3 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterization of a quercetin-tetraethyl ether-based photoprotective nanoemulsion.

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    Although Quercetin absorbs in the UVA/UVB electromagnetic region, it is limited for applications as a UV filter due to its low lipophilicity and capacity to penetrate the epidermis. In order to overcome this limitation, we synthetized and evaluated the photo protective properties of a derivative obtained from Quercetin. The derivative was prepared by alkylation of Quercetin with iodoethane and characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopy. The in vitro Solar Protection Factor was determined by the Mansur method and the cytotoxicity was evaluated using hepatocellular cell (Hep G2) cells. Finally, Quercetin and the corresponding derivative were incorporated in nanoemulsions. Nanoemulsions with particles sizes between 53 and 73 nm were obtained, and polydispersity indexes were around 0.1, indicating good homogeneity of the nanoemulsion particles. The cell viability study for the Quercetin derivative indicated a very low cytotoxicity profile. The chemical modification of Quercetin resulted in a promising compound with improved properties desirable for skin penetration and incorporation into sunscreen formulations

    Acidente botrópico em cão na região Noroeste do Espírito Santo: Botropic accident in a dog in the Northwest region of Espírito Santo

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    O envenenamento por picada de cobra é uma condição que afeta seres humanos e animais em todo mundo. No Brasil, as serpentes venenosas existentes pertencem aos gêneros Bothrops, Crotalus, Lachesis e Micrurus. Contudo, os acidentes botrópicos são os mais frequentemente descritos na medicina humana e veterinária. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi descrever um caso de acidente botrópico em um cão na região noroeste do Espírito Santo, destacando suas características clínico-laboratoriais. Foi atendido um canino, macho, castrado, sem raça definida (SRD), de 1 ano de idade, proveniente da zona rural do município de Pancas, região noroeste do Espírito Santo, com suspeita de picada de cobra do gênero Bothrops. O animal apresentava sangramento e algia intensa em membro torácico direito. Foi realizada a administração do soro antiofídico e fármacos analgésicos, antibióticos, anti-inflamatórios e hemostáticos. Nos exames laboratoriais, o paciente apresentou anemia intensa, hipoproteinemia, leucocitose por neutrofilia e trombocitopenia, além de hipoalbuminemia e aumento nas concentrações fosfatase alcalina e ureia. O diagnóstico de acidente ofídico por cobra do gênero Bothrops baseou-se nas alterações clínico-laboratoriais típicas e pela visualização da serpente pelo tutor. A alta incidência de acidentes botrópicos no Brasil ocorre devido à vasta distribuição geográfica das serpentes no país. Os sinais clínicos e as alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas observadas nos animais ocorrem devido a diversas enzimas, peptídeos e proteínas presentes no veneno que causam os efeitos deletérios locais e sistêmicos descritos. A terapia consiste, principalmente, na administração do soro antiofídico e fármacos adjuvantes para controle dos efeitos locais. Chama-se a atenção que as estatísticas de acidentes ofídicos na medicina veterinária baseiam-se principalmente em relatos de casos ou estudos feitos nos centros de diagnósticos das universidades do país, devido a não obrigatoriedade da notificação desses acidentes

    Baccharis trimera (Carqueja) Improves Metabolic and Redox Status in an Experimental Model of Type 1 Diabetes

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    Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that causes severe complications due to the increased oxidative stress induced by disease. Many plants are popularly used in the treatment of diabetes, e.g., Baccharis trimera (carqueja). The aim of this study was to explore the potential application of the B. trimera hydroethanolic extract in preventing redox stress induced by diabetes and its hypoglycemic properties. Experiments were conducted with 48 female rats, divided into 6 groups, named C (control), C600 (control + extract 600 mg/kg), C1200 (control + extract 1200 mg/kg), D (diabetic), D600 (diabetic + 600 mg/kg), and D1200 (diabetic + 1200 mg/kg). Type 1 diabetes was induced with alloxan, and the animals presented hyperglycemia and reduction in insulin and body weight. After seven days of experimentation, the nontreated diabetic group showed changes in biochemical parameters (urea, triacylglycerol, alanine aminotransferase, and aspartate aminotransferase) and increased carbonyl protein levels. Regarding the antioxidant enzymes, an increase in superoxide dismutase activity was observed but in comparison a decrease in catalase and glutathione peroxidase activity was noted which suggests that diabetic rats suffered redox stress. In addition, the mRNA of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase enzymes were altered. Treatment of diabetic rats with B. trimera extract resulted in an improved glycemic profile and liver function, decreased oxidative damage, and altered the expression of mRNA of the antioxidants enzymes. These results together suggest that B. trimera hydroethanolic extract has a protective effect against diabetes