18 research outputs found

    The art of acting students’ feelings and emotions

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    Emotion involves a wide variety of feelings, thoughts, and behavior. The experiences that caused emotion are subjective experiences, or experienced from an individual point of view. Emotion for the undergraduate students is often associated with mood, temperament, personality, and disposition. Therefore, this study concentrated on an art of acting course, a compulsory course for students who undertake the minor in performing arts. The course was also opened to all students at the university. This course was to enhance students to be confident, vocal and most importantly to overcome their fear of performing. The objectives of the study were to find out the content of discussion of subjects by using the content analysis and to identify the types of emotion while carrying out their task. The subjects consisted of 10 undergraduate students from a class of the art of acting. The subjects were to write their own script, prepare the props, setting and most importantly act in the play. All the subjects have roles in the play. The subjects’ discussions and conversations were taped for three hours a week until the fourteenth week. The conversations were analyzed and the subjects’ feelings and emotion will be identified

    Automated Red-Edge Information Feature (ARIF) Program For Vegetation Stress Analysis And Classification.

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    This paper describes the development of Automated Red-edge Information Feature (ARIF) program for evaluating vegetation stress condition. The program is developed in the Interactive Data Language (IDL) environment and will enable vegetation hyperspectral remote sensing data to be analysed easily in terms of the red-edge position. Results from this program was verified using oil palm data from two (2) states of condition, they are healthy and not healthy. The data was taken using a field spectrometer and the result obtained was analyzed using ARIF. It was formed to correlate very well into the real world condition

    Sustaining communication in collaborative learning environment

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    One of the ways for students in sustaining their communication in a collaborative learning environment is through hands-on activity. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to analyse the content of the communication among students involved and how they sustain their communication in the collaborative learning task given. Students were divided in pairs and they were tasked to design an animation made of clay with sound effects and script. The pair’s collaboration was taped and videoed in four weeks for the purpose of the study. Selected extracts of the communication during the task were discussed and analyzed in four stages; design the storyboard, making the figurines for animation, photography and video animation. The findings of the study revealed that students sustained their communication actively via continuous discussion in order to complete the given task. Collaborative learning was able to boost up students’ learning the media creative subject as well as allowing them to have high confidence in the task given. This study resulted in a positive impact towards sustaining students’ communication and to include collaborative learning as an activity for students to sustain their learning environment

    Konflik emosi dalam lirik lagu 'Nipah oh Nipah'

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    Kajian ini memberikan tumpuan terhadap konflik emosi melalui ujaran pelajar sekolah rendah di Selangor. Ujaran pelajar adalah melalui lirik lagu ‘Nipah oh Nipah’ dari Siri Si Pekaka Bercerita, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti dan membincangkan ujaran pelajar terhadap lirik lagu. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 20 subjek daripada beberapa buah kelas di sebuah sekolah di Selangor. Subjek diberi peluang untuk mendengar lagu ‘Nipah oh Nipah’ sebanyak 10 kali. Mereka diberi peluang untuk berbincang bersama rakan yang lain tentang makna lirik lagu tersebut. Selepas itu, subjek ditemu bual tentang emosi yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu tersebut. Ujaran daripada temu bual dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis wacana. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa subjek memberikan ujaran yang mengandungi konflik emosi melalui lirik lagu tersebut. Subjek dapat mengenal pasti emosi yang berlainan daripada setiap pokok nipah

    Conflict in translation of children folklore songs

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    TRANSLATION is a process where a person has to go through reading several times in order to have a good text. A person who is good in translation will know the target language very well. As such, that person will be able to understand the text very well and the process of comprehensibility, predictability and readability [1] will take place smoothly. A translator work is considered as tedious since the translator has to go through the process over and over again. At present, machine translation has played a major role in making the process easier and faster as compared to the traditional dictionary. Translation in a classroom will take place in a second language classroom. As such, the process of translation will be taught in the beginning of the class. The students who involve in the translation process will go through the same process as the person who is good in translation [2]. Subsequently, the students will have conflict in translation since they have not mastered the language

    The influence of online anime towards children

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    Online anime has been a major influence towards the growth of children in Malaysia. Therefore this study investigates the online anime that influence children in their everyday lives. The study also discusses the influence of online anime that contributed to positive interaction in the discussion between the children. The study involves 10 nine year olds subjects from a class of one school in Putrajaya. The children were selected based on their experience in watching online anime. The subjects were interviewed. They were in groups of 3 to 4. They discussed about the characters, setting and storylines from the online anime that they had watched and the conversation were taped and analyzed. Selected extracts were analysed and discussed by using the discourse analysis method. It is found that subjects were strongly influenced by the characters, setting and storylines from the online anime. They were happy and contented to be like the characters in the story. It is hoped that online anime were able to give positive influence towards children in their everyday lives

