187 research outputs found

    Analysis of Work Performance and Export Competitiveness in Province of Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the export performance of provinces in Indonesia, the effect of export and capital stock on the long-term and short-term economic growth of Indonesia and the competitiveness of provinces in exporting Indonesia's leading products. The panel data from 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2000-2016 is used in this study. The secondary data is consist of gross regional domestic product (GRDP), export value and gross fixed capital formation (GFCF). Export performance is measured using regional export performance index meanwhile, the effect of export and capital stock on long-term and short-term economic growth is analysed using cointegrated panel model and error correction model (ECM) panel. Finally, RCA dynamic is used in analysing export competitiveness. The results show that export performance of each province have various rating on the regional economies. Only 11 provinces have regional export performance index higher than while, meaning that only 33.3% of the total provinces, while the rest of the provinces have index that are less than one. This shows that only few provinces that can provide good performance of export. Based on the co-integrated test, there is a long-term relation between GRDP, export and GFCF. In both long-term and short-term, export and GFCF have positive impact on GRDP showing that the increase in export and/or GFCF will increase GRDP, which will results in economic growth. Furthermore, the results of RCA dynamic show that the export competitiveness is not always following the growth of national export segment. Indonesia's rubber and coal exports have negative growth of national export segment while export of palm oil, coffee and textile have positive growth

    Sociodemographic Factors Associated with Unfavorable Tradition among Post partum Women In Bangka Tengah, Bangka Belitung

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    Background: Dietary rules and regulations may govern particular phases of the human life cycle and may be associated with special events such as menstrual period, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and in traditional societies preparation for the hunt, battle, wedding, funeral, etc. Food taboos and restrictions are most commonly practised in relation to pregnancy. Pregnancy in various cultures is attended by many food taboos, beliefs, and restrictions, which are often influenced by traditional notions passed on from one generation to another. This study aimed to determine the association between maternal education and unfavourable traditional food restriction among pregnant women in Buton tribe, Bangka Belitung. Subjects and Method: This was a quantitative and qualitative study conducted in Buton tribe, Bangka Tengah, Bangka Belitung. A total of 65 postpartum women aged ≥20 years were selected for this study. The dependent variable was traditional food taboo and restriction in the postpartum period. The independent variables were age, education, and parity. Qualitative data were collected by in-depth interview, focus group discussion, and observation. The quantitative data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by chi-square test. Results: Of the 65 postpartum women under study, 62 (95%) aged ≥ 20 years, 53 (82%) had low education level, 49 (75%) were multiparous, and 55 (87%) practiced traditional tribal food restriction. Bivariate analysis showed a positive association between low education level and traditional tribal food restriction practice. Some of the traditional tribal practice were detrimental to maternal and child health. Conclusion: Low education level is associated with traditional tribal food restriction practice. Some of the traditional tribal practices were detrimental to maternal and child health. Keywords: traditional, food taboo, education, parity, postpartum women


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze problems in student discipline through Personal and Social Guidance Services that focus on student interaction in socializing at school in order to improve student discipline. The research method used is qualitative research that is literature study (library research). Based on the results of literature study, it is found that personal social guidance services can improve student discipline. Personal social guidance services can solve personal and social problems canalso help students in (a) change towards growth, (b) understand themselves fully and fully, (c) learn to communicate healthier, (d)practice new, healthier behaviors, (e) learning to express themselves fully and intact, (f) how individuals (students) can survive, and (g) relieving dysfunctional symptoms.Keywords: social personal guidance, disciplin

    Biogas Pilot Project of Animal Faeces in Meunasah Papeun: a Projection Towards Renewable Energy Development in Aceh

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    Aceh has a large potential of biogas energy development. According to Central Bureau of Statistic's data 2012, the total population of cattle in Aceh Province is 701,284. Since 2012, Yayasan Kemaslahatan Ummat – YKU (Kemaslahatan Ummat Foundation) has been developing a biogas energy program made from cow faeces in several subdistricts in Aceh Besar District. The first pilot project was conducted in Meunasah Papeun Village, Krueng Barona Jaya Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District. YKU has been designing reactors which are simple, easy, and affordable, thus they could be developed later on by the community. The biogas reactor is constructed from polyethylene (PE) plastic 0.5 mm, hence the unit price of a biogas reactor would not exceed IDR 10,000,000.- (or equal to EUR 646.25). The process of animal waste out of 100.000 cows would potentially yield biogas energy as much as 36.000 m3, or when biogas produced is going to be utilized for energy resources, it would be equal to 27 million litres of kerosene per year. If emission of CO2 is defined as the volume of energy used multiplied by CO2 emission factor ( 2.5359), then CO2 emission out of kerosene consumption is approximately 68.469.300 kg CO2 per year. On the other hand, about 187,6 ton of CO2 emission could be reduced per year. From economical perspective, the saving of kerosene at amount of 2,250 kilo litres is equal to IDR 22.5 billion (EUR 1,454,065.48) per month or IDR 270 billion (EUR 17,448,785.70) per year. From 2013 to 2014, YKU is being an implementing partner of USAID for Indonesia Clean Energy Development (ICED) Program, during which 20 household scale biogas reactors in Aceh Besar District are targeted to be developed with carbon emission target to be reduced as much as 281,000 kg CO2 per year. YKU is also developing biogas energy utilization program in all municipalities/districts in Aceh Province by involving all related stakeholders, those are local governments as well as private sectors through the scheme of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and also includes other third parties through the approach of community development and technical assistances for young generations in the villages to become biogas pioneers in each subdistrict in the whole Province of Aceh

