3 research outputs found

    Dampak Covid Terhadap Perekonomian Secara Makro

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    The spread of the Corona virus that has spread to various parts of the world has an impact on the Indonesian economy, both in terms of trade, investment and tourism. In Indonesia, the spread of this virus began on March 2, 2020, many sectors of the economy were affected by this pandemic. Thousands of companies were forced to temporarily close to limit the spread of the virus, resulting in reduced levels of activity in the arts, entertainment and recreation, as well as in real estate agencies and IT companies, however, there are some sectors of the economy that are still able to survive. If we compare it in the gold trading sector, the data shows a large increase in the estimated price for 2020 ytd of US $ 1,830 / troys ounce, even the prediction of the average price in 2021 also shows a constant increasing number. This is what has made the gold business popular because many people consider the price of gold to be more stable during this pandemic. Now the government is trying to open several business sectors and continues to encourage SMEs to carry out online activities, but still in the regions and gradually increase tax revenue. In order to maintain business continuity that saves the national economy, the government has implemented various socio-economic policy programs, including incentive policies and tax facilities that can be utilized by taxpayers. In order to maintain business continuity that saves the national economy, the government has implemented various socio-economic policy programs, including incentive policies and tax facilities that can be utilized by taxpayers. The government has also provided a policy on interest rates and airplane ticket prices so that people are still interested in visiting several discount cities for tourist destinations due to the existence of Covid-19 which has greatly impacted the tourism sector. The crisis due to Covid-19 is currently occurring simultaneously, so that the impact is felt by vulnerable groups who are getting worse, including business groups that need mass crowds, groups of casual daily workers, street vendors, workers affected by layoffs, farmers, the community poor, and so on


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    Konsep yang dikembangkan oleh lembaga legislatif dan pejabat tinggi nasional tentang patriotisme semua komponen seseorang, kelompok, atau negara adalah untuk melindungi negara. Bela negara ada untuk menjaga eksistensi negara. Bela negara Indonesia berimplikasi sebagai wujud dari sikap warga negara yang dijiwai oleh kecintaan terhadap Pancasila dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) pada satu negara berdasarkan UUD 1945. Hal itu dapat terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan bela negara. Penting untuk menanamkan bela negara dan pendidikan sebagai dasar sikap dan tindakan bangsa Indonesia. Bela negara dan pendidikan menjadi sinergitas yang sulit dipisahkan dalam tujuan pembangunan sumber daya manusia dalam masyarakat. Pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara pendidikan dalam negara berhak memberikan bimbingan arahan atau pengawasan serta berkewajiban memberikan layanan dan kemudahan penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang bermutu bagi setiap warga negaranya secara adil dan merata. Indonesia telah melalui jalan yang panjang dalam dunia pendidikan, mulai dari zaman dimana masih dijajah oleh bangsa Eropa hingga saat ini yang masih terlaksana dan dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Tentunya sepanjang berjalannya pendidikan di Indonesia terdapat kendala maupun permasalahan yang muncul mulai dari SDM, sarana dan prasarana maupun dari segi pendanaan. Guna mengatasi hal tersebut pemerintah Indonesia telah membuat beberapa kebijakan diantaranya Program Indonesia Pintar hingga 12 Tahun Wajib Belajar. Selain itu beberapa sistem pendidikan di Indonesia pun telah ditetapkan yang bertujuan untuk membentuk karakter positif, memberikan pengetahuan baru yang bersifat akademis, dan mengembangkan keterampilan yang dimiliki sejak dini