38,551 research outputs found

    Models of the hard X-ray spectrum of AM Herculis and implications for the accretion rate

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    Phenomenological fits to the hard X-ray spectrum of AM Herculis left unexplained the high equivalent width (0.8 + or - 0.1 keV) of Fe K alpha emission. A purely thermal origin implies a much steeper spectrum than was observed. With Monte Carlo calculations, scattering and fluorescent line production in a cold or partially ionized accretion column of hard X-rays emitted at the base were investigated. The strength of the iron emission and the flat spectral continuum can be explained by the effects of fluorescence and absorption within the accretion column and the surface of the white dwarf on a thermal X-ray spectrum. Thomson optical depths across the column in the range 0.2 to 0.7 are acceptable. The accretion rate and gravitational power can be deduced from the optical depth across the column, if the column size is known, and, together with the observed hard X-ray and polarized light luminosities, imply a lower limit for the luminosity in the UV to soft X-ray range, for which the observations give model-dependent values. Estimates of the column size differ by a factor of 40. Small spot sizes and low luminosities would be consistent with the soft component being the expected reprocessed bremsstrahlung and cyclotron radiation, although the constraint of matching the spectrum confines one to solutions with fluxes exceeding 20% the Eddington limits

    UV Imaging Polarimetry of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 3

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    We present UV imaging polarimetry data of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 3 taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The polarized flux is found to be extended to ~1 kpc from the nucleus, and the position angles of polarization are centrosymmetric, confirming that the polarization is caused by scattering. We determine the location of the hidden nucleus as the center of this centrosymmetric pattern. From the polarization images taken in two broad bands, we have obtained the color distribution of the polarized flux. Some regions have blue polarized flux, consistent with optically-thin dust scattering, but some bright knots have a color similar to that of Seyfert 1 nucleus. Also, the recent Chandra X-ray observation suggests that the ratio of scattered UV flux to scattered X-ray flux is rather similar to the intrinsic UV/X-ray ratio in a Seyfert 1 nucleus, if the observed extended X-ray continuum is scattered light. While the scattered X-ray would be essentially from electron scattering, the UV slope and UV/X-ray ratio both being similar to Seyfert 1's would lead to two possibilities as to the nature of the UV scatterers. One is that the UV may also be scattered by electrons, in which case the scattering gas is somehow dust-free. The other is that the UV is scattered by dust grains, but the wavelength-independent UV scattering with low efficiency indicated by the UV slope and UV/X-ray ratio would suggest that the grains reside in UV-opaque clouds, or the dust might be mainly composed of large grains and lacks small-grain population.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures (plus 2 color versions of grayscale figures), To appear in ApJ; minor corrections for the proofs of the manuscrip

    Studies on the promotion of nickel—alumina coprecipitated catalysts: I. Titanium oxide

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    A series of TiO2-promoted nickel—alumina catalysts has been prepared and characterized. The promoter was added in various proportions to a calcined coprecipitated nickel—alumina material by adsorption of the acetylacetonate complex of titanium, followed by further calcination and reduction. The structure of the resultant materials was similar to that of the unpromoted coprecipitated nickel—alumina. The chemisorption properties of the catalyst and its behaviour in the CO/H2 reaction were characteristic of a strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) reported in the literature for Ni/TiO2. The strong adsorption of both carbon monoxide and hydrogen were suppressed while the activity for carbon monoxide hydrogenation was increased, the activation energy being lowered. The higher activity, however, was relatively unstable under reaction conditions

    Survival and Growth of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) hatchlings after artificial incubation and repatriation

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    Hatchling American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) produced from artificially incubated wild eggs were returned to their natal areas (repatriated). We compared artificially incubated and repatriated hatchlings released within and outside the maternal alligator’s home range with naturally incubated hatchlings captured and released within the maternal alligator’s home range on Lake Apopka, Lake Griffin, and Orange Lake in Florida. We used probability of recapture and total length at approximately nine months after hatching as indices of survival and growth rates. Artificially incubated hatchlings released outside of the maternal alligator’s home range had lower recapture probabilities than either naturally incubated hatchlings or artificially incubated hatchlings released near the original nest site. Recapture probabilities of other treatments did not differ significantly. Artificially incubated hatchlings were approximately 6% shorter than naturally incubated hatchlings at approximately nine months after hatching. We concluded that repatriation of hatchlings probably would not have long-term effects on populations because of the resiliency of alligator populations to alterations of early age-class survival and growth rates of the magnitude that we observed. Repatriation of hatchlings may be an economical alternative to repatriation of older juveniles for population restoration. However, the location of release may affect subsequent survival and growth

