120 research outputs found

    FPGA Energy Efficiency by Leveraging Thermal Margin

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    Cutting edge FPGAs are not energy efficient as conventionally presumed to be, and therefore, aggressive power-saving techniques have become imperative. The clock rate of an FPGA-mapped design is set based on worst-case conditions to ensure reliable operation under all circumstances. This usually leaves a considerable timing margin that can be exploited to reduce power consumption by scaling voltage without lowering clock frequency. There are hurdles for such opportunistic voltage scaling in FPGAs because (a) critical paths change with designs, making timing evaluation difficult as voltage changes, (b) each FPGA resource has particular power-delay trade-off with voltage, (c) data corruption of configuration cells and memory blocks further hampers voltage scaling. In this paper, we propose a systematical approach to leverage the available thermal headroom of FPGA-mapped designs for power and energy improvement. By comprehensively analyzing the timing and power consumption of FPGA building blocks under varying temperatures and voltages, we propose a thermal-aware voltage scaling flow that effectively utilizes the thermal margin to reduce power consumption without degrading performance. We show the proposed flow can be employed for energy optimization as well, whereby power consumption and delay are compromised to accomplish the tasks with minimum energy. Lastly, we propose a simulation framework to be able to examine the efficiency of the proposed method for other applications that are inherently tolerant to a certain amount of error, granting further power saving opportunity. Experimental results over a set of industrial benchmarks indicate up to 36% power reduction with the same performance, and 66% total energy saving when energy is the optimization target.Comment: Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) 201

    SCALE: Online Self-Supervised Lifelong Learning without Prior Knowledge

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    Unsupervised lifelong learning refers to the ability to learn over time while memorizing previous patterns without supervision. Previous works assumed strong prior knowledge about the incoming data (e.g., knowing the class boundaries) which can be impossible to obtain in complex and unpredictable environments. In this paper, motivated by real-world scenarios, we formally define the online unsupervised lifelong learning problem with class-incremental streaming data, which is non-iid and single-pass. The problem is more challenging than existing lifelong learning problems due to the absence of labels and prior knowledge. To address the issue, we propose Self-Supervised ContrAstive Lifelong LEarning (SCALE) which extracts and memorizes knowledge on-the-fly. SCALE is designed around three major components: a pseudo-supervised contrastive loss, a self-supervised forgetting loss, and an online memory update for uniform subset selection. All three components are designed to work collaboratively to maximize learning performance. Our loss functions leverage pairwise similarity thus remove the dependency on supervision or prior knowledge. We perform comprehensive experiments of SCALE under iid and four non-iid data streams. SCALE outperforms the best state-of-the-art algorithm on all settings with improvements of up to 3.83%, 2.77% and 5.86% kNN accuracy on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SubImageNet datasets.Comment: Submitted for revie

    Power and Reliability Management of SoCs

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    Today's embedded systems integrate multiple IP cores for processing, communication, and sensing on a single die as systems-on-chip (SoCs). Aggressive transistor scaling, decreased voltage margins and increased processor power and temperature have made reliability assessment a much more significant issue. Although reliability of devices and interconnect has been broadly studied, in this work, we study a tradeoff between reliability and power consumption for component-based SoC designs. We specifically focus on hard error rates as they cause a device to permanently stop operating. We also present a joint reliability and power management optimization problem whose solution is an optimal management policy. When careful joint policy optimization is performed, we obtain a significant improvement in energy consumption (40%) in tandem with meeting a reliability constraint for all SoC operating temperatures

    AdaFilter: Adaptive Filter Fine-tuning for Deep Transfer Learning

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    There is an increasing number of pre-trained deep neural network models. However, it is still unclear how to effectively use these models for a new task. Transfer learning, which aims to transfer knowledge from source tasks to a target task, is an effective solution to this problem. Fine-tuning is a popular transfer learning technique for deep neural networks where a few rounds of training are applied to the parameters of a pre-trained model to adapt them to a new task. Despite its popularity, in this paper, we show that fine-tuning suffers from several drawbacks. We propose an adaptive fine-tuning approach, called AdaFilter, which selects only a part of the convolutional filters in the pre-trained model to optimize on a per-example basis. We use a recurrent gated network to selectively fine-tune convolutional filters based on the activations of the previous layer. We experiment with 7 public image classification datasets and the results show that AdaFilter can reduce the average classification error of the standard fine-tuning by 2.54%

    Cool and save: Cooling aware dynamic workload scheduling in multi-socket CPU systems

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    Abstract — Traditionally CPU workload scheduling and fan control in multi-socket systems have been designed sep-arately leading to less efficient solutions. In this paper we present Cool and Save, a cooling aware dynamic workload management strategy that is significantly more energy ef-ficient than state-of-the art solutions in multi-socket CPU systems because it performs workload scheduling in tan-dem with controlling socket fan speeds. Our experimental results indicate that applying our scheme gives average fan energy savings of 73 % concurrently with reducing the max-imum fan speed by 53%, thus leading to lower vibrations and noise levels. I
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