    Pengaruh Keadilan Prosedural terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Tingkat Kepuasan Karyawan sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh langsung keadilan prosedural terhadap kinerja karyawan, (2) pengaruh langsung keadilan prosedural terhadap kepuasan karyawan, (3) pengaruh tidak langsung keadilan prosedural terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui kepuasan karyawan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian populatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dalam pengumpulan datanya. Teknik uji terpakai menggunakan uji validitas, dan uji reliabilitas. Pengujian hipotesis pertama dan kedua menggunakan uji regresi linear sederhana. Pengujian hipotesis ketiga menggunakan path analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) keadilan prosedural berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan yang ditunjukkan dengan X1 15,119, R Square sebesar 0,391, t hitung 5,999 > t tabel 1,672, (2) keadilan prosedural berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan karyawan yang ditunjukkan dengan koefisien X2 sebesar 38,838, R Square sebesar 0,308, t hitung 4,995 > 1,672, (3) keadilan prosedural berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui kepuasan karyawan yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya pengaruh mediasi t hitung 2,248 > t tabel 1,672, dan koefisien mediasi 0,0849

    Kajian Pengaruh Campuran Lemak Babi Terhadap Konstanta Dielektrik Lemak Ayam Menggunakan Metode Dielektrik

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang studi pengaruh campuran lemak babi terhadap konstanta dielektrik lemak ayam dengan metode dielektrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur konstanta dielektrik lemak ayam dengan menggunakan metode dielektrik. Selain itu juga diteliti pengaruh campuran lemak babi terhadap nilai konstanta dielektrik lemak ayam. Pengukuran konstanta dielektrik dilakukan pada campuran lemak ayam dan lemak babi dengan persentase berturut-turut sebesar 100%,0%; 0%,100%; 99,5%,0,5%; 99%,1%; 95%,5%; 90%,10%; 80%,20%; 70%,30%; 60%,40%; dan 50%,50%. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan plat kapasitor dari lempengan tembaga dengan ukuran 20 x 10 mm berjarak 5 mm yang ditengahnya diletakkan campuran lemak sebagai bahan dielektrik dan dihubungkan dengan LCR meter GW-Instek seri 816. Frekuensi yang digunakan berkisar antara 800 Hz sampai 2000 Hz. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode dielektrik mampu mengukur konstanta dielektrik lemak ayam. Peningkatan konsetrasi campuran lemak babi yang diberikan menyebabkan penurunan nilai konstanta dielektrik lemak ayam dengan kecenderungan linear


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran motivasi belajar siswa yang mengalami broken home pada siswa-siswi SMP Negeri 1 Arjasari. Terjadinya broken home pada siswa akan sangat berpengaruh bagi motivasi belajarnya. Ini dikarenakan banyak sekali siswa yang malas untuk belajar, bahkan melakukan hal kecil seperti membuka kembali pelajaran yang sudah dipelajari sudah jarang sekali dilakukan oleh siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif yang bersifat studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lima siswa SMP Negeri 1 Arjasari memiliki motivasi belajar yang tinggi, namun satu dari ke enam siswa memiliki motivasi yang rendah dalam belajar

    Uji Daya Simpan Dan Viabilitas Benih Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell-arg.) Tanpa Cangkang Terhadap Konsentrasi Larutan Osmotik Dan Lama Pengeringan

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    The seed of rubber is a kind of recalcitrant seeds which is have a low shelf life with the result thatquickly in deterioration so it needed a special treatment in storage period to maintain the seedviability. By using the osmotic solution concentration of Polyethylene Glycol 6000 and seed dryingwhich is very helpful in recalcitrant seed storage due to it has osmotic cell potential to restrict thealteration of water and oxygen capacity in seed. This research aimed to get the optimal of osmoticsolution concentrations and drying time to maintain the seed viability of Rubber. It conducted sinceApril until June 2013 in Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Agriculture Faculty, University of SumateraUtara. The research uses the completely randomized design with two treatments as factor and threereplications. The first factor is osmotic solution concentration of PEG 6000 of PEG 6000 : 0, 15,30, and 45 (% w/v) and other factor is drying period : 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 (hours). The results showed theosmotic solution concentration of PEG 6000 30% w/v significantly in seed growth rateafter storageperiod 3,49% etmal and maximum potential growth 64,22%. 4 hours drying period is the best inseed growth rateup to 3,49 3,89% etmalwith 66,94% maximum potential growth. The osmoticsolution concentrations of PEG 6000 30% w/v and 4-hour drying period is the best combination oftreatments which can seed growth rate up to 3,95% etmal with 66,67% maximum potential growth
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