    Phenotype-Dependent Response of Cultured Aortic Smooth-Muscle to Serum Mitogens

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    ABSTRACT Smooth muscle cells from the aortic media of adult pigs and monkeys have been grown in primary culture by plating cells enzymatically dissociated from the intact aorta. During the first 6 d these cells are in the "contractile " phenotype. That is, they contract slowly in response to angiotensin II and their cytoplasm is filled with both thick and thin myofilaments. In this state they do not incorporate [3H]thymidine into DNA or proliferate in response to normolipemic or hyperlipemic whole blood serum (WBS). After 7 d in culture the cells undergo a spontaneous modulation of phenotype to a "synthetic " state where they cannot be stimulated to contract and their cytoplasm is filled with organelles usually associated with synthesis of secretory protein. Thick myosin-containing filaments can no longer be demonstrated. When challenged with normolipemic or hyperlipemic WBS the cells incorporate [3H]thymidine into DNA and undergo logarithmic growth. It is suggested that when smooth muscle is in the contractile phenotype (as normally exists for most cells in the aortic media of adult animals) it does not divide when challenged with serum mitogens but can undergo a change of phenotype to a synthetic state in which division can be stimulated. Differentiation of a cell involves transition from an initially multipotential state to the specialized form typical of the adult

    Strings in extremal BTZ black holes

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    We study the spectrum of the worldsheet theory of the bosonic closed string in the massless and extremal rotating BTZ black holes. We use a hyperbolic Wakimoto representation of the SL(2,R) currents to construct vertex operators for the string modes on these backgrounds. We argue that there are tachyons in the twisted sector, but these are not localised near the horizon. We study the relation to the null orbifold in the limit of vanishing cosmological constant. We also discuss the problem of extending this analysis to the supersymmetric case.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Alligator Diet in Relation to Alligator Mortality on Lake Griffin, FL

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    Alligator mississippiensis (American Alligators) demonstrated low hatchrate success and increased adult mortality on Lake Griffin, FL, between 1998 and 2003. Dying Lake Griffin alligators with symptoms of poor motor coordination were reported to show specific neurological impairment and brain lesions. Similar lesions were documented in salmonines that consumed clupeids with high thiaminase levels. Therefore, we investigated the diet of Lake Griffin alligators and compared it with alligator diets from two lakes that exhibited relatively low levels of unexplained alligator mortality to see if consumption of Dorosoma cepedianum (gizzard shad) could be correlated with patterns of mortality. Shad in both lakes Griffin and Apopka had high levels of thiaminase and Lake Apopka alligators were consuming greater amounts of shad relative to Lake Griffin without showing mortality rates similar to Lake Griffin alligators. Therefore, a relationship between shad consumption alone and alligator mortality is not supported

    The Sexual health of pupils in years 4 to 6 of primary schools in rural Tanzania

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    Background/objectives: There is an urgent need for effective interventions to improve the sexual and\ud reproductive health of adolescents. Reliable data on the sexual health of adolescents are needed to guide\ud the development of such interventions. The aim was to describe the sexual health of pupils in years 4 to 6 of\ud 121 rural primary schools in north western Tanzania, before the implementation of an innovative sexual\ud health intervention in 58 of the schools.\ud Methods: A cross sectional survey of primary school pupils in rural Tanzania was carried out. The study\ud population comprised pupils registered in years 4 to 6 of 121 primary schools in 20 rural communities in\ud 1998. Basic demographic information was collected from all pupils seen. Those born before 1 January\ud 1985 (aged approximately 14 years and over) were invited to participate in the survey, and asked about\ud their knowledge and attitudes towards sexual health issues, and their sexual experience. A urine specimen\ud was requested and tested for HIV, Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and, for\ud females, pregnancy.\ud Results: 9283 pupils born before 1 January 1985 were enrolled and provided demographic information\ud and a urine sample. Male pupils were significantly older than females (mean age 15.5 years v 14.8 years,\ud p,0.001), but all other demographic characteristics were similar between the sexes. 14 (0.2%) of the\ud enrolled pupils (four male and 10 female) were HIV positive, 83 (0.9%) were positive for CT, and 12\ud (0.1%) for NG. 32 female pupils (0.8%) were positive by pregnancy test. Sexual experience was reported\ud by one fifth of primary school girls, and by almost half of boys. Only 45/114 (39%) girls with biological\ud markers of sexual activity reported having had sex.\ud Conclusions: HIV, CT, NG, and pregnancy were present though at relatively low levels among pupils in\ud years 4 to 6 of primary school. A high proportion of pupils with a biological marker of sexual activity\ud denied ever having had sex. Alternative ways of collecting sensitive data about the sexual behaviour of\ud school pupils should be explored
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