28 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Cream Creambath Lidah Buaya terhadap Perawatan Rambut

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of the use of aloe vera cream bath cream to hair treatment. Indicators in this study were observed from changes in the level of hair loss. This research was pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest. The object of this study is to experiencing dry hair loss, while the sample in this study were women who have the same age range which ranges between 19 to 25 years, experiencing hair loss. Data collected from this research is primary data obtained directly from the sample by filling out the assessment form has been provided. The research data were analyzed using normality test, homogeneity, and t-test. Based on the results of the data found that the magnitude of the numbers normality test of significance α = 0.05 it can be seen that 0.692> 0.05. This means that the data is normally distributed. Results of the homogeneity test F-4 and F-table count obtained at 6.39. Followed by t-test with the results obtained by -6.325 t and p value of 0.003. This means that there is a significant effect on hair treatment with the use of aloe vera cream of cream bath

    Hubungan Motivasi Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Smk Negeri 3 Payakumbuh pada Mata Pelajaran Produktif Tata Kecantikan Kulit

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    The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between learning motivation with the learning outcomes of students of SMK Negeri 3 Payakumbuh on Beauty Skin Cosmetology productive subjects of students 2014/2015 entry year. This research is a quantitative descriptive-correlation. The population in this study is the entire students of class X and XI of SMK N 3 Payakumbuh in majors Beauty Skin Cosmetology who have followed a productive learning in the 2014/2015 entry year of the total 41 students which is same with the population (total sampling) because the population is less than 100. The technique of getting the data is using the questionnaire with the Liker\u27t scale which has been tested for validity and reliability. The analysis of the level achievement of the respondents with a percentage formula, whereas the correlation analysis using Pearson Product Moment correlation and continued with t-test to the hypothesis test. Based on the data analysis it\u27s obtained an average score of respondents to the achievement of the variable learning motivation stand on 61% in lower category and the learning outcomes have an average score that stand on 75 which is under the average value. Both variables relate very strongly with a correlation of 0.803 Ha hypotheses which states there is a positive and significant relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes in productive subjects received the 95% significance level

    Tinjauan Disiplin Belajar Siswa Tata Kecantikan Rambut pada Mata Pelajaran Produktif di SMKN 7 PADANG

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    The background of this study was the aspects related to student discipline in following the productive lessons are still low. This condition is expected to trigger low ability of the students in conducting the practice on the productive subjects. The purpose of this study was to reveal the Discipline Rules of Student Beauty Class in ProductiveLesson at SMK 7 Padang. The type of this research was a descriptive quantitative. The population in this study was all of class X and XI Hairstyling students at SMK 7 Padang totaling 86 students. The sample in the study is the entire population that numbered 86 students (total sampling). The data were obtained using a questionnaire form of Likert scale that has been tested for validity and reliability. Analysis technique used percentages Achievement Level Respondents (TCR). The results showed that; 1) Indicators discipline when going to school and class was 61.87% with a low category, 2) Indicators of student discipline in doing the practice as a whole has percentage 59% with low category so disciplined in complying with the rules in preparation for the practice of 62%, 3) Indicator discipline Work Process Practice 57%, 4) Indicators resolving discipline in practice is still 57%, all in the low category. Discipline in obeying the order at the time of the practice in the laboratory showed that in total amounted to 59%, with a description of the order when you sign laboratory 56% with a low category, obedient discipline when borrowing tools and materials 62% low category, comply with the prohibitions in the laboratory 62 % low category and the Discipline of student learning time out of laboratory 53% with very poor category. It is expected both to the school and the students will enforce discipline in learning

    Profil USAha Salon Kecantikan di Kota Padang

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    In the development of a beauty parlor in the city of Padang growing rapidlybut in some unknown operational problems. This study aimed to describe theprofile of a beauty parlor in the city of Padang. This type of research isquantitative descriptive. The research population is all employees, amounting to90 people and all sampled (total sampling). Data collection technique is using aquestionnaire (questionnaire) are adjusted in the form of a Likert scale andGuttman scale that have been tested for validity and reliability. Data wereanalyzed using the percentage formula and categorizing. Based on the results ofresearch on the type of skin beauty care categories. type of hair beauty services ata very good category. Based on the quality of human resources on the acquisitionof competence in the field of beauty expertise acquired 71% of data is a graduateSMA / SMK general, 28% of graduates of vocational Tata Beauty is only 1% TataBeauty Diploma graduates, 47% attended a course skin care, while the formalstatus of the course 29% 62% non-formal. Salon business personnel workaccording to the division of tasks in the medium category with a percentage of78%. 72% of business personnel maintain the beauty salon Health and Safety atWork in the medium category. 62%. Personnel beauty salon business has apersonality according to professional ethics in the unfavorable category. 70% havea beauty salon business personnel hygiene and personal appearance in the mediumcategory. Judging from the infrastructure business has a beauty salon equipmentstandard work on unfavorable category, have the appropriate building standards inmiddle category, meet clean water standards that are in either category

