1,327 research outputs found

    Beyond Kolpak: EU Law’s unforeseen contribution to the movement of African Cricketers

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    The movement of professional cricketers from South Africa to England to play in County Cricket has expanded since the late 1960s. It became more attractive during the period of South African isolation and some players saw English cricket as a route to play at Test match level through changing national allegiance. This paper explores the role of law in facilitating movement in two ways. First, in the case of Greig, the attempt to ban players who chose to participate in the new commercial venture, World Series Cricket, was overturned. Second, in the Kolpak case a decision of the European Court of Justice paved the way for South Africans and Zimbabweans to abandon their national side and play in England as domestic players without the usual constraints applied to overseas players. The opportunity was taken by numerous players because of the political upheaval in cricket that was contemporaneously taking place in both South Africa and Zimbabwe. The movement of players caused concern in both South Africa and England and led to a re-consideration of the financial relationships between governing bodies and players

    The availability ofresearch journals in South African academic medicallibraries

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    Biomedical researchers depend on the journals of science as a primary source of information. The spiralling cost of journals threatens the ability of libraries to provide their users' information needs. In this study the availability of a representative sample of journals used by South African biomedical researchers was determined at each of the seven medical faculty libraries. The application of a standardised document delivery test is described and the results are interpreted in terms of: (i) the capability index, which includes material obtainable through inter-library loans; and (ii) an availability index, or measure of the probability that a user will find an item without delay in hislher own library. The current status of availability of biomedical journals was found to be high at all the libraries; indeed, the scores compare favourably with results obtained at academic libraries overseas. There is, however, real concern that the financial crisis in tertiary education will cause the situation to deteriorate. Repetition of this test is recommended to monitor the (probably declining) level of journal availability. The information would support efforts to rationalise and subsequently strengthen academic medical libraries' collective holdings as a strategic national resource

    Reconceptualising the standard of care in sport: The case of youth rugby in England and South Africa

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    Sport is an important area of civil society in both South Africa and England, and this article is broadly concerned with the relationship between sport and personal injury. More specifically, the article compares how rugby is regulated by the tort of negligence in England and delict in South Africa respectively. Regarding liability, for sport there are very specific factors that need to be taken into account. The article is concerned with, firstly, the broader context of sport as an important social and cultural activity, and secondly the specific sporting context that includes the rules of the game as well as the playing culture, with a focus on rugby at junior level. Through a critical and comparative analysis of how the standards of care in sport have been developed in both jurisdictions, the aim of this article is to consider how sport specific elements can be incorporated into the traditional legal principles. This comparative analysis contextualises the various discussions in the light of the differences between the English tort of negligence and the South African law of delict. Our argument is that the context and specificity of rugby should be more explicitly taken into account when evaluating potential liability. To establish a standard of care for sport is complex, with many factors to be taken into account and balanced against one another. The law of negligence/delict therefore needs to be adaptable and flexible to resolve new situations where injuries have occurred. Even in established situations where liability has been previously determined, novel events do occur and knowledge develops that requires a reconsideration of the principles that govern liability. In junior rugby, the risk of very serious injuries is relatively small and the law needs to tread a cautious path through liability, ensuring it is a vehicle that promotes sport rather than creating barriers to its enjoyment and practice. A greater understanding of sport, informed by detailed research, can unearth new areas of potential liability that will need to be considered in the future

    A quest for an integrated management system of children following a drowning incident: A review of the literature

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    Purpose: Management of children following a drowning incident is based on specific interventions which are used in the prehospital environment, the emergency department (ED) and the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). This paper presents a review of the literature to map and describe the management and interventions used by healthcare professionals when managing a child following a drowning incident. Of specific interest was to map, synthesise and describe the management and interventions according to the different clinical domains or practice areas of healthcare professionals. Design and Methods: A traditional review of the literature was performed to appraise, map and describe information from 32 relevant articles. Four electronic databases were searched using search strings and the Boolean operators AND as well as OR. The included articles were all published in English between 2010 and 2022, as it comprised a timeline including current guidelines and practices necessary to describe management and interventions. Results: Concepts and phrases from the literature were used as headings to form a picture or overview of the interventions used for managing a child following a drowning incident. Information extracted from the literature was mapped under management and interventions for prehospital, the ED and the PICU and a figure was constructed to display the findings. It was evident from the literature that management and interventions are well researched, evidence-informed and discussed, but no clear arguments or examples could be found to link the interventions for integrated management from the scene of drowning through to the PICU. Cooling and/or rewarming techniques and approaches and termination of resuscitation were found to be discussed as interventions, but no evidence of integration from prehospital to the ED and beyond was found. The review also highlighted the absence of parental involvement in the management of children following a drowning incident. Practice Implications: Mapping the literature enables visualisation of management and interventions used for children following a drowning incident. Integration of these interventions can collaboratively be done by involving the healthcare practitioners to form a link or chain for integrated management from the scene of drowning through to the PICU

