340 research outputs found

    The influence of a superconducting split-pair solenoid as an insertion device on the performance of a storage ring for synchrotron radiation

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    EINFLUSS EINES ALS INSERTION DEVICE VERWENDETEN SUPRALEITENDEN SPLIT-PAIR SOLENOIDEN AUF DAS VERHALTEN EINES SPEICHERRINGES FÜR SYNCHROTRONSTRAHLUNG Zur Erhöhung der Photonenenergie von Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen wird die Verwendung von starken nichtlinearen Magneten in Betracht gezogen. Solche Magnete können einen starken Einfluß auf die Funktion von Speicherringen ausüben, da sie die Emittanz vergrößern und die dynamische Apertur verringern können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Methode vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe der Einfluß der nichtlinearen Felder auf die dynamische Apertur berechnet werden kann. Mit dieser Methode wird die mögliche Auswirkung eines als Wellenlängenschieber eingesetzten kommerziellen 12 T Split-pair Solenoiden auf die dynamische Apertur der zukünftigen Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle ANKA untersucht

    Beam heat load and pressure rise in a could vacuum chamber

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    The beam heat load and the pressure in the vacuum chamber of the cold bore superconducting undulator installed at ANKA (ANgstrom source KArlsruhe) have been monitored for almost two years. Possible sources of the observed heat load could be synchrotron radiation from upstream magnets, image currents, electron and ion bombardment. In this paper, the various possible contributions to the heat load are discussed and compared with experimental results. The dynamic pressure increases nonlinearly with the average beam current. The current where it assumes a maximum varies both with the bunch intensity and with the initial vacuum pressure. A correlation between the heat load and the dynamic pressure has been observed. This study suggests that electron bombardment could explain the beam heat load and pressure rise observed for a bunch length of 10 mm

    Beam heat load and pressure rise in a cold vacuum chamber

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    The beam heat load and the pressure in the vacuum chamber of the cold bore superconducting undulator installed at ANKA (ANgstrom source KArlsruhe) have been monitored for almost two years. Possible sources of the observed heat load could be synchrotron radiation from upstream magnets, image currents, electron and ion bombardment. In this paper, the various possible contributions to the heat load are discussed and compared with experimental results. The dynamic pressure increases nonlinearly with the average beam current. The current where it assumes a maximum varies both with the bunch intensity and with the initial vacuum pressure. A correlation between the heat load and the dynamic pressure has been observed. This study suggests that electron bombardment could explain the beam heat load and pressure rise observed for a bunch length of 10 mm

    Spin-Splitter Studies: Polarization Stability Measurements at IUCF

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Superconductive invacuum undulators for storage rings, condept and first operational experience

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    Superconductive undulators with a small period length are a novel tool in generating X-ray beams with high brlliance. The concept and the first prototype for a s storage ring was developed for ANKA, a 2.5 GeV synchrotron light source in Karlsruhe, Germany

    FLUTE, a linac based THz source

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    We propose a versatile THz source named FLUTE (Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test-Experiment) based on a 30 - 50 MeV S-band linac with bunch compressor, that aimsat not only producing high field THz pulses but also at serving as a test facility to study accelerator physics issues. This source is an important step towards the planned ultra-broadband THz to mid infrared user facility TBONE. Special emphasis is put on studies of bunch compression as a function of bunch charge (0.1-5 nC) and of different generation mechanisms of coherent radiation (CSR, CER, CTR). This paper describes the design and layout of the proposed FLUTE machine and presents results of beam dynamic calculations with the tracking programs ASTRA and CSRtrack. In addition, calculations for the achievable peak electrical field and spectral characteristics for one version of the FLUTE layout are shown