51 research outputs found

    Implementasi Program Pemberdayaan Alternatif Masyarakat Perkotaan Pada Kawasan Rentan Narkoba Di Kampung Pertanian Jakarta Timur

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    The implementation of these programs exist for handling social problems i.e. drug abuse conducted by the National Narcotics Agency through the efforts of prevention and eradication of Drug abuse and Dark Outlets (P4GN). This effort is conducted through a program of alternative Urban Community Empowerment which renders region Kampung farm, East Jakarta as targets or targets in its implementation. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of Alternative urban communities Empowerment Programme In the region Vulnerable to drugs in Agriculture in East Jakarta as well as to know the factor endowments and restricting factors of alternative urban communities Empowerment Programme In the region Vulnerable to drugs in Agriculture in East Jakarta. This type of research is a research dekriptif by using the pendekata method of the qualitative. The results showed that in practice there were indicators such as on the appropriateness of the policy in which to solve the problem have not yet seen a good run because the empowerment program takes a long time, precision implementation seen from the main actors and how the role of private parties and communities that want to get involved has gone well, the precision ofthe target associated with the intervention, objectives and community responses that have not been run well related to the environment, the precision of the internal and external environment the external environment which still lack in the mass mediato deliver news about the empowerment program alternatives, and the precision ofthe process related to the readiness of the implementing agencies and the communities where it is still not fully prepared to get involved. In the study also found an inhibitor factor is communication, resources, and disposition. Recommendations that can be given is associated with intensity about the socialization program, human resources and financial resources is related to the addition of officers in the field required and budget down in accordance with the schedule, and the disposition related to the willingness and commitment of the employees of improved returns

    Implementasi Perizinan Galian C Di Sungai Luk Ulo Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Illegal mining which often operate in the river sand mining in the Luk Ulo Kebumen often cause a lot of damage to infrastructure at this location. Many roads leading to the mine site into a corrugated perforated and caused frequent traversed by trucks transporting sand from the mine site. The new policy as stipulated in Law No. 23 of 2014 regarding licensing this pleases Excavation C today that the provincial party in all the licensing process and the district are no longer authorized to conduct the regulatory process again because it is already the direct supervisor of the center and very unfortunate again one district only get one supervisor and came from the province so that it can be concluded that the role of the supervisor in his knowledge of the area monitored very minimal and certainly can not be every day watching the mine site. The purpose of this study is to determine how the results of implementation of licensing Excavation C in Kebumen and to know what is the driving factor as well as an obstacle to the passage of the C Excavation licensing policy. The research method in this study is a qualitative research method with data collection technique that is by interview, documentation and observation. While the results of the research were obtained, namely the implementation of the licensing policy of excavation c many walked not in accordance with the Law no.23 of 2014 as well as the increasing number of illegal miners. Such policies should be supervised by the supervisor of the supervisors province has been replaced by the municipal police and with the role of the distribution of the results that have been handed back to the district bestowed on the BAPPENDA the withdrawal of retribution assisted by municipal police in the regulatory process in the field. Recommendations for the community in addressing these issues should people be obedient to the policies that have been prepared for the purpose of the government for the welfare of the community itself. As for the government should make policy decisions should be reviewing the policy in advance in order to minimize the people who will be harmed from the passage of the policy

    Perencanaan Pembangunan Partisipatif Di Desa Surakarta Kecamatan Suranenggala Kabupaten Cirebon

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    Partisipasi masyarakat memiliki posisi yang sangat penting dalam perencanaan pembangunan, karena pada dasarnya masyarakat adalah pihak yang paling mengetahui masalah dan kebutuhannya sendiri. oleh karena itu perencanaan pembangunan yang partisipatif menjadi amanat undang-undang yang harus di laksanakan oleh pelaku pembangunan. Di Desa Surakarta, perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif tergolong rendah karena aspek-aspek yang mendukung perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif belum terlihat dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan di Desa Surakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis proses perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif di Desa Surakarta Kecamatan Suranenggala Kabupaten Cirebon serta mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan di Desa Surakarta Kecamatan Suranenggala Kabupaten Cirebon. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur dan observasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan interactive model analysis dari Miles dan Huberman yang meliputi tahap Reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data atau penarikan simpulan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa : Proses perencanaan pembangunan belum dilaksanakan dengan baik di Desa Surakarta Kecamatan Suranenggala Kabupaten Cirebon, dimana beberapa tahapan proses perencanaan pembangunan belum dilaksanakan, diantaranya tahapan persiapan yakni Musyawarah pra musrenbang dan tahapan pembahasan kegiatan/penetapan prioritas kegiatan yang akan disampaikan ke tingkat musrenbang Kecamatan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perencanaan partisipatif di Desa Surakarta Kecamatan Suranenggala Kabupaten Cirebon tidak berjalan dengan baik sebagian besar didominasi oleh pemahaman yang minim dari masyarakat dan pemerintah desa tentang perencanaan pembangunan. Untuk itu perlu penyempurnaam tahapan pelaksanaan perencanaan partisipatif, mengoptimalkan kegiatan identifikasi masalah dan kebutuhan masyarakat, dan perlu peningkatan pemahaman perangkat desa, unsur pembangunan dan unsur masyarakat mengenai perencanaan pembangunan

