3,028 research outputs found

    Implementation of a Pulsed-Laser Measurement System in the National Transonic Facility

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    A remotely-adjustable laser transmission and imaging system has been developed for use in a high-pressure, cryogenic wind tunnel. Implementation in the National Transonic Facility has proven the system suitable for velocity and signal lifetime measurements over a range of operating conditions. The measurement system allows for the delivery of high-powered laser pulses through the outer pressure shell and into the test section interior from a mezzanine where the laser is free from environmental disturbances (such as vibrations and excessive condensation) associated with operation of the wind tunnel. Femtosecond laser electronic excitation tagging (FLEET) was utilized to provide freestream velocity measurements, and first results show typical data that may be obtained using the system herein described

    XMM-Newton Spectra of Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Candidates: Application of a Monte-Carlo Simulated Model

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    We present a systematic spectral analysis of six ultraluminous X-ray sources (NGC1313 X-1/X-2, IC342 X-1, HoIX X-1, NGC5408 X-1 and NGC3628 X-1) observed with XMM-Newton Observatory. These extra-nuclear X-ray sources in nearby late-type galaxies have been considered as intermediate-mass black hole candidates. We have performed Monte-Carlo simulations of Comptonized multi-color black-body accretion disks. This unified and self-consistent spectral model assumes a spherically symmetric, thermal corona around each disk and accounts for the radiation transfer in the Comptonization. We find that the model provides satisfactory fits to the XMM-Newton spectra of thesources. The characteristic temperatures of the accretion disks (T_in), for example, are in the range of ~ 0.05-0.3 keV, consistent with the intermediate-mass black hole interpretation. We find that the black hole mass is typically about a few times 10^3 M_\odot and has an accretion rate ~ 10^{-6} - 10^{-5} M_\odot yr^{-1}. For the spectra considered here, we find that the commonly used multi-color black-body accretion disk model with an additive power law component, though not physical, provides a good mathematical approximation to the Monte-Carlo simulated model. However, the latter model provides additional constraints on the properties of the accretion systems, such as the disk inclination angles and corona optical depths.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables. ApJ accepted, July 2004 issu

    Searching for Z′Z' bosons decaying to gluons

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    The production and decay of a new heavy vector boson, a chromophilic Z′Z' vector boson, is described. The chromophilic Z′Z' couples only to two gluons, but its two-body decays are absent, leading to a dominant decay mode of Z′→qqˉgZ'\rightarrow q\bar{q}g. The unusual nature of the interaction predicts a cross-section which grows with mZ′m_{Z'} for a fixed coupling and an accompanying gluon with a coupling that rises with its energy. We study the ttˉgt\bar{t}g decay mode, proposing distinct reconstruction techniques for the observation of an excess and for the measurement of mZ′m_{Z'}. We estimate the sensitivity of current experimental datasets.Comment: For submission to PR

    FE-SEM, FIB and TEM Study of Surface Deposits of Apollo 15 Green Glass Volcanic Spherules

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    Surface deposits on lunar pyroclastic green (Apollo 15) and orange (Apollo 17) glass spherules have been attributed to condensation from the gas clouds that accompanied fire-fountain eruptions. The fire fountains cast molten lava high above the lunar surface and the silicate melt droplets quenched before landing producing the glass beads. Early investigations showed that these deposits are rich in sulfur and zinc. The deposits are extremely fine-grained and thin, so that it was never possible to determine their chemical compositions cleanly by SEM/EDX or electron probe x-ray analysis because most of the excited volume was in the under-lying silicate glass. We are investigating the surface deposits by TEM, using focused ion beam (FIB) microscopy to extract and thin the surface deposits. Here we report on chemical mapping of a FIB section of surface deposits of an Apollo green glass bead 15401using the ultra-high resolution JEOL 2500 STEM located at NASA Johnson Space Center

