9 research outputs found

    Solving Human Resources Management of Construction Labors Using Mobile Community Network

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    A construction labor works on a project based on adetermined interval time. If the construction project is donethen the labor has to find another one. Based on theinterviews conducted to some construction labors in BandaAceh and Medan, they depend totally on the networking andfriendship among the labors in finding a project. sOn theother hand, the labors can survive only for seven days if he isnot working. The proposed solution is developing a jobsearch system for the construction labors using mobileapplication. This system is built using JavaME, RecordManagement Store (RMS) as the storage media, and ShortMessage Service (SMS) as the data connection. This systemapplies distributed system thus it will not cause the processbecomes slow because the limited memory of the cellularphone. This system provides the construction laborsspecification which is needed by the employer and the list ofconstruction labor specification. Job searching will beprocessed again once the labors done with a project. In thisway, the construction labors will continually contracted witha project. Using this system will solve the problem faced bythe construction labor in finding a project and finally achievetheir economis growth

    Perancangan Robot Light Follower untuk Kursi Otomatis dengan Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ATmega 328P

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    This article discusses the design of light follower chair prototype with speed adjustment of DC motor according to light intensity using microcontroller ATmega328p. This prototype provides a solution for a chair to be back on the position under the table automatically by using a light follower robot principle. There are many possible positions of a chair after being used: perpendicular or sideways to the table. As the positions after being used are varied, the light is used to direct the chair toward under the table since the light can reach the area around the chair except for the back area. This prototype functions well if the chair is heading to the table and is not designed to function in the backward position. LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensors are used to detect the light. As the source of light, 1 W high power LED is put under the table. A microcontroller ATmega328p is used to execute the input and output of this system. Two DC motor are used as actuators to control the movement of the chair toward the light under the table. Ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 are used to measure the distance between the table and the chair so that the chair can stop at the desired position

    Studi Pencocokan Plat Kendaraan Dengan Metode Phase Only Correlation

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    Salah satu cara pengenalan kendaraan adalah dengan identifikasi plat. Umumnya identifikasi yang dilakukan mengacu pada proses segmentasi tiap karakter dari citra plat. Makalah ini mengajukan suatu metode identifikasi plat yang sederhana tanpa melakukan pengenalan melainkan langsung pada proses pencocokan yang berbasis Phase Only Correlation (POC). POC mencocokkan plat dengan mengorelasikan fasa dari dua citra plat. Fasa diperoleh dengan mengubah citra dari domain spasial menjadi domain frekuensi menggunakan Transformasi Fourier Waktu Diskrit (TFWD). Nilai puncak POC akan tinggi jika citra plat yang dicocokkan adalah citra yang berasal dari plat yang sama. Sebaliknya akan rendah jika yang dicocokkan berasal dari plat yang berbeda. Hasil simulasi menggunakan 20 citra plat menunjukkan bahwa metode POC dapat digunakan dalam pencocokan citra plat

    Design of Prototype for Online Disaster Multimedia Data Transmission Based on Android

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    The development of information and communication technology application is growing rapidly. It has motivated the use of mobile devices for various social networking mobile services such as android based multimedia disaster information transmission. Disaster multimedia information is important for quick response and recovery phases of the disaster management. In previous work, an online disaster information system based on location (we called it ASIKonLBS) has been proposed. However, it was only providing the coordinate information of the disaster location by using short message service (SMS) gateway and global positioning system (GPS). In this paper, we propose the design of prototype for online disaster multimedia data transmission based on android. Such that, the ASIKonLBSv2 can provide not only the information of the location, but also the situation of the disaster area including news, picture, and video. The research method refers to a spiral model that begins with conceptual design, prototype development and evaluation. The result shows that the designed prototype can be implemented for online disaster multimedia data transmission (news, photo and video) using Android Developer Tools. Furthermore, the prototype can be installed in the android-based smartphone and map the disaster multimedia data onto the web of ASIKonLBS. Therefore, the proposed prototype is useful for the disaster agencies and practitioners in order to give the first aid for the victim in the disaster are