    Implementasi E-Government Di Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Policy e-goverment reference to presidential instruction no 3 / 2003 which requires the whole range of minister for government and regional governments moreover, there were blueprint e-government program as improve the quality ofpublic services, melelui technology it the emergence of kepemerintahan clean, transparent and able to answer charges change by effective and repairs organization, a system of management and the process of workingkepemerintahan.One of them by making website of the local government.In fact in the county of wonosobo this website, not in use to the utmost proven links with a lot of empty so that the information in give not optimal.In seeing the implementation of e-government district wonosobo is seen from first shared purpose output and impact and the second was process.The implementation of e-government in achieving its goal not regardless of factorsaffecting this policy.Based on theories van meters and van horn inferred factors impeding of resources, communication disposition, external environment. The research used by the researchers is the kind of qualitative descriptive study. By selecting informants considered the most know (non probability sampling), then use the snowball sampling. Later this research attempts to describe the existing problems and analysing a conclusion which is absolute.On the implementation of e-Government in Wonosobo Regency, procurement website has been held since in 2009, but the number of empty links make an impact/benefits generated insufficient. This is caused by a lack of human resources, implementor, disposition and the external environment.Based on the results of the implementation of the e-government policy in Wonosobo Regency views his purpose and process of this policy is insufficient and will still need revamping. The authors provide recommendations in the form of: (1) the addition of the appropriate number of staff (2) socialization in order for the community to know about this policy (3) additions to the budget allocation for the e-government policy (4) enhance the commitment of the implementor (5) create other accounts on social media in order to increase public participation

    Implementasi Program Penanganan Anak Jalanan Di Kota Semarang

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    The impact of poverty in Indonesia is that there are many street children who are spread almost throughout the territory of Indonesia. The problem of street children is as if no settlement is marked by the increasing number of street children in Indonesia. Semarang city is one of the cities with a high distribution of street children. Semarang city government has issued a Local Regulation to address the street children in the city of Semarang. The purpose of the regulation is dealing with street children so they can return to normal life as children in general. In this study, researchers discuss how the implementation of policies to deal with street children in the city of Semarang and to investigate the obstacles in the process of implementation is. Based on the results of research conducted, the implementation of policies to deal with street children in the city of Semarang is not running optimally. Less than optimal implementation of this program can be seen from the results of program performance that has not been achieved as well as of the obstacles encountered, ie internal constraints implementing policies such as the problem of coordination between the implementing agencies, the resources both human resources and financial resources are not sufficient and also constraints of the target of the program itself, namely the social and economic conditions were less positive attitudes of the target group program goals. The results of this study can be concluded that the implementation of program of the handling of street children in the city of Semarang already implemented but not yet optimal. Constraints faced cause. Advice from researchers is more increased relationships between organizations implementing policies and also to approach closer to the street children by working with foundations of street children in the city of Semarang

    Implementasi Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Semarang

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    Urban Land use Plan of Semarang need to be studied further to see location of demographic Semarang City which make Semarang City developed become city that focusing on trade and service, and density of population of Semarang City which increasingly dense every year, in order to make Semarang City as center of International trade and service that is safe, convenient, productive, and sustainable. However, various strategic issues that developed are the high land conversion, the illegal construction of illegal buildings and the placement of development status that is not in accordance with the spatial layout of Semarang City Government, as happened in Genuk Subdistrict, the development of industrial number in Genuk resulted in the increasing of industrial activity that have impact on environmental quality, industrial pollution cases can also be attributed to a lack of knowledge of waste treatment. Therefore, this study aims to find out the implementation of Urban Planning and Regional Planning of Semarang city as well as the driving factors and inhibiting factors faced by Semarang City Government in implementing Urban Plans and Regional Plans of Semarang City. Analytical techniques to obtain data through interviews with informants, observation, and supporting documents. This research uses the theory of George Edwards III (1980) can be seen that the implementation of the policy is influenced by four factors such as: communication, resources, position and bureaucratic structure. The results of this study indicate that the Implementation of Spatial Planning and Regional Planning of Semarang city seen from "five right" it is said that in the policy accuracy has been running effectively and very well; Accuracy of the implementer, the implementer is ready to implement the policy; Target precision, is very suitable; But in environmental preciseness there are still constraints because there is poor communication between government and society; And in the accuracy of the process, the implementation of the spatial plan of the program implementers is ready. The recommendations are to increase the intensity of information dissemination to the community, and to expand the media used in the delivery of information so that all levels of society can find out the latest info, improve performance and expand their insights and resources by conducting comparative studies

    Implementasi Kebijakan Penanganan Prasarana Dan Sarana Umum (Ppsu) Tingkat Kelurahan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Kelapa Dua Dan Kelurahan Duri Kepa Jakarta Barat

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    Implementation of the policy on the handling of Infrastructure and public facilities level of the village is a job that needs to be done immediately and not be delayed because it can result in a loss, the dangers and disturbing public interest/community in the area of the village and in order to speed up the functioning of the site/infrastructure and means of public assets or assets/damaged, dirty and/or disturb in accordance with the allocation. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how the implementation of a policy of Handling Infrastructure of public facilities (PPSU) DKI Jakarta Neighborhood Level as well as describing and analyzing the factors restricting factor and supporting the implementation of the policy on the handling of Infrastructure and public facilities (PPSU) level of the subdistricts of Jakarta. Research methods used by researchers is the qualitative research methods. Based on the results of research conducted by the researchers, it can be noted that the implementation of the policy on the handling of Infrastructure and public facilities (PPSU) DKI Jakarta Neighborhood Level pretty well. It can be seen starting from the stage of the preparation, implementation, up to the end of the implementation of the policy on the handling of Infrastructure and public facilities (PPSU) DKI Jakarta Neighborhood Level is in compliance with regulations of the Governor of the province of Jakarta Special Capital Region Number 169 by 2015 On the handling of Infrastructure and public facilities level of the village. But there is still a bit of a hindrance on workers \u27 employment behavior of PPSU, public support, and communication antarorganisasi and implementing activities. To overcome these barriers so researchers recommend making written sanction, then develop a comfortable working environment and approach to the problematic PPPSU, last held a socializing, work meetings, and publishing of written rules of Smart City with each of the subdistricts of Jakarta
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