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Perawatan Rambut Pasca Pelurusan (Rebonding) dengan Kesehatan Rambut Mahasiswa Jurusan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

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    This study aimed to describe hair treatment done by the students of Family Welfare Department, Faculty University of Padang who has done hair straightening (rebonding). This research is a correlation with the population of 45 people and the samples were 45 students who have been doing hair straightening (rebonding). The sample in this study was done by using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using Likert Scale and Scale questionnaire Guttman already tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis using descriptive analysis was done by testing normality and linearity test, hypothesis testing with product moment correlation. Based on the results of the data proving that the students from the Department of Family Welfare Faculty of Engineering, University of Padang; (1) hair care knowledge possessed by students who have been doing hair straightening medium category with the percentage of 33,33%, (2) Health student who has been doing hair straightening (rebonding) including category simply by 64.12% percentage, (3) There is a significant relationship between health care done by students who have hair straightening (rebonding) with evidentiary value 0.241> 0.5 in the low category

    Hubungan Informasi Iklan Kosmetika dengan Sikap Mahasiswi Membeli Produk Kosmetika pada Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Universitas Negeri Padang

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    The purpose of this study is to see the relationship whether there is information of cosmetic's advertisements with the attitude of student of 2014 entry year buying the lightening facial cosmetic products of Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality of State University of Padang. This study is quantitativedescriptive correlation. The population in this study is the entire students of Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality of 2014 entry year of the total 243 students and total of the samples are 71 students. The technique of getting the data is using questionnaires with the likert's scale which has been tested for validity and reliability. The analysis of data is descriptive; analysis is conducted by normalitytest, linear-test, and hypothesis-test with moment product correlation. The result of the study shows that there is a significant relationship with the direction of negative correlation between the information of advertisements and the attitude of students who buy it. The result shows that the information of cosmetic's advertisements stand on 82% with the high category and attitude of students in buying the lightening facial cosmetics stand in on 60% with low attitude category

    Penggunaan Lulur Zaitun terhadap Perawatan Kulit Tubuh

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    This study aims to describe the effect of the use of the olive scrub of skin care body. This study is based on an indicator of changes in skin moisture and brightness of the skin. The study is in the form of pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest. The object of this research are manifold body skin dry, while the sample in this study were women who have the same age range which ranges between 18 and 25 years who have dry skin with moisture levels below 38%. Data collected from this research is primary data obtained directly from the sample by filling out the assessment form has been provided. The research data were analyzed using tests of normality, homogeneity and t-test. Based on the results of the data, proving that the use of olive scrub showed significant results for each indicator with the results of the normality test the magnitude of the numbers of significance (0.214) > α = (0.05) means that the data are normally distributed, homogeneity test results f count (4) <f Table (5.39), followed by t-test with the results of the t (-19.000) and t table (-2.776). This means that there is a significant effect on the body skin care with the use of olive scrub

    Pengaruh Label Halal terhadap Minat Beli Kosmetik Perawatan dan Riasan pada Mahasiswi Prodi Pendidikan Tata Rias dan Kecantikan Jurusan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang

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    This study aims to see whether there is an influence of ‘halal' labelon buying interest by the students of Education Makeup and BeautyFaculty of Engineering Department of Padang State University. Thisresearch is descriptive quantitative. The populations in this research were137 female students and the sample about 102 female students ofEducation Makeup and Beauty Faculty of Engineering Department ofPadang State University in academic year 2010 to 2013. The research datais primary data that obtained directly from the respondents in the form 43items questionnaire with a number of statements by using Likers scale thathas been tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed usingdescriptive analysis that was performed linearly test, normality test andhypotheses test with product moment correlation. The results showed thatthere was no significant relationship but it has a positive side between‘halal' labels on buying interest. The analysis showed that the ‘Halal'Label located on the percentage of 55% in a low category, and InterestBuy obtained the percentage 81% in a high category