    Media digital dalam pembangunan komuniti perempuan Melayu

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    Kajian ini melibatkan 120 komuniti perempuan Melayu yang berumur dari 20 hingga 50 tahun di kawasan sekitar Serdang Raya, Sri Serdang dan Seri Kembangan, Selangor. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti jenis media digital yang digunakan oleh komuniti perempuan Melayu serta membincangkan kegunaan media digital terhadap pembangunan diri dalam era digital. Instrumen kajian terdiri daripada satu set soal selidik yang diedarkan kepada subjek yang terlibat dan temu bual dirakam bagi tujuan kajian ini. Interaksi temu bual dianalisis dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis Wacana. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa komuniti perempuan Melayu menggunakan media digital untuk pembangunan sahsiah diri dan mereka berjaya menggunakan media digital tersebut dengan beretika. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan perangsang kepada komuniti perempuan Melayu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka mengikut peredaran semasa

    Conversational styles and gender: Analyzing informal conversation amongst students and lecturers at Universiti Putra Malaysia

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    Conversational styles provide a more meaningful feedback when the system needs to know not only the topic of the conversation, but also have an idea of the emotional content of the conversation and the conversational style of the interaction. Positive and negative attitudes can be detected based on the word choice of the speaker. This study is to find out how the differences in communication styles often lead to positive impact towards learning. This also includes the consequences of the communication including slower progression in language development. This study investigates whether the gender schemas have strong effects when men are minority at a university. This study consisted of 20 male and female students who were picked at random and a lecturer volunteered from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). The students’ conversation with the lecturers were taped and analyzed accordingly. It is found that good conversational styles often lead to positive impact towards learning. 12 students had good conversational styles and therefore lead to faster progression in language development. These students are female. 8 students failed to understand the importance of good conversational styles and therefore had slower progression in language development. The students were not exposed to the positive style of conversation. The students were taught the right way of communicating with the lecturers. This was done by the researcher. It is hoped that the students at UPM able to learn the right way of communicating with the lecturers at UPM

    Storyboard writing and adult learners: A pragmatic approach

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    A storyboard is essentially a timeline going from top to bottom, with the top occurring first. It is an expression of everything or even a rough sketch that will be contained in the program telling where the menu screens in a computer interface will look like, what pictures either still or moving will be seen when and for how long, what audio and text will accompany the images, either synchronously or hyperlinked or in other words allows us to see what the scene will look like. Typically, storyboards may be written documents and off-the-shelf storyboard pads for TV and video formats, adaptable for multimedia. The storyboard expresses, in one way or another, everything that can be seen or heard or experienced by the end-user of the multimedia program. It is more than a test-of-concept model, and just short of the final product specification document. Therefore, this paper investigates the content of discussion during storyboard writing and to investigate the meaning of the discussion. Five pairs of subjects were involved in this study. A task was given to each pair and the length of time for them to discuss about the layout and the content of the storyboard was 3 hours for each pair. The discussion will be taped and analyzed accordingly. The subjects were adult learners involved in a Language and Multimedia course ages between 33-40 years old, six female and four male. The subjects had no experience in storyboard writing. This paper uses the relevance theory (Sperber & Wilson 1985), an inferential approach to pragmatics

    Children’s emotions and its social meaning

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    The word emotion refers to a broad repertoire of perceptions, expressions of feelings and bodily changes. Emotion is a feeling that is private and subjective, a state of psychological arousal an expression or display of distinctive somatic and autonomic responses and actions commonly “deemed”, such as defending or attacking in response to a threat. This paper focuses on selected social stories to be story told to a group of asperger children in Malaysia. Social stories are a tool for teaching social skills to children with autism, asperger syndrome and related disabilities. The selected social stories would be based on Malaysian culture and the children’s emotions and conversation were videotaped and analysed its social meaning by using the content analysis approach. There are six basic emotions grouped in three pairs of opposites; joy and sadness, acceptance and disgust and anger and fear. Four asperger syndrome subjects from a school in Malaysia were chosen for the purpose of this study. Three social stories were read to them repeatedly for two hours a day in three weeks. Subsequently, the children were able to use the social stories in their everyday lives