8 research outputs found

    Interest and aesthetic towards quatrains

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    Malay quatrain was introduced to students who studied Malay language and literature in the universities from all over the world. It is one of the Malay literature genres. Therefore, this study aims to introduce Malay quatrain among Korean learners. The objectives of the study are to investigate and discuss Korean students’ perceptions and aesthetic values toward Malay quatrains. The subjects of the study involved a class of 18 university students in one of the universities in South Korea. All of the subjects are majoring in Malay-Indonesian Interpretation and Translation, thus, they have been exposed to Malay quatrains in the previous semester. The subjects were interviewed informally on their perceptions toward Malay quatrains. The subjects were divided into groups of threes and fours in order for them to discuss the Malay quatrain. The results of the study found that the subjects showed great interest and understanding toward the Malay quatrain and moreover, they had learned the aesthetic values in the Malay quatrains. The study has given implication toward educators and students who studied Malay language and literature in appreciating the Malay quatrain. It is hoped that future research will investigate in depth on the aesthetic values of two stanzas of Malay quatrains

    Conflict in translation of children folklore songs

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    TRANSLATION is a process where a person has to go through reading several times in order to have a good text. A person who is good in translation will know the target language very well. As such, that person will be able to understand the text very well and the process of comprehensibility, predictability and readability [1] will take place smoothly. A translator work is considered as tedious since the translator has to go through the process over and over again. At present, machine translation has played a major role in making the process easier and faster as compared to the traditional dictionary. Translation in a classroom will take place in a second language classroom. As such, the process of translation will be taught in the beginning of the class. The students who involve in the translation process will go through the same process as the person who is good in translation [2]. Subsequently, the students will have conflict in translation since they have not mastered the language

    Discourse in Colgate Palmolive television advertisement copy: Colgate maximum cavity protection

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    This study focuses on the discourse in Colgate Palmolive television advertisement copy: Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection. The objectives of the study are to identify and discuss the discourse in Colgate Palmolive video advertisement. This study will focus on the Colgate maximum cavity protection advertisement. The instrument is analysed by using the qualitative method. The Colgate advertisement copy is analysed by using Stubbs (1983) elements of discourse. Results from this study show that all the elements have helped in the process of identifying the predictability, phonotactics, intuition, analogies, grammaticality and conclusion

    Critical discourse analysis on copywriting in 2019 Malaysia aidilfitri television advertisements

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    Television advertisement is the main medium for brands of products or services to transmit messages to consumers. The copywriting in the advertisement should be intelligible in order for consumers to grasp the message. However, the contents of television advertisements nowadays do not use quality copy. Consumers feel that they have been cheated as the advertisements lead to misconception. In addition, the brands are not using consumers’ interest based on the contents of the advertisements. The contents are sometimes dubious and is not delivered properly among the consumers. With this, it is important to understand the discourse in the copywriting of the advertisements. Other than that, the content in Aidilfitri advertisements use a more emotional approach, hence it is more emotional and uses a more complex copy, as opposed to the product centric copy that only highlight the product benefits and features. Therefore, this study focuses on the implicit messages behind the complex emotional copy. This study applied the critical discourse analysis from Fairclough 1995, to reveal the implicit messages and hidden agenda from 2019 Malaysia Aidilfitri television advertisements. The objectives of this study are to identify and discuss the content and context of critical discourse in Malaysia Aidilfitri television advertisements’ copywriting. This is a qualitative study and the samples are eight 2019 Aidilfitri television advertisements which were recorded and analysed by using Fairclough’s 1995 three-dimension of critical discourse analysis. The threedimensions are textual analysis, discourse practice analysis and social practice analysis. The data obtained are analysed using Fairclough’s 1995 critical discourse analysis. In addition, two educational experts’ opinions will be sought to further strengthen the analysis of the textual, discourse and social practice analysis. As for objective 1, the results of the study revealed that the themes consist of family, tradition and value oriented. This showed that the themes compliment with the metaphor, repetition and conjunction used in the Aidilfitri television advertisements. Subsequently, the results for objective 2 showed that intertextuality of presupposition, metadiscourse and deny were used to influence the viewers perception while interdiscussion of narrative, argumentative expository and expressive were used to outline and make the storyline of the television advertisement more interesting. Consequently, the results for objective 3 revealed that the social practice analysis of economy, education and politics had influenced the type of copy used in the television advertisements. It can be seen that the study on critical discourse analysis on Malaysia Aidilfitri television advertisement will help consumers in better understanding and content with the copy. Also, the study implicates copywriters, product owner and advertisement agency in focusing on the quality of the copy in order to satisfy the needs of the consumers. It is hoped that this study will help them to plan and produce comprehensible and interesting copies for Malaysia festive advertisement copies