    Performance of Multi-relay Cooperative Communication Using Decode and Forward Protocol

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    Nowadays, the development of wireless communication systems will be refer to user cooperative communication system in which a source information can transmit data to a destination through a relay. This can reduce the effect of fading on wireless communication channel which is a major problem in wireless communication system that can degrade the system performance. In this paper, we investigate the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication using decode and forward protocol in terms of channel capacity, bit error rate (BER) and throughput. The use of decode and forward protocol in multi-relay cooperative communication offers cooperation among users to generate virtual multiple antennas to increase the channel capacity and also can give better system performance. Furthermore, the simulation model of the system and computer simulation is developed to evaluate the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication. The simulation result shows that the channel capacity increases as the value of signal to noise ratio (SNR) increases. Also, the channel capacity increases as the number of relays increases. Moreover, the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication performs better than a single-relay cooperative communication by using decode and forward protocol in terms of BER. Furthermore, multi-relay cooperative communication provides a good throughput of the system compared to a single-relay. Therefore, the multi-relay cooperative communication is useful to mitigate the effects of channel fading, increase the channel capacity, improve the system performance and provide a good throughput by exploiting decode and forward protocol

    Homomorphic Filtering and Phase-Based Matching for Cross-Spectral Cross-Distance Face Recognition

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    Facial recognition has a significant application for security, especially in surveillance technologies. In surveillance systems, recognizing faces captured far away from the camera under various lighting conditions, such as in the daytime and nighttime, is a challenging task. A system capable of recognizing face images in both daytime and nighttime and at various distances is called Cross-Spectral Cross Distance (CSCD) face recognition. In this paper, we proposed a phase-based CSCD face recognition approach. We employed Homomorphic filtering as photometric normalization and Band Limited Phase Only Correlation (BLPOC) for image matching. Different from the state-of-the-art methods, we directly utilized the phase component from an image, without the need for a feature extraction process. The experiment was conducted using the Long-Distance Heterogeneous Face Database (LDHF-DB). The proposed method was evaluated in three scenarios: (i) cross-spectral face verification at 1m, (ii) cross-spectral face verification at 60m, and (iii) cross-spectral face verification where the probe images (near-infrared (NIR) face images) were captured at 1m and the gallery data (face images) was captured at 60 m. The proposed CSCD method resulted in the best recognition performance among the CSCD baseline approaches, with an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 5.34% and a Genuine Acceptance Rate (GAR) of 93%

    A Review on Recent Progress in Thermal Imaging and Deep Learning Approaches for Breast Cancer Detection

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    © 2013 IEEE. Developing a breast cancer screening method is very important to facilitate early breast cancer detection and treatment. Building a screening method using medical imaging modality that does not cause body tissue damage (non-invasive) and does not involve physical touch is challenging. Thermography, a non-invasive and non-contact cancer screening method, can detect tumors at an early stage even under precancerous conditions by observing temperature distribution in both breasts. The thermograms obtained on thermography can be interpreted using deep learning models such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNNs can automatically classify breast thermograms into categories such as normal and abnormal. Despite their demostrated utility, CNNs have not been widely used in breast thermogram classification. In this study, we aimed to summarize the current work and progress in breast cancer detection based on thermography and CNNs. We first discuss of breast thermography potential in early breast cancer detection, providing an overview of the availability of breast thermal datasets together with publicly accessible. We also discuss characteristics of breast thermograms and the differences between healthy and cancerous thermographic patterns. Breast thermogram classification using a CNN model is described step by step including a simulation example illustrating feature learning. We cover most research related to the implementation of deep neural networks for breast thermogram classification and propose future research directions for developing representative datasets, feeding the segmented image, assigning a good kernel, and building a lightweight CNN model to improve CNN performance