7 research outputs found
Mythology: a methodological approach for the Historian of Classic Antiquity
ABSTRACT The central theme of this article is the application of semiotic analysis as a methodology in the historical analysis of the myth present in Dio Chrysostom's Discourses, a Bythinian philosopher who lived in the Roman Empire between the years 40 and 115 AD
Mitologia: abordagem metodolĂłgica para o Historiador da AntigĂŒidade ClĂĄssica
O tema central deste artigo é a aplicação da anålise semiótica como metodologia de anålise histórica do mito presente nos Discursos de Dion Crisóstomo, filósofo bitiniano que viveu entre 40 e 115 d.C. sob o Império Romano.The central theme of this article is the application of the semiotical analysis as methodology of historical analysis of the mith present in the Dio Chrysostom's Discourses, Bitinian philosopher who lived between 40 and 115 A.D in Roman Empire
A poesia épica na construção dos Discursos de Dion Crisóstomo
Epic poetry in the construction of Dion Chrysostomâs Discourses. The construction of images in the speeches of Dion Chrysostom was drawn from references in Homer. When the orator uses images from Greek epic poetry, Dion Chrysostom intimates the representation of images found in the literature to propagate his philosophical and political ideas during the first century A.D. under the administration of the emperors Domitian, Nerva and Trajan. Current analysis of the authorâs works discusses literature as one of the representational forms of Hellenistic identity under Roman domination.Ao elaborar os seus Discursos, Dion CrisĂłstomo se vale das referĂȘncias constantes de Homero para a construção de imagens. Ao usar as imagens presentes na poesia Ă©pica grega, Dion CrisĂłstomo evoca as representaçÔes imagĂ©ticas presentes na literatura para difundir suas ideias filosĂłficas e polĂticas durante o final do SĂ©culo I d.C sob os governos de Domiciano, Nerva e Trajano. Ao se fazer a anĂĄlise desse autor, pretende-se tambĂ©m discutir a literatura como uma das formas de representação da identidade helenĂstica sob o Principado Romano
Mythology: methodological approach for the Classic Antiquity Historian
The central theme of this article is the application of the semiotical analysis as methodology of historical analysis of the mith present in the Dio Chrysostom's Discourses, Bitinian philosopher who lived between 40 and 115 A.D in Roman Empire
ContemporĂąnea: Empresa JĂșnior de HistĂłria
The History Junior Company is an initiative of History undergraduates, which under the guidance of an supervising professor, seek to broaden the range of acting possibilities for historians, as well as increase relations between the university and the outside community. Through practical projects, theoretical discussions, holding events, among other activities that involve historical science in the field of research and education, ContemporĂąnea aims at actively contribute in the training of students, helping in the educational, cultural, scientific, and technological development of the companyâs members, in order to better prepare them to operate in several institutional, public and private spaces.A empresa JĂșnior de histĂłria Ă© uma iniciativa dos graduandos do curso de histĂłria, que sob a orientação do professor supervisor, buscam meios de ampliar o horizonte de possibilidades de atuação do historiador e ampliar as relaçÔes da universidade com a comunidade externa. AtravĂ©s de projetos prĂĄticos, discussĂ”es teĂłricas, realização de eventos, entre outras atividades que envolvam a ciĂȘncia histĂłrica no Ăąmbito da pesquisa e educação, a ContemporĂąnea busca contribuir ativamente para a formação dos alunos, auxiliando no desenvolvimento educacional, cultural, cientĂfico, tecnolĂłgico dos membros da empresa, a fim de melhor capacita-los para atuar em diversos meios institucionais, pĂșblicos ou privados
NĂșcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2010: volume 4: as disciplinas escolares, os temas transversais e o processo de educação
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP