31 research outputs found

    Brain-Computer Interfaces for 1-D and 2-D Cursor Control: Designs Using Volitional Control of the EEG Spectrum or Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials

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    We have developed and tested two EEG-based brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for users to control a cursor on a computer display. Our system uses an adaptive algorithm, based on kernel partial least squares classification (KPLS), to associate patterns in multichannel EEG frequency spectra with cursor controls. Our first BCI, Target Practice, is a system for one-dimensional device control, in which participants use biofeedback to learn voluntary control of their EEG spectra. Target Practice uses a KF LS classifier to map power spectra of 30-electrode EEG signals to rightward or leftward position of a moving cursor on a computer display. Three subjects learned to control motion of a cursor on a video display in multiple blocks of 60 trials over periods of up to six weeks. The best subject s average skill in correct selection of the cursor direction grew from 58% to 88% after 13 training sessions. Target Practice also implements online control of two artifact sources: a) removal of ocular artifact by linear subtraction of wavelet-smoothed vertical and horizontal EOG signals, b) control of muscle artifact by inhibition of BCI training during periods of relatively high power in the 40-64 Hz band. The second BCI, Think Pointer, is a system for two-dimensional cursor control. Steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) are triggered by four flickering checkerboard stimuli located in narrow strips at each edge of the display. The user attends to one of the four beacons to initiate motion in the desired direction. The SSVEP signals are recorded from eight electrodes located over the occipital region. A KPLS classifier is individually calibrated to map multichannel frequency bands of the SSVEP signals to right-left or up-down motion of a cursor on a computer display. The display stops moving when the user attends to a central fixation point. As for Target Practice, Think Pointer also implements wavelet-based online removal of ocular artifact; however, in Think Pointer muscle artifact is controlled via adaptive normalization of the SSVEP. Training of the classifier requires about three minutes. We have tested our system in real-time operation in three human subjects. Across subjects and sessions, control accuracy ranged from 80% to 100% correct with lags of 1-5 seconds for movement initiation and turning


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    Sleep deprivation, whether from disorder or lifestyle, whether acute or chronic, poses a significant risk in daytime cognitive performance, excessive somnolence, impaired attention or decreased level of motor abilities. Ischemic stroke resulting in cerebral lesions is a well-known acute disorder that leaves affected patients strongly vulnerable to sleep disturbances that often lead to the above-mentioned cognitive and attentional impairments. In this paper, we analyzed and compared sleep patterns of healthy sleepers and patients after stroke. To overcome the well-known limits of the standardized sleep scoring into several discrete sleep stages we employed the recently proposed probabilistic sleepmodel that represents the sleep process as a continuum in terms of a set of probability curves. The probability curves were considered to represent a form of functional data, and microstructure along with time dynamics of the curves were studied using functional principal components analysis and clustering. Although our study represents a preliminary attempt to separate the two groups of subjects, we were able to identify several physiologically separate sleep patterns and we also identified sleep microstate patterns being a potential source allowing the discrimination of healthy subjects and stroke patients

    Kernel PLS-SVC for Linear and Nonlinear Discrimination

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    A new methodology for discrimination is proposed. This is based on kernel orthonormalized partial least squares (PLS) dimensionality reduction of the original data space followed by support vector machines for classification. Close connection of orthonormalized PLS and Fisher's approach to linear discrimination or equivalently with canonical correlation analysis is described. This gives preference to use orthonormalized PLS over principal component analysis. Good behavior of the proposed method is demonstrated on 13 different benchmark data sets and on the real world problem of the classification finger movement periods versus non-movement periods based on electroencephalogram

    Independent Component Analysis for sleep-spindles detection using an Extended Infomax Algorithm and Fixed-point Algorithm.

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    We investigated the possibility to use the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) as a method for preprocessing the sleep EEG data with the aim to improve detection of sleep spindles - specific phenomena of sleep EEG recordings prevailingly occurring during the stage 2 of the sleep. We projected the strengths of individual Independent Components (ICs) onto the scalp sensors to detect potential spatial localization of sleep-spindles sources. We used two different algorithms for ICs separation with aim to compare the fitness of the algorithms in sleep-spindle detection problem. 1 Introduction Sleep spindles are specific phenomena of electroencephalograms (EEG), (i.e. recordings of the electrical activity of the brain ) during sleep. They may by defined as a group of rather broad frequency (11.5 - 15 Hz) oscillations with evidence for variability and heterogeneity [15]. Occurrence of sleep spindles is one criterion of standard criteria of sleep stages classification defined 30 years ago ..

    Analysis of Relations in Stochastic Systems

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    this article. The exact definitions of the terms like Lyapunov exponents, fractal dimension, Kolmogorov - Sinai entropy are out of the range of this paper. For better understanding the problematic we can recommend the literature mentioned above

    Time Alignment as a Necessary Step in the Analysis of Sleep Probabilistic Curves

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    Sleep can be characterised as a dynamic process that has a finite set of sleep stages during the night. The standard Rechtschaffen and Kales sleep model produces discrete representation of sleep and does not take into account its dynamic structure. In contrast, the continuous sleep representation provided by the probabilistic sleep model accounts for the dynamics of the sleep process. However, analysis of the sleep probabilistic curves is problematic when time misalignment is present. In this study, we highlight the necessity of curve synchronisation before further analysis. Original and in time aligned sleep probabilistic curves were transformed into a finite dimensional vector space, and their ability to predict subjects’ age or daily measures is evaluated. We conclude that curve alignment significantly improves the prediction of the daily measures, especially in the case of the S2-related sleep states or slow wave sleep

    Overview and recent advances in partial least squares

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    Partial Least Squares (PLS) is a wide class of methods for modeling relations between sets of observed variables by means of latent variables. It comprises of regression and classification tasks as well as dimension reduction techniques and modeling tools. The underlying assumption of all PLS methods is that th

    Determination of the number of components in the PARAFAC model with a nonnegative tensor structure: A simulated EEG data study

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    Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) is a powerful tool for detecting latent components in human electroencephalogram (EEG) in the time-space-frequency domain. As an essential parameter, the number of latent components should be set in advance. However, any component number selection method already proposed in the literature became a rule of thumb. Existing studies have demonstrated the methods’ performance on artificial data with a simplified structure, often not mimicking a real data character. On the other hand, the ground-truth latent structure is not always known for real-world data. With the objective to provide a comprehensive overview of component number selection methods and discuss their applicability to EEG, our study focuses on nontrivial and nonnegative simulated data structures resembling real EEG properties as closely as possible. This is achieved through an accurate head model and well-controlled cortical activation sources. By considering different noise levels and disruptions from the optimal structure, the performance of the twelve component number selection methods is closely inspected. Moreover, we validate a new approach for component number selection, which we recently proposed and applied to EEG tasks. We found that methods based on the eigenvalue analysis, variance explained, or presence of redundant components are inappropriate for component number selection in EEG tensor decomposition. On the other hand, three existing methods and the newly proposed approach produced promising results on nontrivial simulated EEG data. Nevertheless, component number selection for PARAFAC analysis of EEG is a complex yet unresolved problem, and new approaches are needed