    Discourse of copywriting on Malaysian celebrity television advertisement

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    Copywriting is the text created by copywriters to promote products. However, lack of creativity and awareness from the copywriters created a negative acceptance from viewers and listeners. Therefore, this study is to identify the elements of critical discourse according to Fairclough (1995) in copywriting on Malaysian celebrity television advertisement and to analyse the impact of the element of critical discourse in copywriting on Malaysian celebrity television advertisement towards consumers. The samples of this study were 60 Malaysian celebrity television advertisements and 35 male and female students from University Putra Malaysia. The instruments of this study involve video observation and an interview. Malaysian television advertisements using Malaysian celebrity endorser are observed while the subjects are interviewed with a set of questions pertaining to their perception towards elements of critical discourse in Malaysian celebrity television advertisement. The video observation data is analysed through the first dimensions of critical discourse which is the textual analysis, while the answer from the interview are analysed on the second dimension which is discourse practice analysis. The results of the study revealed that the copies in advertisement have most of the elements from Fairclough (1995) theory. The results also revealed the subjects’ perceptions towards critical discourse in Malaysian celebrity television advertisement are important and are needed in television advertisement in order to have full understanding of the message. The overall results of this study show support towards Fairclough (1995) critical discourse analysis and his two out of three dimensions of discourse that was present for both the objectives in the study. It is hoped that this study helps copywriters in Malaysia with quality wiring in their copies, increase product owner’s knowledge on a quality copy for television advertisement

    Distraction in communication during discussion

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    Communication involves taking part in a discussion in order to learn, to help other people learn, to examiner issues, to share ideas, and to listen to the ideas and points of view of others. A discussion involves interaction among group members, a willingness to share ideas, and a willingness to respect others’ points of view. In other word, successful discussion involves leading and following, agreeing and disagreeing, contributing and questioning, exploring, expanding and focusing, evaluating, linking, responding, crediting, appreciating, and enjoying. However, distractions may happen in communication during discussion due to certain behaviours such as dominating, attacking, sarcasm about group members or their ideas, ridiculing, excluding, non-participation, lack of preparation, and often single-minded focus on task and many more. Therefore, this paper focuses on distraction in communication among secondary school students. The objectives of the study were to identify the theme and discuss the distraction during interaction. The samples of the study consisted of twelve subjects from a secondary school. The subjects were divided into groups of fours. They were given a task on storyboard for a video clip production. The activity took place in six weeks for three hours a week. The results of the study revealed that the subjects had given positive impact towards learning where they were actively involved in the task given

    Elements of critical discourse in copywriting on Malaysian celebrity television advertisement

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    This study focuses on the elements of critical discourse in copywriting on Malaysian celebrity television advertisements. The objectives of this study is to identify and discuss the elements of critical discourse in copywriting on Malaysian celebrity television advertisement videos. This study will focus on the textual analysis, one of the three dimensions of Fairclough’s (1995) critical discourse analysis. The data is analyzed by using the qualitative method. 10 Malaysian celebrity television advertisements copy were chosen as samples for this study. Results from this study have helped in the process of identifying the presence of the textual analysis sub categories which are grammar, theme, metaphor, repetition and conjunction. Therefore, it is hoped that further studies will be focus on the use of appropriate textual analysis in future advertisement copies

    Educational psychology manifestations in selected teen novels

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    The transition from childhood to adolescence provides a variety of experiences, stress and emotional turmoil to adolescents, especially in school. This indirectly requires the adolescents to manage their psychological elements wisely. One of the psychological elements that should be applied by the author in teen novels is educational psychology. In general, educational psychology is a branch of knowledge that discusses human behavior during the teaching and learning process. Starting from the opinion of literary scholars who stated the appropriateness of educational psychology elements applied by authors of adolescent novels in order to form, encourage and increase motivation in the learning of adolescents to pursue and achieve goals in their lives. In this regard, this study classifies and analyzes the psychological elements of adolescence found in the novel Bening Mata Seorang Dia (2019) by Adnie Bahiah. The Social Learning Theory founded by Albert Bandura was used as a basis in this study. Discussion found three dominant factors that influence the educational psychology of adolescent, which are family, teacher and environmental factors