    The juridification of sport: A comparative analysis of children’s rugby and cricket in England and South Africa

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    This article takes as its point of departure the notion of juridification in sport and, in particular, the perspective that the term has previously often been used in sport and law literature in a too narrow and limiting sense. Using the work of Ken Foster as a platform, the article examines a more nuanced notion of juridification. It does this by first unpacking two levels of juridification – the more well-known notion of increased legal intervention is considered before moving on to a more sophisticated application of the idea in terms of its impact upon rules and practices in sport. Foster termed this juridification as domestication. The article then applies these ideas in a practical context by examining two applications of the two children’s sports (rugby and cricket) in England and South Africa. The article concludes as to the future developments that are likely to occur. Despite the economic and cultural differences it seems likely that South Africa will continue to follow England, as is the case with the first level of juridification, and that the rules and their enforcement will themselves become more domesticated. It is likely that coaches and educators will find themselves under increased pressure to conform from both a general fear of litigation and a changing internal regulatory regime of sport codes

    The prevalence of burnout and depression in medical doctors working in the Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality community healthcare clinics and district hospitals of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape: a cross-sectional study

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    Aim: This study investigated burnout and depression in medical doctors in the context of work-related conditions and the role of resilience as a modifiable factor.Method: A cross-sectional, observational study was conducted on consenting medical doctors (n = 132) working at Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality primary healthcare facilities of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape. Data were collected from doctors at 27 facilities by means of a self-administered questionnaire battery, containing socio-demographic information, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC).Results: Of 132 doctors included in the analysis, 76% experienced burnout, as indicated by high scores in either the emotional exhaustion or depersonalisation subscales. In addition, 27% of doctors had cut-off scores on the BDI indicating moderate depression, while 3% were identified to have severe depression. The number of hours, work load, working conditions and system-related frustrations were ranked as the most important contributing factors to burnout. More experienced doctors and those with higher resilience scores had lower levels of burnout, as evident by their lower scores in the emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation domains of the MBI.Conclusion: Both burnout and depression are prevalent problems in doctors working at district level and in communities. Resilience appears to be protective and may be a useful target for future intervention.Keywords: depression, burnout, stress, physician, medical docto

    Sudden and unexpected childhood deaths investigated at the Pretoria Medico-Legal Laboratory, South Africa, 2007 - 2011

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    Background. Sudden and unexpected death is well known to occur in infants, and although sudden deaths are less frequent after the first birthday, they still account for a significant proportion of childhood deaths. In 2009, 1.9% of the total deaths in the USA were childhood deaths. In South Africa (SA) this proportion was much higher at 11.85%. According to the law, sudden and unexpected deaths are generally investigated as unnatural deaths. Establishing an exact underlying anatomical cause of death will depend on available resources and can be difficult in a substantial proportion of cases.Methods. A retrospective descriptive case audit was conducted at the Pretoria Medico-Legal Laboratory (PMLL), SA, from 1 January 2007 through to 31 December 2011. All children aged 1 - 18 years who died suddenly and unexpectedly were included.Results. Ninety-eight cases were identified, which constituted nearly 1% of total admissions to the PMLL. The majority of the deaths were of children aged 1 - 5 years, and the male/female ratio was 1.04:1. In the largest proportion of cases (n=28, 28.6%), the medicolegal investigation, including autopsy and ancillary investigations, did not establish an underlying anatomical cause of death. In the cases where a cause of death was established, pneumonia was the most common diagnosis (n=22, 22.4%).Conclusions. The fact that the cause of the largest proportion of deaths could not be ascertained emphasises the need for consideration of additional investigative techniques, such as molecular/genetic screening, which have provided an underlying cause of death in a significant number of cases in other countries. There is a lack of published research on the causes and incidence of sudden unexpected deaths in children in SA, and further research in this area is needed

    Introduction to Mentalization-Based Approaches for Parents, Children, Youths, and Families

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    Family members mentalize when they try to understand each other's behavior on the basis of intentional mental states. This article aims to introduce and briefly describe how the concept of mentalization can provide a useful framework for clinicians to understand psychopathology of children, youths, and families. The authors further outline how mentalization-based techniques and interventions can be applied to build epistemic trust and to reestablish mentalizing in families by presenting clinical vignettes of initial sessions from various clinical settings in the United Kingdom and Germany. The article concludes with a brief summary about the current evidence for mentalization-based interventions with children, adolescents, and families and provides an outlook for future clinical and research work
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