    A new physical interpretation of optical and infrared variability in quasars

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    Changing-look quasars are a recently identified class of active galaxies in which the strong UV continuum and/or broad optical hydrogen emission lines associated with unobscured quasars either appear or disappear on timescales of months to years. The physical processes responsible for this behaviour are still debated, but changes in the black hole accretion rate or accretion disk structure appear more likely than changes in obscuration. Here we report on four epochs of spectroscopy of SDSS J110057.70-005304.5, a quasar at a redshift of z=0.378z=0.378 whose UV continuum and broad hydrogen emission lines have faded, and then returned over the past ≈\approx20 years. The change in this quasar was initially identified in the infrared, and an archival spectrum from 2010 shows an intermediate phase of the transition during which the flux below rest-frame ≈\approx3400\AA\ has decreased by close to an order of magnitude. This combination is unique compared to previously published examples of changing-look quasars, and is best explained by dramatic changes in the innermost regions of the accretion disk. The optical continuum has been rising since mid-2016, leading to a prediction of a rise in hydrogen emission line flux in the next year. Increases in the infrared flux are beginning to follow, delayed by a ∼\sim3 year observed timescale. If our model is confirmed, the physics of changing-look quasars are governed by processes at the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) around the black hole, and the structure of the innermost disk. The easily identifiable and monitored changing-look quasars would then provide a new probe and laboratory of the nuclear central engine.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Published in MNRAS. All code and data links on GitHub, https://github.com/d80b2t/WISE_L

    Eucrite Impact Melt NWA 5218 - Evidence for a Large Crater on Vesta

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    Northwest Africa (NWA) 5218 is a 76 g achondrite that is classified as a eucrite [1]. However, an initial classification [2] describes it as a "eucrite shock-melt breccia...(in which) large, partially melted cumulate basalt clasts are set in a shock melt flow...". We explore the petrology of this clast-bearing impact melt rock (Fig. 1), which could be a characteristic lithology at large impact craters on asteroid Vesta [3]. Methods: Optical microscopy, scanning electronmicroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy were used on a thin section (Fig. 1) for petrographic characterization. The impact melt composition was determined by 20 m diameter defocused-beam analyses with a Cameca SX-100 electron microprobe. The data from 97 spots were corrected for mineral density effects [4]. Constituent mineral phases were analyzed with a focusedbeam. Bidirectonal visible and near-infrared (VNIR) and biconical FT-IR reflectance spectra were measured on the surface of a sample slab on its central melt area and on an eucrite clast, and from 125-500 m and 100 m are coarse-grained with equigranular ~1 mm size plagioclase, quartz, and clinopyroxene (Fig. 1). Single crystals of chromite, ilmenite, zircon, Ca-Mg phosphate, Fe-metal, and troilite are embedded in the melt. Polymineralic clasts are mostly compositionally similar to the above mentioned larger clasts but scarce granulitic fragments are observed as well

    The first high-redshift changing-look quasars

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    We report on three redshift z>2z>2 quasars with dramatic changes in their C IV emission lines, the first sample of changing-look quasars (CLQs) at high redshift. This is also the first time the changing-look behaviour has been seen in a high-ionisation emission line. SDSS J1205+3422, J1638+2827, and J2228+2201 show interesting behaviour in their observed optical light curves, and subsequent spectroscopy shows significant changes in the C IV broad emission line, with both line collapse and emergence being displayed on rest-frame timescales of ∼\sim240-1640 days. These are rapid changes, especially when considering virial black hole mass estimates of MBH>109M⊙M_{\rm BH} > 10^{9} M_{\odot} for all three quasars. Continuum and emission line measurements from the three quasars show changes in the continuum-equivalent width plane with the CLQs seen to be on the edge of the full population distribution, and showing indications of an intrinsic Baldwin effect. We put these observations in context with recent state-change models, and note that even in their observed low-state, the C IV CLQs are generally above ∼\sim5\% in Eddington luminosity.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. All data, analysis code and text are fully available at: github.com/d80b2t/CIV_CLQs. Comments, questions and suggestions welcome and encourage
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