7 research outputs found

    Logistics costs of the enterprise

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    The article describe a problem of specification and systematization of enterprise’s logistics costs. With in a growing division of labour, also logistics costs increase their part in enterprises total costs.Almost all decisions about products and production in general, influence logistics processes even logistics costs and performances.In present is not clear enough, which of the cost-particles are relevant fot logistics costs, because some of logistics cost-particles accounts within overhead are charged together with costs of other sorts.Substantive step in the process of the monitoring and evidence of logistics costs is definition of this, that costs of enterprise´s processes will be inclusive in logistics costs and determining points of contact with the others departments (acquisition, production, sale etc.). After the specification of meditation processes, there is a need to choose applicable parameters for the expression of logistics performances. Besides logistics costs is needed to know logistics performances equivalent herewith at a cost of, therefore from the control side have for enterprise bigger value indices expressive correlation costs and performances(e.g. share of logistics unit costs performance).At the proposal and evidence of logistics costs and performances is needed consistently entertain an individual conditions of enterprise. Because the area of processes included strongly affects the size of account logistics costs and its share part in total costs of enterprise. Logistics costs are flow line between economy and logistics of the enterprise

    Principles of computer simulation design for the needs of improvement of the raw materials combined transport system

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    This article is focused on computer simulation design for raw materials transportation. The creation of a simulation model of the combined transport system for the raw materials transportation has its own problematic parts. In general, these are parts, which represent transport nodes, i.e. parts of the system in which raw materials are reloaded from one vehicle to another. The given operations are in practice dependent on the preparedness of all transportation means, which participate in it. To locate operations of reloading of the raw materials from one vehicle to another and the check of the preparedness of the vehicles of the reloading in the simulation system is more demanding because it is necessary to take into consideration several aspects, such as an existence of a vehicle with raw materials, an existence of a vehicle to which it is to be reloaded a suitable freeloader, and so on. The article focuses on defining a procedure and correct steps at the creation of the simulation computer model of the combined raw materials transport system in the EXTENDSIM simulation system based on specific data from a real transport system. As is clear from the proposed procedure of the creation of the combined raw material transport system, as a check element of the transport system preparedness, it is suitable to use the "Gate" block and its features in the EXTENDSIM simulation system. As transpires from the results of simulation of the combined raw material transport system, about 322,000 tons of raw materials at 90-96% with the use of all vehicles is transported during the year.Web of Science23217416

    The use of the RFID in rail freight transport in the world as one of the new technologies of identification and communication

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    Article discusses the possibility of using technological advances of today in rail freight transport, with an emphasis on automatic identification systems and communications. Due to the need of finding an element that is sufficiently resistant to the rigors of the railways and flexible enough to replace the current system of rail freight was selected application the RFID technology. Purpose of selecting the technology was particularly the ability to automatically identify trucks, simplified registration and co-operation with the management information system of railways, the visibility of shipments in real time, and many other features that ensure data integrity, lower error rates in the process of record of the consignments, eliminating time-consuming documentation, etc


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    Stocks in the process of extended reproduction in a production and in a circulation are items (capital goods and consumer goods), which are stored for later consumption. Their need is caused by a discrepancy between cycles of supplies and consumption of individual stocks in a production, by a specific seasonality, transportation of certain amounts which are not in conformity with current consumption

    Protecting and Securing an Environment Affected by Industrial Activity for Future Utilization

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    At the present time, there are many abandoned areas and places that are affected by extraction activity, but which continue to be of importance due to valuable mineral resources. This article deals with environmental protection for their future use in terms of potential mineral resources. The area of Ruskov in Eastern Slovakia is typical with its rich deposits of andesite. Currently, there is no extraction activity at the site. The problem is related to effectively securing and protecting the environment for future use. The aim of the article is to indicate the possibilities for securing and protecting the area. The procedure can be applied universally to similar types of areas. According to the physical and chemical analysis of the water sample, the water in the quarry is of a basic high magnesium-bicarbonate type. The total mineralization 375 mg/l, pH – 8.4, content of Na – 13.4 mg/l, Ca – 41.1 mg/l, Mg – 26.2 mg/l, Fe – 0.04 mg/l, Mn – 0.012 mg/l and in the hydrogeological investigation the mineralization of precipitation water ranged from 25.8 to 48.0 mg/l, pH 6.0-6 6. From the comparison of values for inflows to the pit of the old Ruskov quarry and the values of groundwater runoff in the volcanic massif, we can state that only a part (approx. 50%) of groundwater from the volcanic massif is involved in the inflow to the quarry. The greater part of the underground runoff flows in the local sub-system to the local erosion base, which is represented by the valley of the Bystré stream, or it joins the flow of the intermediate stream (Olšava valley, erosion base). In the previous extraction activity in the Old Quarry of Ruskov, as well as after it was flooded in August 2014, no adverse effects on the flow and groundwater regime were observed in the evaluated area. Based on the previous evaluation of the hydrogeological conditions of the area, we can state that after the interruption of extraction at the Ruskov – old quarry deposit and the termination of pumping of quarry water, there is no expected adverse influence on the flow and groundwater regime in the evaluated area

    Application of the mathematical statistics for the evaluation of the waste incineration process

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    The article deals with the research on the impacts of waste incineration processes on the environment within a particular region by the means of mathematical statistics. The area of interest for this case study considers the aspects of practical application of using the above methods and principles in order to reduce the environmental impacts of waste incineration process in the concrete region. The Pearson correlation coefficient r(xy) = 0.54 indicates that there is a moderate linear relationship, presented by a direct proportion between the values of incinerated waste quantity and the quantity values of produced heat. The statistics results show that the incineration during a one-year period produces about 15,266 tons of plastic and electrical components, and will release about 590,000 GJ of energy and about 199,000 tons of steam and 287 tons of other emissions with only 3 milligrams of dioxins. The mathematical statistics is used to analyse, and subsequently adjust and improve the waste incineration process in order to achieve the desired parameter values, specifically the calorific values, the amount of heat produced, and the amount of generated steam and air pollutants. The results of mathematical statistics show that there is a direct relationship between the amount of incinerated waste (negative aspect) and the production of electricity (positive), but also the amount of heat produced (positive) and the amount of produced flue gas and ash (negative aspect). The environmental assessments are an important step in building and implementing Environmental Management System (EMS), which consists of the development and evaluation of the analysis followed by the adoption of measures to remedy the deficiencies. The aim of the analysis of the environmental situation within the region of the case study company is a fact-finding in the field of protection of environment that affects the production and non-production operations, and should be monitored the manufacturing practice compliance of the company with the current legislation, the status of operational documentation, the status of internal and external communications in the area of the environmental protection, the responsibilities and liabilities between departments and employees.Web of Science20533