. The results are hoped to be as teachers' and students' guidance in implementing positive language to building their effective language teaching classrooms, gaining their confidence and ability to learn and use knowledge and skills to interact and fully participate in education

    A proteomic approach to identifying spermatozoa proteins in Indonesian native Madura bulls

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    Proteins assist sperm mature, transit the female reproductive tract, and recognise sperm oocytes. Indigenous Indonesian bulls, Madura bulls, have not been studied for reproductive proteomics. As local Indonesian beef livestock, Madura cattle assist in achieving food security; hence, their number must be improved. Thus, the identification of molecular proteomics-based bull fertility biomarkers is needed. This study aimed to characterise the sperm fertility function of the superior Madura bull (Bos indicus × Bos Javanicus) spermatozoa proteome. Frozen semen from eight Madura superior bulls (Bos indicus × Bos javanicus) aged 4–8 years was obtained from the artificial insemination centre (AIC) in Singosari and Lembang. Madura superior bulls are those that have passed the bull breeding soundness evaluation. Frozen sperm were thawed and centrifuged at 3000 × g for 30 min. Proteins in sperm were characterised through proteomic analysis using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The resulting gene symbols for each protein were then subjected to bioinformatics tools, including UniProt, DAVID, and STRING databases. Regarding sperm fertility, the analysis revealed that 15 proteins were identified in the sperm of Madura bulls. Amongst the identified proteins, the superior Madura bull sperm contained several motilities, energy-related proteins, and chaperone proteins. A substantial portion of characterised proteins are linked to metabolic pathways and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, contributing to sperm energy production. In conclusion, the first in-depth proteome identification of sperm related to sperm quality and bull fertility of a unique indigenous Madura breed of Indonesia was performed using the LC–MS/MS proteomic method. These findings may serve as a reference point for further studies related to the functions of bovine sperm and biomarkers of fertility and sperm quality