7 research outputs found

    La Institución Teresiana en la Liga Católica de Mujeres Campesinas

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    In the last years of the government of Primo de Rivera by the initiative of Sisinio Nevares S.J., started in Valladolid the Catholic League of Women in Rural Areas with the purpose of improving their culture and their living conditions. He was inspired by the boerenbond system of great success in the Belgian agriculture. The Teresian Association was one of the main participants thinking that the project could be the means for an authentic renewal of teaching in rural areas. For the many factors analysed here it was not possible for the Teresian Association to continue in the project and in 1931 left it although that experience facilitated other endeavors of the same nature in America and in Spain.En los últimos años del gobierno primorriverista con iniciativa del P. Sisinio Nevares S.J., se crea en Valladolid la Liga Católica de Mujeres Campesinas en un intento de mejorar la cultura y las condiciones de vida de éstas. Le sirvió de modelo el sistema boerenbond, gran éxito de la agricultura belga. Entre los principales actores de la empresa estaba la Institución Teresiana que consideró que, el proyecto podría ser una auténtica renovación de la enseñanza en las áreas rurales. Por distintos factores que analizamos, no fue posible y esta Institución se retiró en 1931 aunque la experiencia le facilitaría empresas de este género en América y España

    La Institución Teresiana durante la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Una aproximación a su proyección educativa, social y pública

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    Despite its influence the Teresian Institute, founded by the priest Pedro Poveda in 1911, was little studied during the 1920s, not only educationally but also within its cultural and public scope. This group of catholic women –highlighting María de Echarri, Carmen Cuesta and Josefa Segovia– stand out by constituting a nucleus of women who were prepared and committed to re-Christian Spanish society at the time in the midst of a strong catholic-secular confrontation. A large number of them had obtained their degrees in the official Teachers’ Training College and carried out their professions as teachers in ordinary schools and as inspectors. Their collaboration with the rising Catholic Action for Women, their participation in the first National Congress of Catholic Education together with their own activities, show the significance of these catholic women in the social and political life but especially within the educational field in Spain during those years.Un grupo poco estudiado en los años 20 del pasado siglo a pesar de su influencia no solo en el ámbito educativo sino también en el cultural y público, es la Institución Teresiana, fundada por el sacerdote Pedro Poveda en 1911. Este grupo de mujeres católicas –entre las que destacan María de Echarri, Carmen Cuesta y Josefa Segovia–, destacan por constituir un núcleo de mujeres preparadas y empeñadas en recristianizar la sociedad española de estos años en medio de la dura confrontación catolicismo-laicismo. Buena parte de ellas habían obtenido sus títulos en la Escuela Superior de Magisterio y ejercían su profesión como profesoras de escuelas normales e inspectoras. La colaboración con la naciente Acción Católica de la Mujer, la participación en el Primer Congreso Nacional de Educación Católica así como sus propias actividades, dan cuenta de la significatividad de estas mujeres católicas en la vida social, política y sobre todo educativa de la España de esos años

    A systematic review of perception system and simulators for autonomous vehicles research

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    This paper presents a systematic review of the perception systems and simulators for autonomous vehicles (AV). This work has been divided into three parts. In the first part, perception systems are categorized as environment perception systems and positioning estimation systems. The paper presents the physical fundamentals, principle functioning, and electromagnetic spectrum used to operate the most common sensors used in perception systems (ultrasonic, RADAR, LiDAR, cameras, IMU, GNSS, RTK, etc.). Furthermore, their strengths and weaknesses are shown, and the quantification of their features using spider charts will allow proper selection of different sensors depending on 11 features. In the second part, the main elements to be taken into account in the simulation of a perception system of an AV are presented. For this purpose, the paper describes simulators for model-based development, the main game engines that can be used for simulation, simulators from the robotics field, and lastly simulators used specifically for AV. Finally, the current state of regulations that are being applied in different countries around the world on issues concerning the implementation of autonomous vehicles is presented.This work was partially supported by DGT (ref. SPIP2017-02286) and GenoVision (ref. BFU2017-88300-C2-2-R) Spanish Government projects, and the “Research Programme for Groups of Scientific Excellence in the Region of Murcia" of the Seneca Foundation (Agency for Science and Technology in the Region of Murcia – 19895/GERM/15)

    A Systematic Review of Perception System and Simulators for Autonomous Vehicles Research

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    This paper presents a systematic review of the perception systems and simulators for autonomous vehicles (AV). This work has been divided into three parts. In the first part, perception systems are categorized as environment perception systems and positioning estimation systems. The paper presents the physical fundamentals, principle functioning, and electromagnetic spectrum used to operate the most common sensors used in perception systems (ultrasonic, RADAR, LiDAR, cameras, IMU, GNSS, RTK, etc.). Furthermore, their strengths and weaknesses are shown, and the quantification of their features using spider charts will allow proper selection of different sensors depending on 11 features. In the second part, the main elements to be taken into account in the simulation of a perception system of an AV are presented. For this purpose, the paper describes simulators for model-based development, the main game engines that can be used for simulation, simulators from the robotics field, and lastly simulators used specifically for AV. Finally, the current state of regulations that are being applied in different countries around the world on issues concerning the implementation of autonomous vehicles is presented